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"Pastor" Greg Locke at it again! Now says he has "witches" in his church....


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Mr. Greg Locke (sorry, but I refuse to confer upon him the title of "Pastor") is at it again. Mr. Locke is now saying he has witches in his church that he will expose, and his freakish behavior and accusations seem to grow stranger by the week. Mr. Locke reminds me of a man back in the 70's named JIM JONES...I hope his people are looking out for invitations to move to a foreign country to start their own city and loose packets of Kool-Aid! Oh, yeah!



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My husband's former pastor (well, mine, too, after we met) accused someone of that...he had been seeing and hearing things in the church for a while.  Wasn't too long after that he went bonkers and tried to kill someone (never reported to the police).

It was very popular in the 70s to preach on demons and witches. Those men who devoted their entire ministries to that destroyed themselves. 

Locke is quite likely trying to regain his former popularity. I never got the "attraction" folks had for him.

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11 minutes ago, HappyChristian said:

My husband's former pastor (well, mine, too, after we met) accused someone of that...he had been seeing and hearing things in the church for a while.  Wasn't too long after that he went bonkers and tried to kill someone (never reported to the police).

It was very popular in the 70s to preach on demons and witches. Those men who devoted their entire ministries to that destroyed themselves. 

Locke is quite likely trying to regain his former popularity. I never got the "attraction" folks had for him.

At one time he was a very popular associate/assistant pastor at the Franklin Road Baptist Church...but from what I had witnessed and been told by people still at Franklin Road in Murfreesboro, TN, he wasn't happy with his position and had a following in the church. He left causing a schism in the body, though I don't believe FRBC felt much of an impact from him leaving, and started Global Vision Baptist Church. Some of the people from the church that we were then members of, Heartland Baptist Church, also left our church to help Locke get his church going. It's wasn't long, though, before they returned to our church, and were really silent about what had been going on in the GVBC. Others we knew who weren't so quiet stated that there were marital problems in the Locke family, and that there were also problems inside the organization itself. My wife and I almost went to visit there a few times, but we saw some strange actions on Locke's part and didn't feel comfortable with what we saw. It wasn't long after that he "left the Baptists" (he insisted in his statements to the press and others that the Bapstist had left him) to become a Bible church. His popularity probably comes from the fact that he's against a lot of the things that have been happening inside many of the churches, the government, and in the homes of people who follow him. I never saw the attraction myself. After his divorce and remarriage, I thought his people would have ousted him, or at least have put him on administrative leave for a period of time under a group of other pastors....but that didn't happen, and he didn't take a hiatus to try and gain the trust of many people whom he had lost. He jumped right back into ministry! I found that totally unacceptable. He's been making "off the wall" statments and accusations ever since.

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4 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

Mr. Greg Locke (sorry, but I refuse to confer upon him the title of "Pastor") is at it again. Mr. Locke is now saying he has witches in his church that he will expose, and his freakish behavior and accusations seem to grow stranger by the week. Mr. Locke reminds me of a man back in the 70's named JIM JONES...I hope his people are looking out for invitations to move to a foreign country to start their own city and loose packets of Kool-Aid! Oh, yeah!



Jim Jones was an atheist and commie.

I don't know anything about Greg Locke but is it possible he's using hyperbole and is referring to I Samuel 15:23?


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21 minutes ago, SureWord said:

Jim Jones was an atheist and commie.

I don't know anything about Greg Locke but is it possible he's using hyperbole and is referring to I Samuel 15:23?


He may well be using hyperbole...but I sincerely doubt it. Remenber, anyone who doesn't agree with him ( as it was with Jack Hyles) would be guilty of witchcraft and be in rebellion against his leadership. I don't buy this frauds ideology or message.

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We know witches and demons are real entities spoken of in the Bible. We are not supposed to think on them we are supposed to "think on these things,"...
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." ~ Philippians 4:8

And keep our thoughts on Christ... 
"Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." ~ Hebrews 12:2

The gospel was Paul's focus and Oswald Chambers echos that sentiment in My Utmost For His Highest, "proclaim the Gospel of God". Yes, witches will be around and there are demons but, if I could be a pastor, I would not make them the focus of my ministry. The church needs to be warned with what the Bible teaches but, a vendetta on an infiltration of witches, I question that.


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1 hour ago, BrotherTony said:

He may well be using hyperbole...but I sincerely doubt it. Remenber, anyone who doesn't agree with him ( as it was with Jack Hyles) would be guilty of witchcraft and be in rebellion against his leadership. I don't buy this frauds ideology or message.

From what I've heard he reminds me of a guy back in the 80's named John Todd. He roped in a lot of Christians into believing his conspiracies and sensational stories with one of them him being from a "family of witches". A lot of what he said was true but he personally was a con artist. 

22 minutes ago, 1Timothy115 said:

We know witches and demons are real entities spoken of in the Bible. We are not supposed to think on them we are supposed to "think on these things,"...
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." ~ Philippians 4:8

And keep our thoughts on Christ... 
"Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God." ~ Hebrews 12:2

The gospel was Paul's focus and Oswald Chambers echos that sentiment in My Utmost For His Highest, "proclaim the Gospel of God". Yes, witches will be around and there are demons but, if I could be a pastor, I would not make them the focus of my ministry. The church needs to be warned with what the Bible teaches but, a vendetta on an infiltration of witches, I question that.


Yeah, though I think there's a time to preach or teach about these things they are not very edifying and many times end up becoming rabbit holes. 

I think if the preaching and teaching is Christ centered and biblical you shouldn't have to worry about a coven of witches forming in your Ladies Book Club 

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