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Is blind tithing biblical... ❓

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I believe in tithing or those that want to give cheerfully, from the heart. This is not a problem and personal. What I am not convinced about is those who don’t use the tithe correctly. To continue to tithe in that location biblically correct? Where you might say it's between God and the leaders of that church. They will have to respond to God. Are we called to be blind in this area, this does not sound correct or biblical to me. I believe any Christian should take action or give somewhere else. We worry when we give a gift to charity, making sure our donation is spent wisely. Why not at the church? 

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20 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

I believe in tithing or those that want to give cheerfully, from the heart. This is not a problem and personal. What I am not convinced about is those who don’t use the tithe correctly. To continue to tithe in that location biblically correct? Where you might say it's between God and the leaders of that church. They will have to respond to God. Are we called to be blind in this area, this does not sound correct or biblical to me. I believe any Christian should take action or give somewhere else. We worry when we give a gift to charity, making sure our donation is spent wisely. Why not at the church? 

Do you tithe to the church you are a member of? Do you give to charitable organizations above and beyond and outside of your church? It's ALWAYS wise to find out where donations are going as well as where tirhe dollars are spent. But here's an observation...once again you are overly concerned? Once you tithe to a church, the church is responsible for where the money goes. They direct spending at THEIR discretion. If you don't like this, don't tithe. Same for the organizations you donate to. Any time one tithes or donates, to an extent it is BLIND. And here again, I want to take notice that you're back on the subject of money. To be honest, I think you're obsessed. 

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A friend of mine was saying tithing is an OT law practice and not required under the NT system.

I thought the principle remained of giving a tenth to support your church.

Giving to your church is obviously in the NT.. my friend said that was offerings, not tithes. 

It got me thinking about the Biblical base for tithing.  My impression is although it was an OT practice,  the standard remains in giving to your church..and the standard amount always having been a tenth or more.

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3 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

Do you tithe to the church you are a member of? Do you give to charitable organizations above and beyond and outside of your church? It's ALWAYS wise to find out where donations are going as well as where tirhe dollars are spent. But here's an observation...once again you are overly concerned? Once you tithe to a church, the church is responsible for where the money goes. They direct spending at THEIR discretion. If you don't like this, don't tithe. Same for the organizations you donate to. Any time one tithes or donates, to an extent it is BLIND. And here again, I want to take notice that you're back on the subject of money. To be honest, I think you're obsessed. 

Blind Answer Amazing 🙄

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30 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

Blind Answer Amazing 🙄

Not hardly. Again you've been cornered and confronted and you dodge the whole thing.  These are NOT the actions of the "evangelist" you claim to be. Please explain how you come to the conclusion that this is a "blind answer," or withdraw the statement.

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54 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

Not hardly. Again you've been cornered and confronted and you dodge the whole thing.  These are NOT the actions of the "evangelist" you claim to be. Please explain how you come to the conclusion that this is a "blind answer," or withdraw the statement.

You said above, They direct spending at THEIR discretion. If you don't like this, don't tithe. Same for the organizations you donate to. Any time one tithes or donates, to an extent it is BLIND.  


I don't agree with your theory. 🙄

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41 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

You said above, They direct spending at THEIR discretion. If you don't like this, don't tithe. Same for the organizations you donate to. Any time one tithes or donates, to an extent it is BLIND.  


I don't agree with your theory. 🙄

Do you check out EVERY organization that you donate to and all of the people they donate to? And also whoever else donates to them? I'm pretty sure that you don't. If you found that any or all of them donate to a cause or causes that you don't agree with would you withdraw the funds that you send their way? Again, I am pretty sure you wouldn't. You're NEVER going to find a perfect church or organization. That is, to some degree, whether you like it or not, blind giving. 

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10 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

Do you check out EVERY organization that you donate to and all of the people they donate to? And also whoever else donates to them? I'm pretty sure that you don't. If you found that any or all of them donate to a cause or causes that you don't agree with would you withdraw the funds that you send their way? Again, I am pretty sure you wouldn't. You're NEVER going to find a perfect church or organization. That is, to some degree, whether you like it or not, blind giving. 

I'm talking about those congregation that supports their God, the Pastor. Those preachers living the life of the rich and famous. The members support them blindly and follow them. The preacher deserves it? Right, so did Jesus. 

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20 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

I'm talking about those congregation that supports their God, the Pastor. Those preachers living the life of the rich and famous. The members support them blindly and follow them. The preacher deserves it? Right, so did Jesus. 

This isn't what you put forth in your OP. You really need to be clear what you are looking for. And again, those "churches"  are entitled to do whatever they want as a church. Does what these people do in their own church affect you directly? No.  They will answer to the Lord. Now, we have had two high profile ministers leave the ministry in the past month. They're both wealthy. I liked SOME of what these men put forward, but, because they weren't my pastor I NEVER gave them a dime. My money is given to my local church. 

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16 hours ago, MikeWatson1 said:

A friend of mine was saying tithing is an OT law practice and not required under the NT system.

I thought the principle remained of giving a tenth to support your church.

Giving to your church is obviously in the NT.. my friend said that was offerings, not tithes. 

It got me thinking about the Biblical base for tithing.  My impression is although it was an OT practice,  the standard remains in giving to your church..and the standard amount always having been a tenth or more.

Tithing existed before the Law of Moses. Abraham tithed to Melchizedek (Gen 14:20; Heb 7:6). Jacob tithed to the Lord at Bethel (Gen 28:22). This practice was later incorporated into the Law.

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7 hours ago, Pastor Matt said:

Tithing existed before the Law of Moses. Abraham tithed to Melchizedek (Gen 14:20; Heb 7:6). Jacob tithed to the Lord at Bethel (Gen 28:22). This practice was later incorporated into the Law.


  1. [23] Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.


Jesus is telling the Pharisees to do these other things, which include tithe. So Jesus did talk about tithing in the New Testament.

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8 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

Jesus is telling the Pharisees to do these other things, which include tithe. So Jesus did talk about tithing in the New Testament.

Of course Jesus did. If you go back and reread my post you can see that I was talking about before the law, not after. Context is key my friend.

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45 minutes ago, SureWord said:

Personally, I don't concern myself with how anyone tithes, blind or with eyes wide open. It's between them and God.

How about those that manage the tithe. Do you give them freedom to do what they wish. No accountability 

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