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Poor preacher, normal preacher, and the rich preacher πŸ’°

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On a worldly Outside appearance watching preachers, from different ministries, or churches, you can see that there are poor preachers, normal preachers, and rich preachers. Why is there not a normal balance of wealth when it comes to finances and lifestyles for preachers? You would normally think that a person even if he is a preacher practices, the more I have, the more I give, but I don’t see this happening. In our lifetime, we are told to practice what we preach, Does this also apply to the preachers? Some here say that I focus too much on negative things happening, and this is true, unfortunately, but I have the guts at least to talk about them and share them with you. Many here have heard me mention that I stay away from mega-churches, and this is one main reason why. For the love of money is the root of all evil. On my website thegloryland.com. I have no paid sponsors and I do not sell anything. Nonprofit. The Lord always provide.πŸ˜‡

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One, not all churches are the same size, and pay for a pastor is based on what a congregation can provide. @HappyChristian and her husband have a small church. I don't remember just how small, but her husband may have to work an outside job. I am a member of a church that runs between 80 and 120 people. Our pastor receives a much larger amount than most pastors in chuches of the same size because we have several members who are more affluent. My mother in Illinois attends a church that runs between 500-750 people. Their pastor is paid a larger than average salary, benefits, and love offerings. It really seems that you should be able to understand economics and nonprofit entities.


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19 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

One, not all churches are the same size, and pay for a pastor is based on what a congregation can provide. @HappyChristian and her husband have a small church. I don't remember just how small, but her husband may have to work an outside job.Β 


We have 11 members and two faithful attenders who are not yet members, plus visitors.Β  When he first became pastor, hubs was working an outside job. He actually has a decent paycheck - an amazing one considering the size of our church. We are in no way rich, and there are times - just like everyone has - that it seems there isn't enough money. But just as TGL said, the Lord provides.Β  We have the added blessing of living with my mom, which eliminates rent although we do help with things.

@TheGloryLand, yes, of course it applies to preachers. God expects obedience from all of His children regardless of their responsibility in the church of which they are a member. A pastor must teach his flock all parts of scripture, and that would include biblical giving. And he must also biblically give, else he is a hypocrite.Β  As BrotherTony said, though, the amount each pastor receives is (or at least should be)Β  up to the congregation (unless, as my hubs has done, the pastor says he does not want a raise in pay for one reason or another).

Smaller churches can sometimes find it difficult to give enough and so the pastor works an outside job to relieve the burden from the people. A loving pastor doesn't insist that a small, hopefully growing church give him a large salary. He teaches them, as I said, to give biblically and the Lord takes care of the rest.

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I remember when I was a younger Christian I used to wonder why they’re so many small churches. Why are there so much separation in the church racist, when everyone speak the same language? English, I had a lot to learn about the subjects thankfully none of them have to do with salvation. I noticed pastors, and used to listen to them. When they were starting their ministry and they were great and on fire for the Lord, and not rich. Later in the ministries fame start kicking in and the love of money behind it. A perfect example would be T D Jake, the man was very humble at the beginning now he falls under the millionaire category. What I don’t understand is how can Christians follow a preacher who goes around traveling in his or her jet, and supporting their ministry. all they are doing is feeding more money. At a early age when I was saved, I asked the pastor who was that man with all those gold and diamond rings that is preaching today? During the love offering I didn’t put anything in the plate for him, and Pastor stays looking at me, probably thinking I didn’t (He) did not notice that. At a very early stage circle of following the Lord, I’ve been jealous of those who abuse His way. Β 

Edited by TheGloryLand
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22 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

I remember when I was a younger Christian I used to wonder why they’re so many small churches. Why are there so much separation in the church racist, when everyone speak the same language? English, I had a lot to learn about the subjects thankfully none of them have to do with salvation. I noticed pastors, and used to listen to them. When they were starting their ministry and they were great and I Β fired for the Lord, and not rich. Later in the ministries fame start kicking in and the love of money behind it. A perfect example would be T D Jake, the man was very humble at the beginning now he falls under the millionaire category. What I don’t understand is how can Christians follow a preacher who goes around traveling in his or her jet, and supporting their ministry. all they are doing is feeding more money. at a early age when I was saved, I asked the pastor who was that man with all those gold and diamond rings preaching today? During the offering I didn’t put anything in the plate for him, and Pastor stays looking at me, probably thinking I didn’t (He) did not notice that. so at a early stage circle the Lord I’ve been jealous of those that abuse his his way.

Though TGL probably means well, ONCE AGAIN he is focusing on other people and THEIR money. I'm not a fan of TD Jakes, but, he writes books and makes money from those books. Whatever he makes is his, and what he does with it is between himself and Godβ€”the same with any other preacher who gains notoriety. Everyone that I have ever listened to has preached on tithing. DoΒ they tithe? I don't know, and neither does TGL. To be honest, it's nobody's business but their own.Β  Concerning their salaries, that is between the churches they pastor and themselves. Whether TGL tithes or not, I do not know and don't care.Β  to know. But, his constantly bringing up this subject repeatedly, creating new threads on the subject is unfruitful. I will say, though, that I don't believe any person claiming to be a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ should be owning or traveling in a jet he owns, whether he's bought it with earnings outside of his pastoral ministry or not. It doesn't look good. I recall the verse where Jesus told the rich young ruler to sell all he had and follow him. The rich man found it hard to do so. It also calls to mind the verses that tell us that whatever isn't of faith is sin, and that the just shall live by faith. Those who are doing as TGL speaks of seem to be relying on their wealth instead of faith. In my opinion these pastors/speakers should be furthering the Gospel of Christ with money that goes beyond their monthly living expenses. Souls are more important than self-reliance through wealth.Β 

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There are many nice people that I know or meet, and they don’t wanna know about the church. They say all they want is your money and in a way it’s true, not all churches, but probably the majority of them are in for the money. Now in these days, that we are living in. My wild guess will be 50, churches out of every hundred are in it for the money. This is not good.

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3 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

I remember when I was a younger Christian I used to wonder why they’re so many small churches. Why are there so much separation in the church racist, when everyone speak the same language? English, I had a lot to learn about the subjects thankfully none of them have to do with salvation. I noticed pastors, and used to listen to them. When they were starting their ministry and they were great and on fire for the Lord, and not rich. Later in the ministries fame start kicking in and the love of money behind it. A perfect example would be T D Jake, the man was very humble at the beginning now he falls under the millionaire category. What I don’t understand is how can Christians follow a preacher who goes around traveling in his or her jet, and supporting their ministry. all they are doing is feeding more money. At a early age when I was saved, I asked the pastor who was that man with all those gold and diamond rings that is preaching today? During the love offering I didn’t put anything in the plate for him, and Pastor stays looking at me, probably thinking I didn’t (He) did not notice that. At a very early stage circle of following the Lord, I’ve been jealous of those who abuse His way. Β 

Small churches are not a problem, really. Local churches can be of many different sizes, depending on the area and the people of the community, and their reaction to the Lord - rejection or acceptance.

As to separation and racism in the church...I hesitate to describe it as racism. When folks who are black desire to attend church with like-melanined folks who share a similar culture, that is their choice, When Koreans start churches for fellow Koreans, that is their choice. When Hispanics form churches to reach other Hispanics, that is their choice. I don't see it as racism. I see it as reaching the lost.

There is a biblical separation. One that is taught in scripture. When churches do not practice biblical principle, it is important to not associate with them. Regardless of language.

The Bible tells us that the love of money is the root of all evil. Sadly, there are times when preachers who begin in the right way get bit with the money/fame bug and begin to compromise until they are miles away from where they began. It is true, also, that some "preachers" begin with a view to become rich and famous. As we get closer to the coming of the Lord, I think greed will increase. Folks give to these types of folks because they want to believeΒ  that these "preachers" are godly.

I think we should be aware of preachers who are "in it" for the money...as BrotherTony said, their money could be used in more soulwinning efforts (although it is their money, however obtained). Men Like Jakes are not biblically sound and, IMO, regardless of their net worth, should be called out.

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