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Modest clothing


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I've heard several say Modest clothing is hard to find. I'm going to post 2 sites, now, I know nothing about price, nor anything else about these 2 sites, the 1st one was advertised in Sword of the Lord.

Far Above Rubies

Modest Apparel

And I'm posting them just in case someone is looking for such a thing, I have no connections with either of them.

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Modest clothing is available if one is willing to look for it. It's good to have places such as these for those sincerely looking for modest clothing. All too often, professing Christian women will simply say they can't find modest clothing as their excuse for wearing the latest worldly immodest fashion trends.

Recently I looked up the Facebook profiles of several Christian youth from the area I know of who are now in college. On all of the profiles for the young women they featured photos of themselves in bikinis and slinky dresses. Some featured them at parties with booze and some at worldly parties with wicked costumes.

All of the young mens profiles featured them in drinking situations, with scantilly clad women, sometimes with themselves being immodestly dressed...except one young man whose profile photos showed none of these things; just some modest photos of himself and family and a written thing about himself saying when he finished jr. college he would be going to Bible college and that he loved Jesus and had dedicated his life to Him.

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Modest clothing is available if one is willing to look for it. It's good to have places such as these for those sincerely looking for modest clothing. All too often, professing Christian women will simply say they can't find modest clothing as their excuse for wearing the latest worldly immodest fashion trends.

Recently I looked up the Facebook profiles of several Christian youth from the area I know of who are now in college. On all of the profiles for the young women they featured photos of themselves in bikinis and slinky dresses. Some featured them at parties with booze and some at worldly parties with wicked costumes.

All of the young mens profiles featured them in drinking situations, with scantilly clad women, sometimes with themselves being immodestly dressed...except one young man whose profile photos showed none of these things; just some modest photos of himself and family and a written thing about himself saying when he finished jr. college he would be going to Bible college and that he loved Jesus and had dedicated his life to Him.

I recently did this for a sermon, mentioning Christians favorite songs, TV shows, movies, and a few other goodies, showing how worldly many professing Christians are. I'm telling you, by their profile page, what they claim to love, you can't tell they know Christ, been born again, with the old man dead, and the new man living in them.

Makes one want to cry.

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Thanks for the two modest apperal websites. I think woman and girls are having trouble finding proper modest clothing because they rely on mainstream stores. However, in my home we find websites like you shared and homemade type clothing also. I rather support websites you shared above because it goes to support a family or few families then a major corporation.

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Everyone at church was dressed very nice today, even modest, except one young girl I hadn't seen until after the service was over. I'm not sure what you would call what she was wearing, perhaps a mini-summer dress...the bottom portion of the dress was like a mini-skirt, no longer. The dress would have been pretty if it were of a modest length. I was seriously shocked when I saw her.

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I believe about the only ones that I see that dress modest all the time in theses parts are the Mennonites. Of course they stand out and you would motice them wherever they go.

We have some Mennonites and Amish around here and they do stand out. It's a shame so many Christians are raised and taught to think there is nothing wrong with having over half your body exposed to the public.
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Oh yes I don't like skimpy dresses and skirts its too suggestive especially in church. I had a mishap many years ago when I was new to the baptist churches and wearing dresses and skirts all the time. It was Easter and I thought it was a nice length when my husband and I bought it. I even stood in front of a mirror before I went to church it looked safe to go to church in. While I was almost going to test for sitting down while my husband was in a hurry to leave. While I got there I was ok during the hymns singing. When we sat down then that was the embarresment came about. The dress rose up and three inches above my knees and I felt very odd wearing that. It was little tight. When the service ended and right when I heard amen I started to jolt to our truck. After that I am careful what I wear to church or any place.

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