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I just read several posts on Facebook posted by Christians, a few of which I actually know, talking about unbiblical, dangerous things.

1. Praying to angels.

2. Babies and children who died becoming angels.

The two overlapped in some of the conversations as some of these Christians talked about praying to their dead babies/children/grandchildren who they think are now their guardian angels.

Some Christians were comforting those who lost babies and children by telling them they are now angels in heaven. Some were saying the only way they can carry on is knowing their little babies now have their wings.

I know these sort of ideas have been around a long time but they seem to be growing. There have also been several books the past few years about supposed trips to heaven, encounters with angels and such. There is even a magazine on the market, I think it's simply called "Angels".

When it comes to the unsaved, I can understand why they might believe these sort of things, but there are so many who are professing Christians and those who seem to be biblical Christians (as far as one can tell) who believe these things too.

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One of the most Biblical pastors I ever had, believed and taught that angels "cohabited with women"(his words) in Genesis 6. So, yes. there are alot of strange beliefs surrounding them for some reason.

I can at least see a basis (right or wrong) for taking that view, but with regards to babies dying and becoming angels or our lost loved ones becoming our guardian angels, there is absolutely no basis whatsoever.

Scripture is 100% clear that angels are a separate created being, not something that comes into being when a human dies.
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So sad, some do get save I suppose, yet never learn nothing more than the milk of the Word, & all though their lives they lead people astray.

Heb 5:12 For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat.
Heb 5:13 For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.

So I suppose there's lots of baby Christians.

And it could be that they pick it up from books they may buy in what some call Christian Book Stores, & perhaps even some teachers read such books as well teaching them for truth.

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Many do not even know basic facts about angels. For example, there is not one record of them singing, no matter what all the songs say. Also, they don't have wings.

When such basic facts are missed, is it a wonder that people believe the other junk?

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Many do not even know basic facts about angels. For example, there is not one record of them singing, no matter what all the songs say. Also, they don't have wings.

When such basic facts are missed, is it a wonder that people believe the other junk?

The Bible usually says that angels 'speak' or 'shout' or 'cry'. Technically, therefore, you are correct, although I think some of those words could be appropriately used as synonyms for singing. However, Rev. 5:9 has the four beasts singing. I suppose those beasts are a form of angel? They have 6 wings each like the seraphims of Isaiah 6...

Oh, and yeah! Seraphims have wings! So angels can have wings, even though those that are recorded as being seen in interaction with men on the earth don't appear to have them. Edited by salyan
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Job 38:7 When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?

Who was it that sang together?

It only says "morning stars"; and nothing else. Some make them "angels" but it just don't say brother.

We do know that Jesus is "the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." right?...Yet Jesus was not physically crucified until a few thousand years after "planet Earth" was created...Also, in the confines of "time", the '"foundations of the earth" have not been "laid" at the time of Job 38. and not "all" of the "sons of God" existed at the time of Job 38 either because WE who are saved may be included in "all sons of God"... At the time Job 38. we, of course, were not born yet. In the following verse, God "lays the foundations of the earth" but it is in the FUTURE.....Isaiah 51:16 And I have put my words in thy mouth, and I have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand, that I may plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth, and say unto Zion, Thou art my people.

When God does that, the "cornerstone" (Jesus Christ) will be the "head of the corner", ALL of the saints, from Adam to Us will be there shouting for joy,("all of the sons of God")( including brother Job) and the twelve apostles will be there (the morning stars?) So in Job 38, if Job had had the "understanding" to know the correct answer to "where was thou when I laid the foundations of the earth", he might have said "I was there". That blows my mind. God could have asked anyone where he was 1000 years ago and it would take very little "understanding" to answer..."well, umm, I wasn';t born yet". So I think it could have been a "riddle" a "parable" or "prophecy" if you will. Some call me a Bible twister on this, but I consider it theory at this point. And it's no more absurd than "angels cohabiting with women"
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Jesus Christ is 'the bright and morning star', not 'the morning star'.

The Bible, God's Word, the scriptures, no where say angels can have wings. That is purely conjecture. Same thing with angels singing.

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Job 38:4 ¶ Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.

Yes, at that time the foundation had been laid, & God is asking where Job was at that time, of course, at that time, Job had not been born.

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Jesus Christ is 'the bright and morning star', not 'the morning star'.

The Bible, God's Word, the scriptures, no where say angels can have wings. That is purely conjecture. Same thing with angels singing.

And that ii correct, now who was the morning start that was singing?
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I don't know. God's word does not say, so I won't guess.

It could be the figure of speech prosopopoecia (personification) - things or actions represented as persons or actions.

The context is full of figures. (A figure is used for emphasis.)
Foundations of the earth. The earth has no foundation, literally. It spins in space.
The corner stone of the earth. The earth has no cornerstone, literally.
The cloud earth's garment. The earth is not a person, to wear a garment. Nor are clouds garments.

And so it goes on. Figurative language, making the truth even more vivid than the literal truth. God's wisdom is exhibited in so many activities, even in the inanimate creation and created items.

God's opinion of Elihu's words are so different from what most people think. Elihu mixes some truth and error together, to finish the job which Satan had started. God says to Job concerning Elihu's address: Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge? Elihu's words are not just dark. His words made the counsel Job was receiving (from his miserable comforters) darker.

God wanted Job to come to Him for answers, rather than the three 'friends', and certainly more than darker counseling Elihu.

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.Isaiah 51:16 And I have put my words in thy mouth, and I have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand, that I may plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth, and say unto Zion, Thou art my people.
and.........1 Peter 2:6 Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded.

When this happens, in the future, Job WILL be there, along with every saint who has ever lived and ever will live, thus "all the sons of God" from all of the ages, will truly "shout for joy" at that time. Yet God is ALREADY THERE. and from His perspective it has ALREADY happened be cause God "inhabiteth eternity". ... :hide:

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