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51 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

You are a 😇 angel don't worry about it.  This post is about Trump Bibles, and now those made in China. 

And assumptions from you on Bibles that were already known for being printed by Lee Greenwood. Grow up, Eddie.

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54 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

You are a 😇 angel don't worry about it.  This post is about Trump Bibles, and now those made in China. 

First, the disclaimer: I am in no way a Trump fan. I will only be voting for him because he is the best option we have in 2024 (which speaks volumes to the sad state this country is in). I also doubt very seriously that I will EVER have a Trump bible in my possession. If I do it will most likely not be by my choice.

1. For all those who would criticize this Bible simply because it is made in China, I suggest you first rid yourself of every possession you have that is made in China including the American Flags being made there. 

Matthew 7:3-5 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? 4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? 5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

2. Does the Bible being manufactured in China negate the effectiveness of the scriptures therein? Would it not be a blessing if someone(s) in that manufacturing facility would actually take hold of one and read it (English is a required subject in Chinese schools)? Would it not be a further blessing if some escaped the confines of that manufacturing facility and found their way into the general populace? I should say that we pray that this be the case and that souls be saved. I wonder how many souls have been saved by God given scriptures that were produced in places most would consider unsavory.

3. How many Trump supporters bought a Trump Bible simply because it had his name on it, not because of any religious affiliation? How many of those then got saved? Is that not a blessing regardless of where the Bible is manufactured?

Should Trump, as a presidential hopeful, have "his" (actually Greenwood's) bibles made in China? From a political perspective I find the idea abhorrent. Let me add it to the ever-growing list of things I don't like about Trump. But from a business perspective it is likely more conducive to profit, which is what business is all about, and Trump is a businessman first, politician second. Regardless of where these bibles are made, however, the main point is; are souls being save through them? If yes, then perhaps this is one of those cases where we eat the meat and spit out the bones.


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14 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

Publicly are they known as Lee Greenwood Bible or Trump Bibles? 

We're talking about where they originated. They're currently known as the Trump Bible. So again, you're ignoring the fact that they were being printed before Trump got involved with them.  Trump joined it in early 2024....you really need to be factual about the whole thing instead of being like the MARXISTS and MSM and cherry picking news reports. 

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I'm not going to buy a Holy Bible made by an atheist Country, that hates religious faith, in Christians. I'm not talking about those Chinese that are Saved, but the ones that are trying to rule the world. For the love of saving money, many Americans sell out. Bible/Flag 📖🇺🇸

Sad 😭 

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6 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

I'm not going to buy a Holy Bible made by an atheist Country, that hates religious faith, in Christians. I'm not talking about those Chinese that are Saved, but the ones that are trying to rule the world. For the love of saving money, many Americans sell out. Bible/Flag 📖🇺🇸

Sad 😭 

Wow...so you'll buy a Bible from our secularist/atheistic society that hates Christians and Christianity to the core and who are trying to force their values on the world? How incredibly naive of you....for the love of money many countries and people of the world sell out. You don't really know who has and hasn't. Oh, by the way Eddie, people can come to know the Lord through the Bible bearing Trumps name, as they do when they get saved using an Old Schofield or Thompson Chain Reference Bible. 

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