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The pope is a dope.


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Hey did any of you see the article that said Netanyahu had just commended the Pope for declaring that the Jews were in no way responsible for Jesus' death? The article also said that, in his new book, the Pope also "denies the Gospel writers' claim that Jews working in the Temple collaborated with the Roman authorities, leading to Jesus' execution." Ugh. The Pope IS a dope, and he's going to be in big trouble come judgement day. If you want to read the article, it's here:


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Hey did any of you see the article that said Netanyahu had just commended the Pope for declaring that the Jews were in no way responsible for Jesus' death? The article also said that, in his new book, the Pope also "denies the Gospel writers' claim that Jews working in the Temple collaborated with the Roman authorities, leading to Jesus' execution." Ugh. The Pope IS a dope, and he's going to be in big trouble come judgement day. If you want to read the article, it's here:

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So much evidence of the evil deeds of the RCC have finally become well known that the pope has been busy tyring to make nice in order to gain favor with different groups.

Unfortunately, most Jews in Israel are secular, and the Jewish leaders are more concerned with worldly matters than spiritual.

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Of course the Jews will not accept one bit of guilt for the death of Jesus, for they do not believe Jesus has been born.

As for the pope, surely all we can expect from him is false teachings, after all, he teaches Mary is Queen of heaven, sinless, and she can help save people from theirr sins.

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Of course the Jews will not accept one bit of guilt for the death of Jesus, for they do not believe Jesus has been born.

As for the pope, surely all we can expect from him is false teachings, after all, he teaches Mary is Queen of heaven, sinless, and she can help save people from theirr sins.

It is not just the Jews, all are guilty of the death of Jesus.
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Of course we are all guilty, you will never hear me sat that we are not, yet the topic at hand is what I refereed to. I try to stay on topic, mixing them confuses everyone.

In that day His own sent Him to the cross. Of course they dent it.

Mt 27:22 Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ? They all say unto him, Let him be crucified.

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