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Voting for one the of two less evils biblical?

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I know we have brought up voting subjects here before on this form. I just wanna make it clear, when it comes to voting, voting for a political leader in the Bible or  voting for one of the two less evil in the Bible, and should Christians vote at all for government leaders in the Bible. The Bible does mention that Satan is controlling the world right now, his kingdom. That prophecy is going to be fulfilled, it doesn’t matter who we vote for. we cannot slow down or change prophecy. what’s your view on this subject?

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Do YOU vote, Eddie? If you do, do YOU vote for one of the choices of candidates, or do you write in a name of a Christian who isn't running, has no chance of winning, wasting the vote you DO HAVE? Voting is a God given privilege to we as Americans, most often with several choices on the ballot for each office. We have to vote for the ones who are closest to the Bible if possible,  but not necessarily a Christian. You state the Bible calls Satan as the God of this world, and rightly so. But, we DO NOT serve the adversary as the children of God, the creator of all things, including Lucifer. God is still working things according to His good pleasure, and has promised defeat of said adversary. God is still in control. 

Vote, don't vote, that's between you and God. 

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When God places people in countries where they are privileged to vote for those who will lead the country, then they should vote. Those who do not are not being good stewards of the country God has given them. I do believe that if one has the opportunity to vote and neglects it from that stance that "nobody is good enough," they are sinning (because at least here in America a voter can at least write in someone they can support)

Lesser of two evils? Yes, that is always a good debate. But here's the thing (and has been mentioned before): ALL people are sinners, therefore there is the truth that nobody for whom one votes will be perfect. Every single person who runs for whatever office will have something that is not good about them. It is the responsibility of the voter to examine the stance of the one(s) who desire to be chosen as public servants and to vote for the one who is closest to correct. There are biblical guidelines, and in this country we have the addition of constitutional guidelines. There is no excuse for us allowing into office those who flout either/both. 

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10 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

I agree with having in office the best person. But can we be part of the plan, that the evildoers are using us. 

Why is it you lean to seeing the negative in everything? Regardless of the evil, if we're following Christ and his leading, his plan will still prevail. You truly need to give the Lord more credit and respect.

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30 minutes ago, BrotherTony said:

Why is it you lean to seeing the negative in everything? Regardless of the evil, if we're following Christ and his leading, his plan will still prevail. You truly need to give the Lord more credit and respect.

I am giving Him all the respect, He said, all are sinners and not to trust in man. Not to support the lesser of two evils?

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6 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

I am giving Him all the respect, He said, all are sinners and not to trust in man. Not to support the lesser of two evils?

You're misapplying a verse. You really could benefit from a hermeneutics course. That's not at all what that is referring to. We've been given an electoral system where two parties are in place as our choices. You're trying to tell that you're not going to vote for either of them? The "lesser of two evils" is a pretty poor choice of words, but it is the current lingo. Yes, all are sinners, yet God uses sinners every day to accomplish his will. The only difference is that one group are saved individuals while the rest aren't. 

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BT,  I know that you prefer Trump as I also preferred him in the past, but what it comes down to is, they’re gonna put in office whoever they want. I think they will put him back in again. They just did not like the way he was behaving and was pumped up at the end of his first term.  Who is telling me all this? no one, it just in my imagination. Just remember, you cannot trust man. 😇

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Posted (edited)

If these super rich rulers, undercover. Can keep us poor and make us feel like our votes really count, they have succeeded in what they want to do. How can 80% of the population be struggling and the stock markets are doing super well? They are in control of the numbers cash flow, and the population. they don’t want the population to panic, but this can be done for only so long. Peace 🇺🇸

Edited by TheGloryLand
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48 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

If these super rich rulers, undercover. Can keep us poor and make us feel like our votes really count, they have succeeded in what they want to do. How can 80% of the population be struggling and the stock markets are doing super well? They are in control of the numbers cash flow, and the population. they don’t want the population to panic, but this can be done for only so long. Peace 🇺🇸

Eddie, this has been the case since the beginning of time. Some people make wiser choices than others and succeed while certain others, deceitful, devilish men succeed by use of subterfuge and power grabbing. The Bible is full of examples both righteous and unrighteous. Most understand what is going on but feel helpless to effect change and give up the fight. And if you look, Eddie, the population IS panicking in one way or another. Regarding the stock markets, the wealthy elite, banks, and large corporations control what is happening. Even with the blue collar workers buying in, once again, they feel helpless to effect change, not realizing the power they truly have if they would band together.

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On 6/20/2024 at 1:00 PM, TheGloryLand said:

Can we trust the electoral system that is controlled by the super-rich? They can buy out everyone they wish. Money the root of all evil.

It is not the electoral system. Nor even just the super-rich. Yes, indeed, many of the super-rich are in on the plan to destroy this country. But not all of them. And, btw, no, money is not the root of all evil. The LOVE of money is: greed and the chasing after it. 

If you look into history, what is happening here in America is exactly what's happened to other countries that have fallen and become third world countries or worse...just look into Venezuela. Not much more than a decade or so ago quite the prosperous country. But no more.

There are people with wealth who do control much. But the plain truth of the matter is that if people were educated like they were 100-200 years ago, Biden would never have been installed. Even Trump wouldn't have been elected. Nor Obama, Clinton, and even the Bushes. Because back in the day they understood the Constitution and what globalism (even though it wasn't called that) is. Oh, yes, there were people working all along to try to derail what God gave us in this country. But it didn't work. Why? Education. But more than that: there was fear of God. Even in the unsaved. John Adams, who was a Unitarian, not a Christian, but moral and ethical even so, said that the Constitution would only work with a religious and moral people. Look around at the lost and their evil. But look around at the total ungodliness of famous "preachers" and churches that hide sin. And there is no surprise that we are heading the direction we are.

I don't like Trump. I don't trust him. But I dislike and fear Biden/Kamala and their ilk far more. I know that Trump is not the answer that far too many Christians think he is. But I also know that we will retain more freedoms under him than under anyone the Dems put in. Yes, he is evil, and barely the lesser of two if we are honest. But that's, sadly, the way it is.

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How can Christians vote for someone that we don't trust? Would we vote for a new pastor that we don't trust, to lead us? It might be the time for Christians to not vote at all and trust in the Lord.

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Posted (edited)
51 minutes ago, TheGloryLand said:

How can Christians vote for someone that we don't trust? Would we vote for a new pastor that we don't trust, to lead us? It might be the time for Christians to not vote at all and trust in the Lord.

How can people NOT VOTE, period? We're NOT voting for a pastor, someone to be our spiritual guide, we're voting for the president of the country. We're ALWAYS going to have a certain level of distrust in politicians. Yet, if we're only given the choice of one or the other we have to choose the one we believe will be closest to our beliefs. Don't you think you've beat this dead horse 🐎 🐴 long enough?

Edited by BrotherTony
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