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The FBI's Secret Weapon In The Capitol Attack Manhunt


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One year into an unprecedented investigation of the thousands of rioters who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, the FBI is leaning on a band of digital investigators to both identify suspects and piece together an overwhelming mountain of evidence from that day, much of which was recorded by the perpetrators themselves. The crowdsourced effort, organized on social media last year in the wake of the Capitol attack, has affected hundreds of the more than 700 cases that federal prosecutors have brought in the past 12 months.

There’s much, much more to come. The digital investigators have successfully identified hundreds of individuals who were captured on video committing crimes on Jan. 6 but have not yet been charged, including dozens and dozens of violent rioters whose images are featured on the FBI’s U.S. Capitol Violence website.

“Sometimes it feels like we’re way ahead of them,” one sleuth told HuffPost. “And then sometimes they arrest someone or release new security footage and it smacks us in the face with how much more there is to uncover.”

From their home offices, couches, kitchen tables, bedrooms and garages, these independent investigators have played a remarkable role in archiving and preserving digital evidence. Often operating under the “Sedition Hunters” moniker, they’ve archived more than 2,000 Facebook accounts, over 1,125 YouTube channels, 500-plus Instagram accounts, nearly 1,000 Twitter feeds, more than 100 Rumble profiles and over 250 TikTok accounts. They’ve gathered more than 4.1 terabytes ― 4,100 gigabytes ― of data, enough to fill dozens of new iPhones with standard-issue storage.

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First and foremost...the FBI needs to be doing their own work instead of trying to turn neighbor against neighbor and American against American....This is already being done by the MSM, the medical establishment, Big Pharma, and our politicians. The FBI is far too lax in what they do anyhow, and now they're lapdogs of Biden. 

Now, to the Huffington Post part of this...yada yada yada! Way to go, BB...you're still posting tripe! There WAS NO INSURRECTION...if you watch the entry into the Capitol building, the Capitol police ESCORTED and cleared the way for these protesters (peaceful) to enter. You're proving more and more that you're nothing more than a government hack!

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Watch the media... they will tell you what an insurrection is. If you burn down cities and siege blocks of a city, then it's just a protest. Insurrection is when a conservative protests. 

BTW: What happened on Jan 6 should never of happened. Nobody should have stepped foot in that building to stop Pence that day, and everyone that did, their fate should be put in the hands of a jury. However, there is too much that is not adding up...Why did some USCP hold doors open for protester's to walk in? Why was there so few officers on duty? Who was on those buses that came in late as most where leaving the rally? There is more to the story here. Since the IFB is doing all this investigation into the protester's, then why are we not hearing anything about these other story's that don't fit the left's narrative? 

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12 minutes ago, PastorMatt said:

Watch the media... they will tell you what an insurrection is. If you burn down cities and siege blocks of a city, then it's just a protest. Insurrection is when a conservative protests. 

BTW: What happened on Jan 6 should never of happened. Nobody should have stepped foot in that building to stop Pence that day, and everyone that did, their fate should be put in the hands of a jury. However, there is too much that is not adding up...Why did some USCP hold doors open for protester's to walk in? Why was there so few officers on duty? Who was on those buses that came in late as most where leaving the rally? There is more to the story here. Since the IFB is doing all this investigation into the protester's, then why are we not hearing anything about these other story's that don't fit the left's narrative? 

I disagree. They had a right to enter that building. It's been done before. They did not have a right to destroy property or attack police. Although, there is evidence the police were cornering and assaulting peaceful protestors.

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On 1/5/2022 at 6:55 PM, PastorMatt said:

How so?

Redress of Grievances. Groups have entered the Capital building before to protest even when Congress was in session and never were charged.  The problem was when they started rioting, damaging property and entering the various offices. Illegal trespassing and disorderly conduct with a speedy trial not one year in solitary without charges.

Those who attacked police definitely should be charged. Although, there is evidence some protestors were defending themselves from a rogue band of cops who were brutalizing innocent protestors.

They are using these people as tools to prevent the GOP from sweeping the midterms and Trump running again. Apparently, also so the Feds can seize elections.

The Dems know their goose is cooked if they can't cheat. The Republicans are just weak and cowardly. 


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15 minutes ago, PastorMatt said:

does anyone know how many people at the Capitol on Jan 6 have been indicted by the DOJ for insurrection? 


Over 310 have been CHARGED...so far I've not found a total for those indicted.

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1 hour ago, PastorMatt said:

does anyone know how many people at the Capitol on Jan 6 have been indicted by the DOJ for insurrection? 


I'm not sure about indicted. But:

Since supporters of then-President Donald Trump swarmed the US Capitol on January 6, 2021 — forcing Congress to go into lockdown and damaging the halls of government — 738 people have been arrested and charged with crimes.

The FBI is seeking the public's help to identify people who took part in one of the most documented crimes in US history.

But since many rioters were allowed to walk free a year ago, it's taking some time to track them down.


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54 minutes ago, Razor said:

I'm not sure about indicted. But:

Since supporters of then-President Donald Trump swarmed the US Capitol on January 6, 2021 — forcing Congress to go into lockdown and damaging the halls of government — 738 people have been arrested and charged with crimes.

The FBI is seeking the public's help to identify people who took part in one of the most documented crimes in US history.

But since many rioters were allowed to walk free a year ago, it's taking some time to track them down.


Thanks, but like you said, it does not answer the question. ?

2 hours ago, BrotherTony said:

Over 310 have been CHARGED...so far I've not found a total for those indicted.

My question then would be, how would it be an insurrection if none has been charged for insurrection? Would that be like charging someone for murder when no murder took place? 

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Stay alert folks.

I wouldn’t count on the globalists giving you your country back. Took them billions of your money and many decades to plan all this and get this far, they won't be giving in and starting over. Their master stroke of luck may be January 6th and they will milk it all the way. They setup conservatives by infiltrating, organizing, inciting and then allowing them entrance to the capital, just to later charge them with insurrection (actually trespassing but like many definition changes lately, the definition of trespassing now appears to equal insurrection). And are now using this protest on the 6th and their Commission to “legally” label all who oppose the fraudulent election an insurrectionist whether they attended Trump’s rally and protest or not.

If there were to be any histories of man written after this (there probably won’t be many if any IMO) but if there is, it would show us that when those protesters left the capital on January 6th, the country was lost. That was the day the American experiment died. Most just don’t get it yet. That was their only real chance to stop the steal but they severely underestimated the length and depth of the globalist’s plan so they all just left. They had the numbers then and were in place but had no leadership nor a crystal ball so freedom died with their departure.

Sadly, conservative patriots whom make up the moral majority of this nation have no leadership whatsoever which is apparent after January 6th.  Donald Trump is one of them, make no mistake about that. Trump has proven to be (in my mind) their chief opposition controller. The other hopeful, Ted Cruz has also proven that he is one of them. He has repeatedly referred to the stop the steal protesters as terrorists. He is at this moment attempting to weasel out of what he was paid to say. He is another bought and paid for opposition control operative.

Are you starting to see the illusion of a two party system yet? Just like TV wrestling, the good guys and the bad guys are both paid by the same people. The only folks divided are the spectators (commoners/populace).

Remember that although the Constitution is/was no doubt the deepest, most impactful writing of man it was still merely written by man. What some men can do, other men can undo. What some men can write, other men can erase. Who is to stop them? Exactly, no one.

If this commission has it’s way all whom oppose this one world government will be picked off one by one from all over the country. After every communist coup in history, all dissent must be purged to ensure a lengthy totalitarian rule.

The conservative, patriotic lost will have to choose soon, their life or their principles and freedoms. No one on the political right has the means to truly fight nor the ability to mass organize. All communications technology belongs to them. Do you see now how we all got fat and lazy with freedom for several decades now and our soft hands and heads did nothing to stop the infiltration and undermining of America by enemies within? We were too distracted by all the shiny things that came with the American dream. We tolerated their reprobation one vile sin at a time and History has always shown us that tolerance ends in treachery and betrayal by those demanding it.

I doubt there will be a 2024 election friends, there may not even be any congressionals at the end of this year. This January 6th commission has become one of their many tools to ensure no free, legal elections ever occur again. They will attempt and probably succeed to use this January 6th Commission to declare all dissent insurrection. At the same time disqualify any dissenter in congress FROM congress and at the same time not allow any dissenting (insurrectionists) candidates from replacing them or being elected to office period. The silent GOP knows this and is counting their blood money to acquiesce.  They know who is going to win already (ask Ted Cruz). This will criminalize any true political opposition forever (they hope). Remember, no one is qualified for public office if convicted of insurrection against the United States. 

2020 was bad, 2021 was worse but we ain't seen nothing yet.

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8 hours ago, PastorMatt said:

Thanks, but like you said, it does not answer the question. ?

My question then would be, how would it be an insurrection if none has been charged for insurrection? Would that be like charging someone for murder when no murder took place? 

My guess is that the charge of insurrection  would be harder to prove. Insurrection is defined as a violent uprising against authority or the government. The person can be fined and/or sentenced to 10 years in jail. 

The charge of insurrection and or sedition may be coming for some. Time will tell. I have read that there are more serious charges to come. Time will tell. 

I found this after posting the above.


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8 hours ago, PastorMatt said:

Thanks, but like you said, it does not answer the question. ?

My question then would be, how would it be an insurrection if none has been charged for insurrection? Would that be like charging someone for murder when no murder took place? 

My guess is that the charge of insurrection  would be harder to prove. Insurrection is defined as a violent uprising against authority or the government. The person can be fined and/or sentenced to 10 years in jail. 

The charge of insurrection and or sedition may be coming for some. Time will tell. I have read that there are more serious charges to come. Time will tell. 


I found the following:

From the start, prosecutors faced a unique legal problem: Never before had members of Congress been forced from the House and Senate floors while finalizing the transition of presidential power. What law should be used to charge this crime?

The government settled on an unusual obstruction law — the obstruction of an official proceeding before Congress. It brought the charge against scores of people believed to have disrupted the democratic process, often alongside more traditional counts of trespassing, vandalism and assault.

The obstruction law, which carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison, had a few advantages. First, it allowed the authorities to avoid deploying more politically fraught — and harder-to-prove — counts like sedition or insurrection.


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