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What has happened to "Great" Britain


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Great Britain has had one statist form of government after another probably since its existence. It's been socialist since at least the 1920s and probably earlier and has been anti-semitic.

All those socialist thugs have probably never heard the gospel having been educated in socialistic schools, lived in a secular society and rarely if ever attended one of her dead or lukewarm Laodicean churches. The state is the highest form of power they recognize, not God.

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Great Britain has had one statist form of government after another probably since its existence. It's been socialist since at least the 1920s and probably earlier and has been anti-semitic.

All those socialist thugs have probably never heard the gospel having been educated in socialistic schools, lived in a secular society and rarely if ever attended one of her dead or lukewarm Laodicean churches. The state is the highest form of power they recognize, not God.

Aaaah - bring back the Monarchy. William 1st wouldn't have stood for these riots. I don't think it has anything to do with Socialism either. Probably has more to do with "crowd mentality" & alcohol, coupled with boredom, mindless computer games, lack of prospect of a normal life of employment, marriage, home & independence. It may have something to do with bankers' bonuses, our governments' approval of rebels in Libya & Syria, though peaceful protests have nothing in common with looting & rioting.

Whatever the cause, if there is one, it's nothing new. You are absolutely right that a clear Gospel is the best answer. 250 years ago, while the French were running amok, & the American colonists were revolting, Wesley & Whitefield proclaimed the Gospel with the power of the Holy Spirit, & hearts & lives were changed. Now the leader of the biggest English church since Spurgeon's time is an Nigerian obsessed with health & wealth. True Gospel preachers struggle to get a hearing, & risk police action if they offend sinners.

5 of us met this afternoon - 2 English & 3 Indian. I led a study from Habakkuk who might have been reporting from London:

1:2O LORD, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear! even cry out unto thee of violence, and thou wilt not save!
3Why dost thou shew me iniquity, and cause me to behold grievance? for spoiling and violence are before me: and there are that raise up strife and contention.
4Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth.

God's answer was that the wickedness of those who should be behaving uprightly would be judged by the Chaldeans. The people refused to listen to the prophets, they had turned again to wickedness after the godly reign of Josiah, & God's patience had run out. Can we expect better. May we take the warnings!

Habakkuk doesn't leave it there - he wants answers - How do I live through a time of the LORD's judgement? He gets an answer that rings down through history:
2:4Behold, his soul which is lifted up is not upright in him: but the just shall live by his faith.

The NT takes that 2 ways - we are justified by a living faith in Christ, (Rom. 1 & Gal. 3) & we live by faith in our daily lives. (Heb. 11)

May our prayer be that of Habakkuk: in wrath remember mercy. And may our faith echo that of Habakkuk: 17Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: 18Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation.

He even gave the LORD's people a song to sing to encourage them through their coming desolation!
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I don't think it has anything to do with Socialism either. Probably has more to do with "crowd mentality" & alcohol, coupled with boredom, mindless computer games, lack of prospect of a normal life of employment, marriage, home & independence.

The communists are the ones who organize these riots and uprisings. The Watts Riots, Rodney King, 1977 NYC Blackout, the Arab Spring, etc. all have their roots with the Evil Marxists. The mindless drug and government dependent 20-somethings are the Communist's "useful idiots". The Commies usually try to hide in the shadows but since about 2004 or so they have been brazenly open in America and around the world about their activities. However, the media still covers for them, always editing out the Hammer and Sickle and PLO flags at every oppurtunity. However, they don't have access to the cell phone videos posted on you-tube and that's where you're most likely to see them in plain view. The whole point of our public education system is to turn out these kinds of citizens who are easily manipulated to achieve their utopia by whatever means possible.
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The communists are the ones who organize these riots and uprisings. The Watts Riots, Rodney King, 1977 NYC Blackout, the Arab Spring, etc. all have their roots with the Evil Marxists. The mindless drug and government dependent 20-somethings are the Communist's "useful idiots". The Commies usually try to hide in the shadows but since about 2004 or so they have been brazenly open in America and around the world about their activities. However, the media still covers for them, always editing out the Hammer and Sickle and PLO flags at every oppurtunity. However, they don't have access to the cell phone videos posted on you-tube and that's where you're most likely to see them in plain view. The whole point of our public education system is to turn out these kinds of citizens who are easily manipulated to achieve their utopia by whatever means possible.

So true, the public schools are stealing the children of Christians that send their children into the den of devils.
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So true, the public schools are stealing the children of Christians that send their children into the den of devils.

What about the involvement of the CIA & FBI in their use of drugs to "control" the black Americans?

The great pioneer of Black freedom, Paul Robeson was almost certainly a victim, during his visit to USSR after his US passport was returned after 8 years of US establishment persecution.

You Americans need a scapegoat for all your troubles. Why don't you look in a mirror?
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What about the involvement of the CIA & FBI in their use of drugs to "control" the black Americans?

The great pioneer of Black freedom, Paul Robeson was almost certainly a victim, during his visit to USSR after his US passport was returned after 8 years of US establishment persecution.

You Americans need a scapegoat for all your troubles. Why don't you look in a mirror?

Perhaps it would do you good to look in that mirror.
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What about the involvement of the CIA & FBI in their use of drugs to "control" the black Americans?

The great pioneer of Black freedom, Paul Robeson was almost certainly a victim, during his visit to USSR after his US passport was returned after 8 years of US establishment persecution.

If the majority of black Americans had not traded faith in God for government, no amount of crack cocaine could have been used to control them. Since before the War Between the States, Democrats have had their boot on the necks of black folks in one shape or form. The last time someone posted something similar to your claim I quickly uncovered Democrats behind that sinister plan too. Socialism in ANY form is immoral and EVIL!!!

Robeson was not a victim. He freely chose to become a Communist, a spy and traitor. God gave him free will and he chose to live in rebellion as one of Satan's minions separating man from God through the lie of Godless Communism. Good riddance to him and all evil Commies like him.
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If the majority of black Americans had not traded faith in God for government, no amount of crack cocaine could have been used to control them. Since before the War Between the States, Democrats have had their boot on the necks of black folks in one shape or form. The last time someone posted something similar to your claim I quickly uncovered Democrats behind that sinister plan too. Socialism in ANY form is immoral and EVIL!!!

Robeson was not a victim. He freely chose to become a Communist, a spy and traitor. God gave him free will and he chose to live in rebellion as one of Satan's minions separating man from God through the lie of Godless Communism. Good riddance to him and all evil Commies like him.

Paul Robeson was never convicted of any crime. He was never a member of the Communist party, despite the accusations against him. He refused to denounce Stalin because of his affinity with the Russian people, 20 million of whom died in "our" victory over Hitler. He was not accused of being spy, not traitor. He was open & sincere in his stand, against lynching, "Jim Crow" laws, colonisation, etc. He put his money where his mouth was, & a very successful entertainer - singer, actor, film star, etc, refused to stay privileged when his people were suffering. His income fell from $200,000 to $2,000 & every concert hall was closed against him.
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There is a huge outcry against the thugs and looter in the streets, as well there should be. There are cries of lock them up and shoot them. But where are the cries to lockup or shoot he bankers and corporate robbers that have looted billions from the people by their financial schemes. Equal justice would be nice.

God bless,

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Larry, That is right.

Another thing, our politicians that run our political system in this country are not exactly upstanding citizens, they suffer from a disease that gives them respect for persons. If we, the every day citizens, more especially the naive Christians, knew what goes on behind the closed doors of our political system, none of us would ever trust politicians again.

Equal justices for all does not exist, equal justice for a select few does. And it never will on this earth except during the reign of Chris during the 1,000 year reign, yet even them many will accuse Christ of being corrupt, for the fact is humans do not want true peace, they want everything in their favor.

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Larry, That is right.

Another thing, our politicians that run our political system in this country are not exactly upstanding citizens, they suffer from a disease that gives them respect for persons. If we, the every day citizens, more especially the naive Christians, knew what goes on behind the closed doors of our political system, none of us would ever trust politicians again.

Equal justices for all does not exist, equal justice for a select few does. And it never will on this earth except during the reign of Chris during the 1,000 year reign, yet even them many will accuse Christ of being corrupt, for the fact is humans do not want true peace, they want everything in their favor.

I never trust politians anyway. Back in the days when christians tried to rule our country in the days of Cromwell, it was a disaster, so I shouldn't try to copy it.
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Paul Robeson was never convicted of any crime. He was never a member of the Communist party, despite the accusations against him. He refused to denounce Stalin because of his affinity with the Russian people, 20 million of whom died in "our" victory over Hitler. He was not accused of being spy, not traitor. He was open & sincere in his stand, against lynching, "Jim Crow" laws, colonisation, etc. He put his money where his mouth was, & a very successful entertainer - singer, actor, film star, etc, refused to stay privileged when his people were suffering. His income fell from $200,000 to $2,000 & every concert hall was closed against him.

While the Godless National Socialists killed 20 million (I think more) people, the Godless Union of Soviet Socialist Republics made Hitler look like an amatuer having murdered 15X as many before, during and since. Stalin was a brutal mass-murdering thug and Robeson knew it.

If Robeson cared one mustard seed about the plight of oppressed peoples he would have exposed Stalin as a mass murderer.

If Robeson cared about women's right's he would have spoken out about women being forced to have abortions.

If Robeson cared about lynchings and civil rights he would have exposed the starved and frozen bodies of children dead in the streets of parents who were labeled enemies of the state.

If Robeson was against Imperialism he would have spoken out against the mass starvation and murder of tens of millions of Ukrainians and the prisoners in the gulags across Siberia.

Robeson knew about all of it and covered for Godless Communism because his ideology said the ends justify the means and these people would have to sacrificed to usher in their utopian world. Ultimately, the only thing Robeson cared about was Robeson.

Push your Commie apologetic tripe on someone else. I know where all their skeletons are buried pal.

Socialism in ANY form is immoral and EVIL!!!
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When it comes right down to it, biblically speaking, all forms of human government fall short and are therefore evil. Even the best we can come up with soon finds itself corrupted, governed and influenced by evil.

Only when Christ rules the earth will we see a truly righteous and just government. That government will be run by a King, a King with total authority, and that King will rule with a rod of iron.

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While the Godless National Socialists killed 20 million (I think more) people, the Godless Union of Soviet Socialist Republics made Hitler look like an amatuer having murdered 15X as many before, during and since. Stalin was a brutal mass-murdering thug and Robeson knew it.

If Robeson cared one mustard seed about the plight of oppressed peoples he would have exposed Stalin as a mass murderer.

If Robeson cared about women's right's he would have spoken out about women being forced to have abortions.

If Robeson cared about lynchings and civil rights he would have exposed the starved and frozen bodies of children dead in the streets of parents who were labeled enemies of the state.

If Robeson was against Imperialism he would have spoken out against the mass starvation and murder of tens of millions of Ukrainians and the prisoners in the gulags across Siberia.

Robeson knew about all of it and covered for Godless Communism because his ideology said the ends justify the means and these people would have to sacrificed to usher in their utopian world. Ultimately, the only thing Robeson cared about was Robeson.

Push your Commie apologetic tripe on someone else. I know where all their skeletons are buried pal.

Socialism in ANY form is immoral and EVIL!!!

I'll let Paul answer in his own words:

Mr. ARENS: Do you have a recollection of praising Stalin?
Mr. ROBESON: I said a lot about Soviet people, fighting for the peoples of the earth.
Mr. ARENS: Did you praise Stalin?
Mr. ROBESON: I do not remember.
Mr. ARENS: Have you recently changed your mind about Stalin?
Mr. ROBESON: Whatever has happened to Stalin, gentlemen, is a question for the Soviet Union, and I would not argue with a representative of the people who, in building America, wasted sixty to a hundred million lives of my people, black people drawn from Africa on the plantations. You are responsible, and your forebears, for sixty million to one hundred million black people dying in the slave ships and on the plantations, and don’t ask me about anybody, please.
Mr. ROBESON: In Russia I felt for the first time like a full human being. No color prejudice like in Mississippi, no color prejudice like in Washington. It was the first time I felt like a human being. Where I did not feel the pressure of color as I feel [it] in this Committee today.
Mr. SCHERER: Why do you not stay in Russia?
Mr. ROBESON: Because my father was a slave, and my people died to build this country, and I am going to stay here, and have a part of it just like you. And no Fascist-minded people will drive me from it. Is that clear? I am for peace with the Soviet Union, and I am for peace with China, and I am not for peace or friendship with the Fascist Franco, and I am not for peace with Fascist Nazi Germans. I am for peace with decent people.
Mr. SCHERER: You are here because you are promoting the Communist cause.
Mr. ROBESON: I am here because I am opposing the neo-Fascist cause which I see arising in these committees. You are like the Alien [and] Sedition Act, and Jefferson could be sitting here, and Frederick Douglass could be sitting here, and Eugene Debs could be here.
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