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carnality test


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No doubt someone will disagree with most of this, and it is not intended for the offense f anyone, but may be necessary to keep a good testimony, and wake some people up.

Carnality Test
(To be answered in your heart, do not write out your answers on the forum. Be honest, even if it “hurts“)

1. Name three super models.

2. How much do you spend on television? (cable, satellite, etc.)
--big screen tv?

3. How much do you watch tv?

4. What kind of programming (contract) do you have for your cell phone?

5. How many electronic “gadgets” do you own?

5. Do you own a boat, motorcycle, or snowmOBile?
--How much do you use it?
--Does it own you?

6. Did/do you vote for economic reasons? Other reasons than spiritual principles?
--Do you have a scripture verse for your reason for voting?

7. Do you have any close friends that are unsaved?
--Hunting, fishing partners, etc. (friends that you run with?)

8. What do you believe about secular education?
--The more knowledge, the better?

9. Do you miss church or church events for family gatherings?

10. How is your giving record?
--can you honestly say that your giving glorifies God?

11. Do you sleep with a gun for protection?
--How much do you trust in the gun to deliver you?

12. Do you follow the latest styles when dressing?
--does the world decide what you will wear?
--Do you try to look “sexy”?

Edited by irishman
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Something we all need to think on.

Indeed! Both for the good and the bad. We can see where we may have grown in some areas and notice areas we need to address.

When reading the first question I was stumped, which is a good thing. The only super model I could think of was from about 30 years ago. Thankfully, I have no clue who any are today. Sometimes it's easier for us to notice the bad stuff still in our lives and forget to be thankful for areas of progress.
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This is good. I will add my two cents, for whatever they're worth, this may be a good test to see if you have carnal tendancies, but it's certainly not a test to see if you're spiritual. In my mind and heart I answered all of these in about as non-carnal as possible, but that's no guarantee that I'm spiritual or right with God. If I miss a few days of devotions and prayer or fail to show charity and love the brethren, I'm just as cold and backslid as the next guy.

Edited by Rick Schworer
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Great questions, I'm going to print them out and give them out at church. If it is okay with you?

print away, friend, and don't bother with "credits".
(Few people know who "Irishman" is anyway! I am also "Gypsy Martindale", "rightymo", and a new moniker, "Jackson Scott"!) Edited by irishman
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This is good. I will add my two cents, for whatever they're worth, this may be a good test to see if you have carnal tendancies, but it's certainly not a test to see if you're spiritual. In my mind and heart I answered all of these in about as non-carnal as possible, but that's no guarantee that I'm spiritual or right with God. If I miss a few days of devotions and prayer or fail to show charity and love the brethren, I'm just as cold and backslid as the next guy.

This particular test doesn't cover those areas directly but in many cases if we are lacking in the areas of prayer, Bible reading and such, it's because we give too much attention to carnal matters.

No doubt we have to replace the carnal things with spiritual things and grow in the Spirit in order to pursue holiness as we are commanded and to walk in the Spirit rather than the flesh.
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This is good. I will add my two cents, for whatever they're worth, this may be a good test to see if you have carnal tendancies, but it's certainly not a test to see if you're spiritual. In my mind and heart I answered all of these in about as non-carnal as possible, but that's no guarantee that I'm spiritual or right with God. If I miss a few days of devotions and prayer or fail to show charity and love the brethren, I'm just as cold and backslid as the next guy.

Perhaps another test would do for spirituality; this one was focused on carnality.
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