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I'm at work and can't watch the video yet. Is it good to watch (as in, does it use the KJV as per this board's standards)? Cause I have to admit... looking at the church's website, it's not a church I could agree with to attend, music & KJV-wise (although I am impressed with their idea of Intentional Apprenticing), so it makes me a little leery of watching their semons...

Is there something in my eye? Probably. But that doesn't mean I'm wrong to be concerned...

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I am King James only. I don't know if this church is or not, though I doubt it, seeing how large it is. I have watched the video and I think the message is for all christians. If we are afraid to stick our neck out and listen to our neighbor, it is a shame. Maybe I am on the wrong forum!

God bless,

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Many times, somethings are best not heard nor seen. There has been many good people, even good Christina, that have been misled because of what they saw & or head.

As one man stated, "Sometimes you happiness may depend on what you have not seen & or heard." There is much truth in that.

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