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Tattoos For The Dead


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This topic has been discussed and rediscussed many times on this site. OT passages are sometimes referred to, but often dismissed as being under the Law or irrelevant for modern tattoo usage. After all, who nowadays actually tattoos (cuts) themselves for the dead?


Apparently, some do.



One tattooer referenced in this article says these memorial tattoos account for one-third to half of all tattoes she does.


Maybe that OT passage is more relevant than we thought.



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Memorial tattoos have long been common. Prior to widespread acceptance, when tattoos were mostly common among outlaw bikers and others looking to express their rebellion, they were not commonly seen but very common among them.


Outlaw bikers still are heavy into tattoos, and the memorial tattoos are very popular among them. This is also true of street gangs. Also common among both of these are tattoos which represent their having killed, and sometimes of having killed certain others.


Since having tattoos became popular and "cool" among not only rock stars, but the "lovelies" in Hollywood, memorial tattoos are among the popular ones. It's actually rather common around here to see someone sporting a cross tattoo with a banner across it with the dead persons name.


Unfortunately, since tattoos have become cool and acceptable among many Christians, this is something becoming seen more often among professing Christians as well.

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Oh, people are still getting tattoos for the dead. 

A family that I have known since my childhood lost a loved one a few years back.  Their grandson had a "Memorial Tattoo" inked on his arm, with the date 3-3-2009

He then got mad at me when I showed him undeniable proof that that was not the date that his PaPaw passed away.

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