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Is It Wrong to Vote for the Lesser of Two Evils?

Brother Rick

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I was watching a debate the other day and it made me sick how Romney and Santorum were going back and forth talking about what bailouts were good and what bailouts were bad, right after Santorum just got done explaining why he voted for something but now was running against what he voted for in the past.

What a breath of fresh air when Ron Paul said something like, "Bailouts are never good, that's like saying if a man goes into a bank and robs it and gets away with it, it was good, but if he gets caught then it's not good."

The people who work in Washington are so blind to the fact that they have no right to do what they've been doing for years and years. I'm amazed we still have a Constitution.

Most all politicians sent to Washington are nothing more than legalized mobsters.
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Mt 7:21 ¶ Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Mt 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
Mt 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

It seems all of theses were at peace, perhaps even dying in peace, had a clear conscience, & even telling Jesus all the wonderful things they had done, & also perhaps mad, because Jesus did not accept them & their idea of what is right in the sight of God.

I have known several people that died in peace, that believed because they had been baptized into the church of Christ that God will not say the things in the above verse to them & they would be secure in heaven for eternity.

And it seems that many that are members of the RCC die in peace after their priest have given them what they call the last rites.

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I was asked a question and I gave an honest response.

I am completely at peace with myself and God. One question I do have, is how can you equate being Christian with being Republican or supporting a conservative politician. I am not liberal, really. I am an independent voter. I vote for Republicans and Democrats, whoever I think will be the best candidate. I don't see how that has anything remotely to do with my faith in Christ.

Where do you come up with these things? I've not said being a Christian has anything to do with voting Repub or supporting conservative candidates. There are as many Repubs and so-called conservatives that are unworthy of a Christians votes as there are Dems. Why vote for candidates that lie to our faces?

Myself, I'm an independent and I vote, or withhold my vote, based upon the Word of God.
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I don't really support any of the nominations. I liked Cain but the media effectively eliminated him. However I refuse to sit around and let Obama take away my religious freedom. It looks like Romney will get the nom and if that's the case I will have to vote for him. I won't be happy about it but I see no other choice. Any movement back to the right is better than no movement at all.

Actually we don't "have to" vote for any of them and we do have a choice, even if that's refusing to vote for either of them.

If Romney is elected he won't move the country to the right at all. Romney isn't the least bit conservative. Not to mention the history of Republican presidents who were to the right of Romney doesn't hold out much hope of any actual move to the right. If they didn't move the country to the right, Romney certainly won't.

We can look over the past 40 (or more, if we wish) years and whether we had a Repub president or Dem, the country continued to held to the left and, the constitution has continually been ignored or trampled, the government has continued to grow and become more intrusive and liberal socialism has continuall gained ground.

As many have pointed out before, time and again, the Dem and Repub Parties are simply different wings of the same bird flying the wrong direction.
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Mt 7:21 ¶ Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Mt 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
Mt 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

It seems all of theses were at peace, perhaps even dying in peace, had a clear conscience, & even telling Jesus all the wonderful things they had done, & also perhaps mad, because Jesus did not accept them & their idea of what is right in the sight of God.

I have known several people that died in peace, that believed because they had been baptized into the church of Christ that God will not say the things in the above verse to them & they would be secure in heaven for eternity.

And it seems that many that are members of the RCC die in peace after their priest have given them what they call the last rites.

Those are facts most professing Christians don't want to face.
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Our conscience is not always a good guide. If our conscience is not in line with Scripture then it's still wrong. Many follow their conscience and marry the wrong person, have an abortion, or do other wrong and sinful things.

Romans 14

[22] Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth.
[23] And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.

The same principle can apply to who you vote or don't vote for.
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Romans 14

[22] Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth.
[23] And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.

The same principle can apply to who you vote or don't vote for.

This is speaking to matters where is not a clear command. When it comes to our dealings with people we are told what sort of people to support, what sort to yoke with, and those we are to separate from and those we should not wish God speed.

Lying is one of the sins God hates. When men stand before us and boldly lie day in and day out with regards to their own records and their own plans is that someone we should support? When their own plans and policies give proof that their words are lies, should we give them our support?

When men stand before us and declare their unbiblical positions should we support them?

When men stand before us and declare their unconstitutional positions should we support them?
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Those are facts most professing Christians don't want to face.

So are you insinuating that if I vote for Romney I need to re-evaluate my salvation?

I talked to my dad this morning at church about the election and about this thread. Now I know for a FACT that my dad is saved, I've seen the fruits, you haven't. I asked him if he would vote for Romney if he had to and he said yes. Only because he felt BO was so evil that he has to be stopped. He's afraid another 4 years of BO and we'll become a communist country. This election is so important to him that he can't sit it out. I'm VERY concerned about BO taking away our religious freedoms. We are already seeing it happen with the contraceptives issue. We both feel that sitting at home is a vote for BO. I will vote for whoever is the Republican candidate and pray for revival in this country because that's the only thing that can save this country. By the way, I WILL NOT vote for Chris Christy in his re-election since he elected a homosexual to the supreme court.
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So are you insinuating that if I vote for Romney I need to re-evaluate my salvation?

I talked to my dad this morning at church about the election and about this thread. Now I know for a FACT that my dad is saved, I've seen the fruits, you haven't. I asked him if he would vote for Romney if he had to and he said yes. Only because he felt BO was so evil that he has to be stopped. He's afraid another 4 years of BO and we'll become a communist country. This election is so important to him that he can't sit it out. I'm VERY concerned about BO taking away our religious freedoms. We are already seeing it happen with the contraceptives issue. We both feel that sitting at home is a vote for BO. I will vote for whoever is the Republican candidate and pray for revival in this country because that's the only thing that can save this country. By the way, I WILL NOT vote for Chris Christy in his re-election since he elected a homosexual to the supreme court.

If your asking me, I never said that, nor do I believe I insinuates that thought. Yet I will add, Christians do make bad decisions. As for me, I cannot support the best of 2 evils, to do so is to support evil.
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This is speaking to matters where is not a clear command. When it comes to our dealings with people we are told what sort of people to support, what sort to yoke with, and those we are to separate from and those we should not wish God speed.

Lying is one of the sins God hates. When men stand before us and boldly lie day in and day out with regards to their own records and their own plans is that someone we should support? When their own plans and policies give proof that their words are lies, should we give them our support?

When men stand before us and declare their unbiblical positions should we support them?

When men stand before us and declare their unconstitutional positions should we support them?

In this case we should vote for no one ever since they're all a bunch of liars. I'm not sure I'm ready to make that commitment. Also, don't confuse the Constitution with the bible. A lot of Christians do these.
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In this case we should vote for no one ever since they're all a bunch of liars. I'm not sure I'm ready to make that commitment. Also, don't confuse the Constitution with the bible. A lot of Christians do these.

The Constitution is the law of the land. If we vote for someone who puts forth positions that go against the Constitution then we are supporting the trampling of the Constitution and helping in illegal activity.

Many of the Founders and those in previous generations spoke of the importance to promote, elect and support Christians for public office. We don't have to have liars as all our candidates and we don't have to vote for habitual liars.
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