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Derailing a thread.

Joe Chandler

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Advil: Is door to door soul winning still working today?

Metformin: It boils down to obedience more than results.

Rinvoq: Jesus said He is the door.

Paxlovid: I listened to the Doors before I was saved.

Advil: Confused emoji

Nyquil: You are confused because you are stupid.

Advil: Is the bible stupid too?

Paxlovid: You guys be trippin’.

Moderator: Go read the rules again.

Rinvoq: He who opens the door… Need I say more?

Generic: He who closes the door… Yes, say more.

Rinvoq: Hey newbie, get off the thread.

Generic: No! You get off the thread.

Rinvoq: Anybody who believes the bible wants you off the thread.

Advil: What about door to door soul winning?

Jardiance: It works for the Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Nyquil: And the Mormons.

Generic: They are both cults and use hypnosis at the door.

Metformin: You have no proof of that, Generic.

Mucinex: I was hypnotized by a witch once.

Rinvoq: He who opens the door… Need I say more?

Nyquil: Asked and answered, Rinvoq!!!!!!!

Vicks: We still go door to door at my church.

Paxlovid: Are you in a cult?

Vicks: No. I am a Vatican certified Messianic Jew.

Rinvoq: Definitely a cult. Go post your garbage on Facebook.

Vicks: Your mom posts garbage on Facebook!

Moderator: Go read the rules!!

Admin: Vicks-banned. Rinvoq-banned. Nyquil-banned.

Moderator: Too much, admin.

Admin: You are not a real moderator. Moderator is just your own User ID.

Ocrevus: As a Doctor of Theology, I think we need to look carefully at the word door as used in the KJV bible. The door has been a metaphor for an entrance to a room, house, or possibly any building. Doors can be used for ingress or egress. So is it really an actual door? The word door also rhymes with poor and spore. Therefore it is safe to say that door to door is equal to poor to poor or spore to spore. Until we get more clarification from me, do nothing. I am the ultimate authority. You are welcome, people.

Caplyta: I agree with Ocrevus. He is friendly and subtle.

Paxlovid: What part of that nonsense do you agree with?

Moderator: Go read the rules!!

Admin: That’s it fake moderator, you are banned.

Moderator: Nooooooooooooooooooooo

PeptoKids: Where did Cain get his wife? Is a whale a fish? How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? Did the flood really happen? Why are you KJV only? I visit every church because they worship. Do you?

Advil: Can we get back to door to door soul winning, please.

Moderator#2: You already asked that.

Admin: Hey! You are banned.

Moderator#2: I changed my user name and used a VPN to circumvent IP banning. Boom!

Metformin: Go door to door.

PeptoKids: Use Facebook instead like the bible says.

Metformin: Chapter and verse.

PeptoKids: My opinion is enough.

Ocrevus: No. My opinion is enough. I am a Doctor of Theology.

Caplyta: I agree with Ocrevus. He is friendly and subtle.

Rybelsus: Eat that fruit, Eve. Haha

Zicam: What was the fruit?

Nutrifol: I read somewhere that it was not an apple.

Lavoris: Yes, it was. I’ve seen pictures?

Listerine: And I suppose you think Jesus looked like His picture.

Advil: Can we get back to door to door soul winning, please.

Admin: This thread is locked.


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4 hours ago, John Young said:

I thought Tylenol had some really good points about door to door sewing. Did you know Paul the Apostle used to do that tent sewing for money?

Yes I did, but I couldn.t find Tylenol in the thread. ? 

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11 hours ago, Joe Chandler said:

I couldn.t find Tylenol in the thread. ?

Tylenol probably pre-blocked a lot of people when they joined, so only a few could see what he.

Aspirin felt his tried and true expertise was neglected but I keep telling him he needs an account to post but he says his dialup times out before the sign up page can load.

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1 hour ago, John Young said:


Tylenol probably pre-blocked a lot of people when they joined, so only a few could see what he.

Aspirin felt his tried and true expertise was neglected but I keep telling him he needs an account to post but he says his dialup times out before the sign up page can load.

OK. I think I am starting see the reason for the clown noses on your avatar. ? 

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