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Do preachers still preach on spanking your children


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Though spanking is entirely appropriate in spite of what today's societal norm has become calling it "child abuse," there are other appropriate methods of discipline that work. I know that in my family, spanking was used on a regular basis for infractions of the rules. Yet, spanking didn't work on me. It only made me more rebellious, as it did with at least two of my other siblings. One sister, all it took was a certain look and she would fall in line. For my youngest brother, it was the threat of losing privileges, belongings, etc., that worked. For me, it usually was just a simple talk, reasoning together. 

I've heard many preachers bring the subject of spanking up in their sermons. One reason the "world" calls spanking "child abuse" is because many parents do it in a moment of anger, and the tool designed to be used scripturally becomes a mode of abuse. It's appropriate when the parent can spank without being abusive. I know growing up when my father would spank us kids, he would do so in anger. I often had serious welts across my face, arms, back, and legs to the point of the administrator of our Christian school noticing and wanting to contact DCHS in our state. I convinced him not to do so, as it would only aggravate the situation in our home. My mother often acted out in anger as well, but, not to the degree that my father did. As they both grew older, and we kids grew older, the frequency of these episodes declined, and both parents learned through experience that spanking isn't to be used in an abusive way, or at all if something else worked better. 

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I believe all other ways before spanking, should be done. I never seen anybody spanking a child that is not angry, how can you spank a child, when you are happy? Many times giving them the eye look does not work, I can understand not spanking your child out in the public, for you might be accused. By totally wiping spanking out, this will be a person not going by what the Bible teaches. I believe today that Christians are adjusting to the liberal ways of the world, the world is changing Christians, and churches. When it should be the churches, with help of Christians changing the world to its views. Salvation, has a different mission, I am not talking about sharing the faith, right now.

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3 hours ago, TheGloryLand said:

I believe all other ways before spanking, should be done. I never seen anybody spanking a child that is not angry, how can you spank a child, when you are happy? Many times giving them the eye look does not work, I can understand not spanking your child out in the public, for you might be accused. By totally wiping spanking out, this will be a person not going by what the Bible teaches. I believe today that Christians are adjusting to the liberal ways of the world, the world is changing Christians, and churches. When it should be the churches, with help of Christians changing the world to its views. Salvation, has a different mission, I am not talking about sharing the faith, right now.

Sp;anking can be done without anger. I've seen it done many times. I've also seen, as I spoke of in my earlier post, how anger can affect how discipline is viewed by not only the world, but, Christians as well. Too many Christians today are using the "spare the rod spoil the child" mentality to justify their beating of their children. There's a huge difference between discipline and child abuse (beating a child in anger). To be frank, TGL, the Gospel (kingdom building) IS our mission. The presentation of the gospel should reflect in all areas of our life. 

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I'm not sure this issue is even appropriate for a Pastor to teach in a sermon with the way the laws have changed. Whether it's appropriate it or not the underlying issue is more about the risk a Pastor would take for recommending member parents to do something illegal by today's laws. 

My personal opinion is that I really wouldn't want to hear a sermon about how to discipline my kids in private. In all the time I've been a Christian I haven't ever heard a preacher directly address the issue so I suppose it seem somewhat strange from my experience.

I think the subject would be better to discuss in small group study of parents or maybe as a part of a lager Sunday School lesson.

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We of course don't judge things by the course of the world our standard is the bible. And since we see it is ok in scripture we should agree with that. But we have to take the whole of it all.

Eph 6:4  And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. 

Col 3:21  Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged. 
Those verses  should be considered first in all discipline of children.

We can see by the following verses that it is not unbibical to spank a child. If we are doing it in the right spirit and because we trust the Lord's direction on it. Then that is not doing it in anger. 

Pro_29:15  The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.

Pro_22:8  He that soweth iniquity shall reap vanity: and the rod of his anger shall fail.

Pro_22:15  Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him.

Pro_23:13  Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die.

May our Saviour bless parents who are bringing children up in this wicked generation. And let them not move away from the authority of scripture for all matters of faith and practice! 

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On 10/25/2022 at 7:00 AM, TheGloryLand said:

I believe all other ways before spanking, should be done. I never seen anybody spanking a child that is not angry, how can you spank a child, when you are happy? Many times giving them the eye look does not work, I can understand not spanking your child out in the public, for you might be accused. By totally wiping spanking out, this will be a person not going by what the Bible teaches. I believe today that Christians are adjusting to the liberal ways of the world, the world is changing Christians, and churches. When it should be the churches, with help of Christians changing the world to its views. Salvation, has a different mission, I am not talking about sharing the faith, right now.

I agree that it should be used as a last resort. I think it's important use the appropriate discipline based on the child as an individual. When it comes to my daughter a change in my voice tone is enough to send her into tears and stop the situation before physical punishment is necessary. When my kids were younger spanking was the only way for them to understand the seriousness of their behavior but now that they are older I am able to explain to them why what they are doing is wrong and that is enough most if the time. I have seen some situations where a father still uses the threat of physical punishment on daughters who are nearly adults and it felt inappropriate to me. That's a personal opinion though. I don't feel like spanking should be the immediate reaction in most cases without first attempting to understand the situation. Parents should always be careful not to punish out of pure anger and make sure they are in control of themselves before doing anything. 

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On 10/24/2022 at 8:34 PM, TheGloryLand said:

This is not acceptable in today's World.

spanks spank you GIF by chuber channel

Why do you put the traditions of man above God's Word?  

"He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes." - Proverbs 13:24

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