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I am so excited...


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A week from today I will be in Washington state visiting my parents and my grandma. I get to stay for 2 weeks, so will be there on my grandma's 101st birthday. My mom is basically my grandma's sole caretaker, so I'll be giving my mom some time away (to do things like go to church...) while I get to spend time with my grandma.

I'm pretty excited!! My uncle will be up there for part of the time I'm there. He is not saved. He doesn't believe that sin is actually sin, just mistakes. I would appreciate prayer for him, as well as wisdom for myself as we talk. I was able to spend a good bit of time with him last year when I was there. He's heard the plan of salvation many times over the years, but just doesn't believe he's lost, because of his view of sin (or the non-existence of it, in his mind).

I'm kinda concerned about the flight. Last year, somehow, my knee got dislocated and I had to use a cane for 7 months. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to it. The only thing I don't like is leaving my guys back here. Ah, well. I'll only be gone two weeks. :icon_mrgreen:

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