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I read the preachers hall of fame and...

Doc Flay

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You can do a search & find out what his beliefs are, its easily found, just do a search for "Billy Graham + false teacher," or click on the link I provided. He did start out fairly good, but that quickly changed. he yokes together with anyone that will join in with him, & at his crusades the counselors has to agree if to ask anyone that comes forward to ask them what church they prefer, if the say Catholic, they cannot counsel them, they have to send them to a Catholic counselor.

That is if counselors happens to be a Baptist & believe your saved by grace though faith they cannot tell someone who prefers Catholic how to really be saved, they must send them to the false teaching counselor.

Plus he says all Catholics are saved, even though the catholic church does not really teach people how to be saved, all they do is teach a false hope.

Plus he has proclaimed there will be people in heaven that does not know who Jesus is, when the fact is no one enters heaven except though Jesus.

Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Before recommending anyone, a person should throughly check that person out, do research to see what they teach & believe.

As has already been stated, John r. Rice started out with him, but soon left him because of his false beliefs.

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Just viewed some u-tube postings on Billy Graham's interview with Larry King and Dr. Sculler a preacher from California, and I think I understand why you are saying what you are saying about his new viewpoints, Sorry I didn't know that he had softened his view on Christianity, and has made the Muslim religion equal to the Christian faith. How tragic to destroy a lifetime ministry for a couple of interviews with liberal minded thinkers and left wing pressure. Although I will still always cherish his preaching of the forties, fifties, and the sixties, of the last century.

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You can do a search & find out what his beliefs are, its easily found, just do a search for "Billy Graham + false teacher," or click on the link I provided. He did start out fairly good, but that quickly changed. he yokes together with anyone that will join in with him, & at his crusades the counselors has to agree if to ask anyone that comes forward to ask them what church they prefer, if the say Catholic, they cannot counsel them, they have to send them to a Catholic counselor.

That is if counselors happens to be a Baptist & believe your saved by grace though faith they cannot tell someone who prefers Catholic how to really be saved, they must send them to the false teaching counselor.

Plus he says all Catholics are saved, even though the catholic church does not really teach people how to be saved, all they do is teach a false hope.

Plus he has proclaimed there will be people in heaven that does not know who Jesus is, when the fact is no one enters heaven except though Jesus.

Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Before recommending anyone, a person should throughly check that person out, do research to see what they teach & believe.

As has already been stated, John r. Rice started out with him, but soon left him because of his false beliefs.

Just viewed some u-tube postings on Billy Graham's interview with Larry King and Dr. Sculler a preacher from California, and I think I understand why you are saying what you are saying about his new viewpoints, Sorry I didn't know that he had softened his view on Christianity, and has made the Muslim religion equal to the Christian faith. How tragic to destroy a lifetime ministry for a couple of interviews with liberal minded thinkers and left wing pressure. Although I will still always cherish his preaching of the forties, fifties, and the sixties, of the last century.

Thank you for the info. I will do more research on Dr. Graham and what he now believes as apposed to his past beliefs. Edited by Doc Flay
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You can do a search & find out what his beliefs are, its easily found, just do a search for "Billy Graham + false teacher," or click on the link I provided. He did start out fairly good, but that quickly changed. he yokes together with anyone that will join in with him, & at his crusades the counselors has to agree if to ask anyone that comes forward to ask them what church they prefer, if the say Catholic, they cannot counsel them, they have to send them to a Catholic counselor.

That is if counselors happens to be a Baptist & believe your saved by grace though faith they cannot tell someone who prefers Catholic how to really be saved, they must send them to the false teaching counselor.

Plus he says all Catholics are saved, even though the catholic church does not really teach people how to be saved, all they do is teach a false hope.

Plus he has proclaimed there will be people in heaven that does not know who Jesus is, when the fact is no one enters heaven except though Jesus.

Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Before recommending anyone, a person should throughly check that person out, do research to see what they teach & believe.

As has already been stated, John r. Rice started out with him, but soon left him because of his false beliefs.

Yes, I will go to the link you provide right now, and research more about Billy Grahm. Franklin, his son, I undersatnd is taking over the ministry; I read his biography, and was intreged and curious about his preaching, so I listened to him on Moody Radio; and he sounded straight forward to me. I wonder if he holds the same views as his father.
I know what you are talking about when you mention the Catholics; because a year and a half ago I was witnessing to my brother-in-law, who is a Catholic, and he told me that his priest said, that being born again was a protestant doctrine. with that kind of teaching how can any one get saved.
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Yes, I will go to the link you provide right now, and research more about Billy Grahm. Franklin, his son, I undersatnd is taking over the ministry; I read his biography, and was intreged and curious about his preaching, so I listened to him on Moody Radio; and he sounded straight forward to me. I wonder if he holds the same views as his father.
I know what you are talking about when you mention the Catholics; because a year and a half ago I was witnessing to my brother-in-law, who is a Catholic, and he told me that his priest said, that being born again was a protestant doctrine. with that kind of teaching how can any one get saved.

Many there be that find out this stuff about Mr. Graham, & still supports him. Its a sad situation. He may have led many to the Lord, yet by the same token he has led many to a false hope, & its harder to win someone to Christ that has a false hope than someone with no hope.

An elderly Christian woman once told me, "Brother Jerry, any pastor that the world loves & accepts, you can be assured, that man is not holding to God's truths, for if he did, the world would not love him."
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Many there be that find out this stuff about Mr. Graham, & still supports him. Its a sad situation. He may have led many to the Lord, yet by the same token he has led many to a false hope, & its harder to win someone to Christ that has a false hope than someone with no hope.

An elderly Christian woman once told me, "Brother Jerry, any pastor that the world loves & accepts, you can be assured, that man is not holding to God's truths, for if he did, the world would not love him."

It's a shame he started out so well but then fell to the temptation to use the methods of the world rather than stand upon the way God commands.

No doubt many have come to Christ through his ministry, but there is also no doubt many have come to false salvation and many have been directed to false "churches" where they have been indoctrinated into false religious beliefs.

Billy Graham is greatly responsible for the lack of separation among professing Christians and for the yoking together with false religionists and those who teach a false gospel and those who distort the Word of God, whether Catholics, Episcopals, United Methodists or others. Billy Graham promoted the mingling of the world with Christianity which has given us generations of worldly "Christians".
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Yes, I will go to the link you provide right now, and research more about Billy Grahm. Franklin, his son, I undersatnd is taking over the ministry; I read his biography, and was intreged and curious about his preaching, so I listened to him on Moody Radio; and he sounded straight forward to me. I wonder if he holds the same views as his father.
I know what you are talking about when you mention the Catholics; because a year and a half ago I was witnessing to my brother-in-law, who is a Catholic, and he told me that his priest said, that being born again was a protestant doctrine. with that kind of teaching how can any one get saved.

I have read through the sights you have suggested and am puzzled; because their is a list of so many false teachers, and one is of which I have admired for years, and that is Jack Chick. He has gospel tracts in cartoon form, that are very popular in soulwinning, and they are very useful and affective; but why is he on this list of false teachers?
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I have read through the sights you have suggested and am puzzled; because their is a list of so many false teachers, and one is of which I have admired for years, and that is Jack Chick. He has gospel tracts in cartoon form, that are very popular in soulwinning, and they are very useful and affective; but why is he on this list of false teachers?

While I don't know what list you are referring to, most often the problem comes from his acceptance of false reports made by a former Catholic who was a proven liar and criminal throughout much of his life.

I agree, there are some good tracts from Chick, but his works based upon that Catholic priest are based upon lies the priest concocted for monetary gain. I don't know what the website was, perhaps it can be found in a search, but there was a couple of websites which documented the falsehoods and criminal life of that former Catholic priest.
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While I don't know what list you are referring to, most often the problem comes from his acceptance of false reports made by a former Catholic who was a proven liar and criminal throughout much of his life.

I agree, there are some good tracts from Chick, but his works based upon that Catholic priest are based upon lies the priest concocted for monetary gain. I don't know what the website was, perhaps it can be found in a search, but there was a couple of websites which documented the falsehoods and criminal life of that former Catholic priest.

Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savour: so doth a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honour. Ecclesiastes 10:1

Why don't alot of people check those stories out before passing them on?
(these aren't directed at you, John81)
Every person inherits their blood from their father... Truth? A person inherits their blood from BOTH mother and father.
You can get AIDS off a doorknob Then most of us should have it by now.
Jacques Cousteau heard screams from Hell at the bottom of the ocean. Were you there? Did you check the facts?
Behemoth was a dinosaur Really? And you know this fact......for sure?
Noah's son committed a homosexual act on is Father The Bible says that Ham SAW his father's nakedness, no more, and no less.
Black people were meant to be slaves because of Noah's curse No, people were made slaves because of greed and bigotry like yours..
"Angels cohabited with women".....The Bible only says the "sons of God" took WIVES...you know...marriage?
If you don't tithe, God will get His money via the mechanic or the doctor You tithe and the doctor and mechanic get it anyway.
The Bible says sheep are dumb.. . Do you even know what "dumb" means?
Sheep are the only domestic animal that cannot survive in the wild. Really? have you researched the facts?
I"m the undershepherd Is "undershepherd" in your KJB?
Goats are always butting...but sheep are harmless. Translation: "if you disagree with me, you must be a goat" .Even ewes (females) butt, and a ram (male) is dangerously aggressive. They can and will kill you. This is a documented fact. Never turn your back on a ram.
Don't mess with me...because I'm God's anointed Why do you conveniently forget to tell God's people that THEY are anointed too?

I guess if one can't captivate stupid sheep with the Gospel, baffle them with baloney. Why not do as my "liberal" "watered down" pastor does: just stick with preaching the Lord Jesus Christ and Him crucified, Hell hot and eternity long? Huh? He also taught us one Sunday night that exaggerators and truth embellishers are actually liars....... Edited by heartstrings
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I have read through the sights you have suggested and am puzzled; because their is a list of so many false teachers, and one is of which I have admired for years, and that is Jack Chick. He has gospel tracts in cartoon form, that are very popular in soulwinning, and they are very useful and affective; but why is he on this list of false teachers?

Perhaps many of those that you have held in high esteem was not near what you thought they were.

Perhaps we need to be very careful who we hold in high esteem, who we praise, who we recommend. Especially those we do not know, never been around, that we are not around enough day to day to know what life they live.

Perhaps during this time we need to reserve all glory for our Savior, & He be the one we always hold in high esteem, that we praise, set up on a pedestal. After all He is the only one that will never let us down, never forsake us, never leave us.

There is a very few pastors, deacons, Christians, I would recommend, but they are all local, that I have observed. Those TV pastors, preachers, & so on, I know not enough about them to hold them up high, recommend.

The only hall of fame I care for, as far as humans are concerned, is the one in the pages of the Bible, the one that’s located in Hebrews 11, its is a hall of fame created by God. God inspired it, so we can be assure it is correct & exact.

I noticed this about the Bible, most of those it speaks of, it tells both the good & bad about them. But here on earth when it comes to this subject, if you point out the bad, someone always get offended, saying if you can’t say something good about a person, don’t say nothing about them. If that was a truth from God, them no Christian would ever be able to point out false teachers without sinning.

Plus remember this, Christians are not the majority, the lost people are the majority, most churches teach false teachings, most church do not even teach people how to be saved. So most preachers will be false teachers. There is man hanging around the wide gate, there be few at the narrow strait gate, all the actions is at the wide gate, & most people loves to be where the action is taking place.

Remember the words Jesus said?

Mt 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
Mt 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Mt 7:15 ¶ Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Mt 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
Mt 7:17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
Mt 7:18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Mt 7:19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Mt 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
Mt 7:21 ¶ Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Mt 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
Mt 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
Mt 7:24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:
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Thank you, that was an excellent reply, and answered my question, very well. I suppose what I am hung-up-on, so-to-speak, is the words used in such an accusation; they seem to be harsh and over bearing. "False teacher", to me seems to indicate that the one being accused of, is not in-Christ at all; but rather, if I dare to say, of spirit of anti-Christ. Please correct me if I am wrong in this assumtion.

in the fear of the Lord
Doc Flay

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Chick tracts has many publications featuring Alberto, a former Jesuit preast. And I have read two of these comic format publications; although I had no idea that they had been fabricated. It was back in the eighties when I had read them. They were of interest to me because I came from a Catholic background, and wanted to be a witness to my family.

in the Fear of the Lord
Doc Flay

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A false teacher can be saved or unsaved. Some false teachers know they are false teachers while others are thinking they are doing the Lord's work but are in error.

This is why Scripture tells us over and over again we are to be in the Word, meditating therein day and night. The Bereans were held up as an example for us to follow, teaching us that no matter who is preaching/teaching, we need to check what they say with Scripture to see if they speak the truth.

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