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A Quote


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One could spend a lifetime in the study of false cults and isms and never come to the end of it. Rather let him come to know his Bible and his Lord so well that no false Christ can lead him astray. -Vance Havner

I sent that quote to my associate pastor who is preparing a sermon dealing with false teachings and how to beware...and safe in Christ!
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I sent that quote to my associate pastor who is preparing a sermon dealing with false teachings and how to beware...and safe in Christ!

Yes. But there are so many false teachers out there, & we - & our folk - need great discernment even to recognise as false those who claim to preach the Bible, & support all they say with Bible quotations.

My main dealings with sects have been with JWs - their method is to state a teaching & support with a text. At that point we must say, "Stop! What does that text teach in it's context." Refuse to let them rush on.
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I sent that quote to my associate pastor who is preparing a sermon dealing with false teachings and how to beware...and safe in Christ!

Our associate pastor preached from 2 Peter 2:1-3 this morning and he used that quote in his sermon!

Great sermon too! The main focus as far as examples go was Mormons and the "God wants you happy and having a wonderful life right now" preachers.

Excellent sermon, and practical as he pointed us continually to Scripture as our means of knowing truth from error.
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"When I preach I sin,
when I pray I sin,
my very repentance needs repenting of,
and my tears need washing in the blood of Jesus Christ". -Unknown

The statement was made by Horatius Bonar in his book "God's Way of Holiness" in 1864.
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