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To Tell, or To Hear Some New Thing


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In that case, unless it can fit under the category of Philippians 4:8 or Hebrews 10:24, I would agree with you that such things are not right either.

I think the verses you posted are on target.
Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Hebrews 10:24 And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:

We can use time wisely or on the sensational or spectacular and miss things spoken of in Phil. 4:8.

Colossians 4:5 Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.

And for us between each other and toward those not brothers and/or sisters there is Ephesians 5:1-17.
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I'm still waiting on the answer!

If you don't know how to explain.....sit down

I understand what you're saying. There are other times the sin or offense is pointed out by the messenger. Then there are times when individuals must find the answer that help they need by introspection in the full light of the scriptures. Many times patience is given as the answer to things which appear as a crisis to us.

The Psalmist (37:9) would have us wait upon the LORD as would Isaiah (8:17 and 40:31).

James 1:4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

Sometimes this world makes us get in too big of a hurry. Thomas had to wait a week for the most important thing in his life. I can't tell you to close your eyes and fall backward on the bed seven times and you will receive an answer. I can say God's timing isn't always ours and to read God's word about trust and the O.T. saints. Edited by 1Tim115
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I agree with all of that, John81. As I said, I asked for an explanation and got none.
I'm a business owner, howbeit a not so successful one these days it seems. I have to actively market my products, make purchasing decisions, learn new software, deal with clients, Much of my work has to do with mechanical drawings, graphics design, robotic tool setup and hundreds of other tasks which take intense concentration. I have to admit; God is also not in my thoughts when I'm concentrating on compiling a quotation for a prospect or client where one math mistake could make the difference between not getting the job at all, or losing my shirt on it.. Not only that, I have no one to tell me what my next move is going to be. In that respect, sometimes being self employed is not all it's cracked up to be because my job alone forces me to take the initiative on pretty much everything. A few months ago, work got so slow that I went job hunting. . I consider that a "hands on" move as well because I had to take the initiative in that situation.Didn't get a job but I tried. Now I'm in the process of dealing with the state, county, and a structural engineer, to try to break into the outdoor advertising business. I'm just dense I guess because I still don't get it. I have to keep my 'hands on' for now.

Even when we follow Christ we still have to be active. It's not a matter of us sitting back, doing nothing and just waiting for the Lord to drop something into our lap. Sadly, there are some of the "just let go and let God" folks who do just that.

Such as needing work, we should certainly seek the Lord in prayer concerning such. Pray for work, pray for the Lord to guide us to the work, to the right work, etc. Then we have to put feet to our faith and prayers by looking for work, or trying to drum up business, all while praying the Lord would lead us and help us to recognize doors He has opened and the ones He has closed.

There really is not simple formula, though some try to talk as if there is. It comes down committing ourselves to submit to the Lord every day. Then, throughout each day, we have to be continually striving to keep Christ in our sights, keeping in prayer, and considering the Lord's will as we face decisions throughout each day.

The only "formula" to success in doing this is to strive to do this every day for the rest of our lives. Over time, if we continue to strive to yield ourselves to Christ in all things, we will notice that in some areas we see progress. Over time, we should see more progress.

We are all going to stumble and we will fall, but if we are sincere in our efforts to follow Christ we will stand back up, repent of our failing, and determine to press on in Christ. We may stumble or even fall several times a day or week, but over time, if we continue seeking Christ in all things, these should lessen and we should be able to look back and see where a few years ago we continually stumbled in one area that we no longer stumble in!

Of course, once we have come to walk rightly with Christ in one area of our lives, the Lord will show us another area that needs attention.

It's a lifetime process of pursuing holiness.

Some Christians are well meaning when they tell us things like you have mentioned, and then there are those who, as they say "just let go and let God" are trying to lift themselves up at our expense as they view themselves as better, more spiritual or holier than us. Both can be a problem, but the first group can sometimes be talked with since they really want to help, but the second group is most often best to ignore and pray for.
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Even when we follow Christ we still have to be active. It's not a matter of us sitting back, doing nothing and just waiting for the Lord to drop something into our lap. Sadly, there are some of the "just let go and let God" folks who do just that.

Such as needing work, we should certainly seek the Lord in prayer concerning such. Pray for work, pray for the Lord to guide us to the work, to the right work, etc. Then we have to put feet to our faith and prayers by looking for work, or trying to drum up business, all while praying the Lord would lead us and help us to recognize doors He has opened and the ones He has closed.

There really is not simple formula, though some try to talk as if there is. It comes down committing ourselves to submit to the Lord every day. Then, throughout each day, we have to be continually striving to keep Christ in our sights, keeping in prayer, and considering the Lord's will as we face decisions throughout each day.

The only "formula" to success in doing this is to strive to do this every day for the rest of our lives. Over time, if we continue to strive to yield ourselves to Christ in all things, we will notice that in some areas we see progress. Over time, we should see more progress.

We are all going to stumble and we will fall, but if we are sincere in our efforts to follow Christ we will stand back up, repent of our failing, and determine to press on in Christ. We may stumble or even fall several times a day or week, but over time, if we continue seeking Christ in all things, these should lessen and we should be able to look back and see where a few years ago we continually stumbled in one area that we no longer stumble in!

Of course, once we have come to walk rightly with Christ in one area of our lives, the Lord will show us another area that needs attention.

It's a lifetime process of pursuing holiness.

Some Christians are well meaning when they tell us things like you have mentioned, and then there are those who, as they say "just let go and let God" are trying to lift themselves up at our expense as they view themselves as better, more spiritual or holier than us. Both can be a problem, but the first group can sometimes be talked with since they really want to help, but the second group is most often best to ignore and pray for.

This is good for things that require us to get off our backside and let God work through our activities but, in the case of purely spiritual desires our activity is searching the scriptures, prayer, and waiting on the Lord.

For instance, I've heard things like You'll never amount to anything for God until you "take your hands off your life".

Thomas wasn't there when the Lord first appeared to the assembled disciples. He would not believe until he saw for himself the evidence of a resurrected Christ. He had to wait a week. Again patience was required, for the most important answer Thomas could ask.

I believe the Lord is working in Heartstring's "for instance." We may not see him actively involved but we know he will not forsake us. Abraham and Sarah had to wait for Isaac. The Israelites had to wait 400 years in Egypt. We had to wait for Jesus Christ to come and provide faith through grace. I'm adding Heartstrings to my daily prayers for an answer to 'as to what "taking your hands off your life" was' or is. Maybe God wanted me to hear about this and pray for him...we don't know.

However, this entire discussion is profitable and uplifting whereas, some are not. I think it was more important to find out about Heartstring's need than, "Grandma the Dallas Cowboy cheerleader."
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"This is good for things that require us to get off our backside and let God work through our activities but, in the case of purely spiritual desires our activity is searching the scriptures, prayer, and waiting on the Lord."

Very good point for each of us to remember.

No doubt each of us, including our brother Heartstrings, are at different levels of spiritual growth and God is dealing with each of us in various and often different areas of our lives.

The fact Heartstrings asks questions and seeks answers is good and something we should all do.

One of the reasons we are commanded to bear one anothers burdens is because so often, where one is weak, another is strong. As Scripture says, a three cord strand is not easily broken, that's true even if one of the strands isn't as strong as the other two.

I've known folks who were born again and never once had another desire to smoke or drink, while others struggled with such temptation and sin for months or years before overcoming. That's just an example, but the picture applies to other areas.

I'm thankful to all who have and all who continue to be a help in teaching me, providing edification, comfort, strength and encouragement.

I'm also thankful when brothers/sisters reach out for help, are eager to learn, want to grow, etc.

We need one another, we were not meant to walk in Christ alone, we need that iron sharpening iron effect.

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Yes, but we have to consider something else, a topic that is uplifting to one Christian, may not be uplifting to another Christian, simply because each of our needs are different, each or our weakness & strengths may be different, & we are at different points in our walk with God.

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The Athenians weren't looking for the truth just whatever would titillate their minds. They liked to used big words and fair speeches to inflate their egos and "one up" each other. Basically what the Pharisees did with religion the philosophers of Greece did with education. If you are seeking wisdom that is the truth there is nothing wrong with that. I don't believe God wants a bunch of dumbells.

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The Athenians weren't looking for the truth just whatever would titillate their minds. They liked to used big words and fair speeches to inflate their egos and "one up" each other. Basically what the Pharisees did with religion the philosophers of Greece did with education. If you are seeking wisdom that is the truth there is nothing wrong with that. I don't believe God wants a bunch of dumbells.

There is no room for "one up"-man-ship in Christianity. Jesus was very direct and to the point when the disciples desired the highest or the more important position.

24 And there was also a strife among them, which of them should be accounted the greatest.
25 And he said unto them, The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors.
26 But ye shall not be so: but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as he that doth serve.
Luke 22:24-26
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There is no room for "one up"-man-ship in Christianity. Jesus was very direct and to the point when the disciples desired the highest or the more important position.

24 And there was also a strife among them, which of them should be accounted the greatest.
25 And he said unto them, The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors.
26 But ye shall not be so: but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as he that doth serve.
Luke 22:24-26

Reminds me of the dictator of North Korea whose subjects bow down to and worship in fear, calling him "our dear leader" which is the same as calling him a benefactor when, in reality, he is a self-serving tyrant.
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Reminds me of the dictator of North Korea whose subjects bow down to and worship in fear, calling him "our dear leader" which is the same as calling him a benefactor when, in reality, he is a self-serving tyrant.

Jesus reminds you of a tyrant???
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Yes, but we have to consider something else, a topic that is uplifting to one Christian, may not be uplifting to another Christian, simply because each of our needs are different, each or our weakness & strengths may be different, & we are at different points in our walk with God.

That's one of the great things about God, He can take any sermon preached in accord with His will and have a specific message in there that is for each hearer.

Of course that doesn't apply to things like OB or other message boards, but I do love how God can give a pastor a sermon that has something to say to all who hear the sermon.
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The Athenians weren't looking for the truth just whatever would titillate their minds. They liked to used big words and fair speeches to inflate their egos and "one up" each other. Basically what the Pharisees did with religion the philosophers of Greece did with education. If you are seeking wisdom that is the truth there is nothing wrong with that. I don't believe God wants a bunch of dumbells.

True, they were much like many in academia today, simply looking for something new or different to latch onto, not actually seeking truth or any real foundation to stand upon.
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snapback.pngheartstrings, on 04 March 2012 - 03:54 PM, said:

snapback.png1Tim115, on 04 March 2012 - 02:24 PM, said:

snapback.pngWilchbla, on 04 March 2012 - 01:51 AM, said:

The Athenians weren't looking for the truth just whatever would titillate their minds. They liked to used big words and fair speeches to inflate their egos and "one up" each other. Basically what the Pharisees did with religion the philosophers of Greece did with education. If you are seeking wisdom that is the truth there is nothing wrong with that. I don't believe God wants a bunch of dumbells.
There is no room for "one up"-man-ship in Christianity. Jesus was very direct and to the point when the disciples desired the highest or the more important position.

24 And there was also a strife among them, which of them should be accounted the greatest.
25 And he said unto them, The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors.
26 But ye shall not be so: but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as he that doth serve.
Luke 22:24-26
Reminds me of the dictator of North Korea whose subjects bow down to and worship in fear, calling him "our dear leader" which is the same as calling him a benefactor when, in reality, he is a self-serving tyrant.

Jesus reminds you of a tyrant???

What text did I bold? ...and who is that referring to?

I guess I missed that...I apologize. Edited by 1Tim115
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