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I recall when the Taliban were running Afghanistan and they destroyed several budda statues because images of false gods was an afront to Islam, America and many other Western nations raised great alarms. There were calls for aid to the poor budda followers of Aftghanistan, plans to raise money and work to get the statues restored, great cries of anguish from world leaders.

Now we have Christians driven out of the country or underground, their churches destroyed, and what do we hear from the American president or other world leaders? Where is the outpouring of aid and assistance to the Afghan Christians?

One thing is clear, the Taliban were at least serious about their religion, the followers of Islam in Afghanistan now are too. What a shame America is ashamed of Christ and America's leaders are beyond ashamed of Christ.

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Last night I [Naomi Wolf] was arrested in my home town, outside an event to which I had been invited, for standing lawfully on the sidewalk in an evening gown.

Author Naomi Wolf and her partner Avram Ludwig were arrested in New York at an Occupy Wall Street protest. (photo: Mike Shane/Guardian UK)

How I Was Arrested at Occupy Wall Street

By Naomi Wolf, Guardian UK

How to Get the Cops to Protect You

By Naomi Wolf, NaomiWolf's Blog

rsn-N.jpgow is the time to get cops on board with the OWS movement — especially now that Alternet has broken the story that municipal police are being pushed around by a shadowy private policing consultancy affiliated with DHS. If you study any closing society decent people get handed monstrous orders and are forced to comply, and right now municipal police are being forced to comply with brutal orders from this corporate police consultancy, by economic pressure.
When I was in Zuccotti Park last week I thanked the cops each personally for standing peacefully by while citizens exercised first amendment rights and thought they could not say anything many faces softened, smiled and seemed relieved not to be demonized…it is hard for cops to be put in positions that dehumanize them too and psychologically traumatizing to be forced to act against their morals. This is a war and they are forced into front lines they did not choose. So Occupy, and everyone, be kind to the cops whenever you can please, thank them when they are non-violent, reach out to them.
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I know many of the police in this area are fed up with DHS and other Fed agencies telling them what to do, and in some cases what they can't do.

There have been calls to basically federalize all police throughout the country. Such has so far not happened but we are still nearing the point where the Feds run a great deal of it anyway.

How long before the DHS does take control and America has their own version of a centralized police state? Sad to say, most Americans don't even see it coming and won't even realize the threat until the American version of the Gestapo/Stasi/KGB kicks in their door.

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