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RCC, isolated cases or rampant immorality


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The Roman Church cintinues to be the leader in shedding a bad light on Christianity.
I could pour over the history down through the ages but we've heard it all before.
What are the doing in the most recent millenium is disturbing enough in just this one
sin. The Lord knows what else they might be doing behind closed doors.

Austrailia July 2008

Pope Benedict XVI prepares apology for Australian victims

Canada April 2009

News and Comment
by Tehaliwaskenhas - Bob Kennedy ( Onyota'a:ka / Oneida )
Turtle Island Native Network

Pope "Apology" for Indian Child Abuse at Residential Schools
"There is no apology," Mr. Wilson said from Musgamagw Band in northern Vancouver Island. "He says he has great sorrow. Well, it´s one thing to have sorrow for tragedies that happened in the world. It´s quite another thing to accept responsibility for causing them. And the Catholic Church caused a great deal of misery and suffering in this country. And it´s not apologizing for anybody."

Not quite a mea culpa

Ireland March 2010

Pope Offers Apology, Not Penalty, for Sex Abuse Scandal

USA March 2011

Philadelphia Archdiocese places 21 priests on leave

When will popery apologize to The United States?

Location and Time to be determined

When will the Roman Church leadership apologize to Jesus Christ?
Great White Throne Judgement

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Yes, it really seems the RCC will stand in front of Christ at that final judgment, for as a church they refuse to accept God's truths, and seek forgiveness for their sins.

I suppose, like many others their eyes are blinded by the wily old Devil, and they know not nor can they see the ways of Christ. By the way, being blinded by the wily Devil is the choice they have made, if they fail to repent of that choice, the Judge will not accept it as an excuse.

Hopefully some within the RCC will see the false trail their are following and come out from among them. I have heard some say that we know that the RCC teachings are wrong, yet this is our church and we feel we must stay and support it hoping to get them on the right trail. Theses people are refusing to obey God by not coming out from among them, actually it makes one wonder if they have ever seen the true Light.

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The entire history of the RCC is filled with corruption and wickedness as they have sought to gain power and control, first in Europe and then beyond.

Worse of all they have led millions to hell and prevented millions of others from coming to Christ, thus directing them to hell.

In this world they have been a part of political intrigue throughout Europe and elsewhere, including assasinations and fomenting wars. They have priests to have sex with nuns, then locking them away until they gave birth, whereupon the baby would be killed and secrety buried. With the willingness to accept known homosexuals and pedophiles into their priesthood, especially in America due to lack of those qualified wanting the position, they set the stage for generations of child abuse with scores of priests raping young boys in Catholic churches across America...then having their sinful crime hidden by the RCC and being moved to a different diocese where they could prey upon new victims.

Indeed, the list could go on. Already large volumes have been written about the RCC, or even "church or Chrisitan history" which are RCC dominated and where the history of the RCC clearly reveals their wickedness.

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All of this and yet today there are so many professing Christians who view the RCC as if it's just another Christian denomination. While some disagree with a few points of the RCC, they are more than willing to accep them as Christian, to yoke with them, to support them.

From Billy Graham to Rick Warren we can see how Christians for the past 50 or so years have been neglecing abiding by the Word of God in order to yoke with the RCC for worldly benefits.

One of the sad side effects of the legalization of abortion about 40 years ago has been the yoking of Christians with Catholics over this issue. The two can't, and have proven this, yoke together for "political purposes" without also yoking together in other matters. Rather than trusting God and standing against abortion in His power, Christians have chose to take the worldly route of yoking with the false religionists of the RCC in order to fight politically. This reminds me of how often a good king of Judah would yoke themselves with Egypt, or another false religionist country, in order to battle an enemy rather than turning to God and fully trusting in Him. In each case, God judges them for putting their trust in the ungodly rather than trusting in God.

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