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Biden withdraws from nominating process

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President Joe Biden has withdrawn from seeking nomination for a second term as POTUS. He endorses Vice President Kamala Harris. The link I was trying to provide keeps going back and forth. 

More to follow.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Pastor Matt said:

He should remove himself asap. If he's unfit for reelection, he's unfit for the next 5 months

I agree 👍🏻. But, then you know that gives us Kamala Harris as POTUS. I don't know how much damage she could do as POTUS for 5 months, but it could be substantial. But judging from her own lack of ability to converse, she would be a great candidate for Article 25. 

One thing that I would like to add is that this is a time of confusion in our government. We need to be in prayer for all involved regardless of party.

Edited by BrotherTony
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Harris will probably be removed by the Delegates during the Democrat Convention. Hillary wants to run again or maybe Gavin Newsome but Michelle Obama would be their dream candidate.

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HIllary and Bill endorsed Kamala as well. Obama has called for an open contest, probably because he wants to seat his wife in the White House. Kamala is not liked by the rank and file Democrat, which is why she dropped out of the POTUS race first back before she and Biden were selected.

Two people in our church have said they will never vote for either Hillary or Kamala. They likely wouldn't vote for Michelle either, but I don't know (yes, they are Democrats; yes, we pray for them lol). My brother's estranged wife is a dyed-in-the-wool Trump hater. She told my bro tonight that she is voting for Trump because she absolutely hates Kamala (because Kamala sent quite a number of black men to jail for marijuana).

I think BO knows Kamala doesn't have an honest chance to win but he knows that Michelle could. 

Now, if Biden passes before the convention, it is quite likely Kamala will get the nod because she'll be a sitting POTUS. Gag me at that thought!

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2 hours ago, SureWord said:

Sounds like President Biden is either dead or dying.

Well, from watching the first of the many coming campaign speeches from the Cackler (UGH Kuh-maw-law), Biden isn't dead...he called into her first major yak! Is he dying? It's hard to say. It looks like he's been doing that little by little over the past four years. Dementia is often a long, drawn-out process. 

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5 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

Well, from watching the first of the many coming campaign speeches from the Cackler (UGH Kuh-maw-law), Biden isn't dead...he called into her first major yak! Is he dying? It's hard to say. It looks like he's been doing that little by little over the past four years. Dementia is often a long, drawn-out process. 

A phone call can be faked especially with AI. Also, Harris almost slipped and said "recording" instead of  "call".

Nobody has seen him. He was supposed to meet with Netanyahu but was a no show. All his coming meetings have been cancelled. They also said that Air Force One made an emergency landing in Delaware. It could be he's so terrified of dying from COVID which supposedly he has again that he's hunkered down in his basement. 

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24 minutes ago, SureWord said:

A phone call can be faked especially with AI. Also, Harris almost slipped and said "recording" instead of  "call".

Nobody has seen him. He was supposed to meet with Netanyahu but was a no show. All his coming meetings have been cancelled. They also said that Air Force One made an emergency landing in Delaware. It could be he's so terrified of dying from COVID which supposedly he has again that he's hunkered down in his basement. 

You state "they" but give no source. Sounds more to me like many are on the road to "Conspiracy" Lane. 🙄🙄🙄 So many "maybe's" and not enough in the way of fact.  I'm not saying it's not possible, but, I am saying I go by facts. 

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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

You state "they" but give no source. Sounds more to me like many are on the road to "Conspiracy" Lane. 🙄🙄🙄 So many "maybe's" and not enough in the way of fact.  I'm not saying it's not possible, but, I am saying I go by facts. 

Bro, it's been all over the news. And how many conspiracies end up being true? When a sitting President disappears for six days and cancels all of his itinerary or doesn't make a televised statement of his not seeking reelection and only notifies his staff a day prior of this decision via Twitter  there's nothing wrong to start considering some reasons.

How 'bout WorldNetDaily as a source. Or Breitbart? Or even the DailyMail? Or DailyCaller? Or Tim Pool? Or Tucker Carlson? Etc etc....All were suggesting he was maybe dead or very ill.

Anyway, there's been a sighting of him within the last few hours. Now those saying he's a body-double are really carrying the conspiracy too far.


Edited by SureWord
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Theories... that's all they are until proven true. And like I said, I deal in facts. I've had too many friends and family fall into the conspiracy cult. Too often they have been PROVEN wrong. Geanted a minority of them pan out.

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When JB was in Las Vegas, reporters that were in the room with him stated that he was much paler than usual, and walking even more slowly than he does. He was supposed to speak at Unidos/US, but was a no show. Reporters waited in the heat, only to find that they ("they" being his people) had ordered streets closed so they could rush him to the hospital there. That then changed to flying him back to Delaware...and many wondered if he was dead. The suspicion is that it wasn't covid but a TIA. 

Folks have been derided for believing in conspiracy theories in the last few years, only to have them absolutely turn out to be true (covid, vax being two cases in point) I agree that we shouldn't run off half-cocked and claim all kinds of stuff until there is proof. However, knowing what we DO know, I would not be surprised if we found out JB has been dead for a while (one of my hubs' cousins believes it's been 2 years). Jill has been running things (not Obama, as so many people claim). Her ex husband is convinced that the reason JB was running again was because Jill wanted to be POTUS. Now, again, there is no proof. But he lived with her for a number of years, so...

I watched him walk from a car to the airplane...almost with a bounce in his step. Something he hasn't done for quite a while. AND he almost ran up the plane steps. Again, something that hasn't happened in a long time. So, if it ISN'T a body double, he's on some good drugs. lol (I'm not saying he's dead nor that there's a body double...but something's way off).

And isn't it interesting that the DAY AFTER JB steps down from running, the Justice Dept. finds transcripts that point to JB's criminality.

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Theories... that's all they are until proven true. And like I said, I deal in facts. I've had too many friends and family fall into the conspiracy cult. Too often they have been PROVEN wrong. Geanted a minority of them pan out. I fully agree that much of the COVID debauchle was filled with conspiracies that proved to be true. Anytime the government comes to the public and states ** We're from the Government, and we're hear to help** conspiracy theories are in order. 

Folks are always free to believe what they will, but, I deal only in facts. I'm pretty much a realist. And yes, JB was probably on some very good drugs. 

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