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Hello I just wanted to come here to say that I took a long break from here because I needed a break. I am letting the big boys and gals that are strong discuss political issues. I am here to get more grounded in the word and ETC. I have gotten baptised last year in a Baptist church and I feel my life is improving. We kicked out cable tv and some movies and skyangel. If I want to watch a program I watch it online. My husband and I are improving our house for the Lord each day.
I have lost a friend of 22 years last year because of her occult and dark living and speak to demons and she refuses to forgive me because our church don't approve of gay and lesbian marriage. I told her its not the place for that abomination in church or a marriage. That is what caused us to go our separate ways. However, my life is better now since I am honoring the Lord more.

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Mt 10:35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

Sometimes that can even happen among family members, not just friends. My thought has always been, with people that deal with the occult and dark living, that are all wrapped up living in sin, that stand against everything Jesus stands for, what can we have in common with them? Their whole outlook of life is 100% different than ours.


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Welcome back Kay. I hope you find some good threads for spiritual growth.

It is sad when you know the Savior, care deeply for a friend's soul, and that friend rejects the truth from God's word.

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Any worldly matter, whether politics, TV or whatever, has the potential to lead us astray, to wrongly impassion our emotions, to distract us from Christ. We all have to be mindful of this and it's a point of growth in Christ whenever we recognize any such thing in our lives and take steps of correction.

You are in my prayers. I've been through a lot in my life and one thing has always stood steady and sure, and that is God and His willingness and ability to hold me up and bring me through whatever comes against me. In no way is it easy, but the sooner we surrender to Him and seek His guidance, comfort, help, strength and peace rather than trying on our own, the sooner He takes us by the hand and leads us through the dark valley and into the light.

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I almost went back in there yesterday , went to ER almost hurting myself and I was sick too they helped me and I talked to a person on a computer and they sent me home because of have a mental doctor. My Step MIL is getting worse with our rent and she is bullying us to get out and we have no place too go and we are a mess. Keep this in your prayers. PM me for further details about this prayer if you would like more in depth .

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