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11 Year Old Gives Birth


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How does an 10 (at the time) year old have the sort of relations necessary to producing a child? conceive and then rear that child?


There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness.
(Pro 30:12 KJV)


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How does an 10 (at the time) year old have the sort of relations necessary to producing a child? conceive and then rear that child?


There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, and yet is not washed from their filthiness.
(Pro 30:12 KJV)


One of the missionaries our church supports was born to a just barely 12 year old mother. She was lost but she refused to have an abortion as the doctors advised. She still is lost but her son was saved and is now a missionary as well as a fine Christian. God can even use horrible situations for good in his time...
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Seth- Doty, Thank you for sharing how a awful event was used -is using!- to Glorify the LORD today. This was a blessing for me to hear!! Just Abiding in Christ, His by Grace

I agree! It sure makes it easier when we are struggling through a difficult situation if we think about how God has used many bad situations (even in Bible examples) to His glory, and can do the same in our life situations as well.
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"The youngest documented case of a child pregnancy was in 1939 in Lima, Peru, Al-Khan said. Lina Medina was six years old when she became pregnant and gave birth to a baby."

Right at the end of that article it stated the above, amazing.

Its amazing how deprave man has become.

And to, thanks to God's mercy and grace good can come out of mans evil.

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"The youngest documented case of a child pregnancy was in 1939 in Lima, Peru, Al-Khan said. Lina Medina was six years old when she became pregnant and gave birth to a baby."

Right at the end of that article it stated the above, amazing.

Its amazing how deprave man has become.

And to, thanks to God's mercy and grace good can come out of mans evil.

I used to work with a man of Indian descent who said his grandmother was married when she was nine years old.
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I'm trouble to believe a 11 year knowing had this type of physical relationship...has this been investigated? Am I the Only one to question her consent? His by Grace

you are not the only one. Something always stink with a child as young as this get pregnant. I'm guessing she have been molested by an adult.
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I'm trouble to believe a 11 year knowing had this type of physical relationship...has this been investigated? Am I the Only one to question her consent? His by Grace

When we used to foster children, we were apalled as to what even 6-7 years old girls knew. When they came from families where there were no restraints, there were, well I'll leave you to guess.
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As someone else already mentioned, some kids don't have the luxury of growing up in an ideal environment. They sometimes grow up (at least emotionally) a little sooner than they should. Combine that with early puberty, and there could be prOBlems.

It sounded like from the article that father may have also been a juvenile, since it mentioned they aren't releasing the names to 'protect' the new parents.

I'll be the first to say at least the baby in this case was given a chance at life. Sounds like the doctors wanted to abort. At least that's the one good thing we can pull from this story.

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