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God is so much larger than we can ever imagine.

Bouncing Bill

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God is so much larger and creative than we can ever imagine. We will never fully comprehend God. We should never underestimate God and making sweeping pronouncements from our own limited understanding. 


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50 minutes ago, Bouncing Bill said:

God is so much larger and creative than we can ever imagine. We will never fully comprehend God. We should never underestimate God and making sweeping pronouncements from our own limited understanding. 


A monkey could be my uncle too.

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I find Science fascinating.

I also find that individuals, like Carl Sagan mentioned quoted in the article as a 'reliable' source not very scientific.

As with a lot of science nowadays, I see a blending of scientific reality mixed with Science Fiction.

Besides the quote by Carl Sagan, I found this quote interesting in the blending of 'true' science with science fiction. "With warp drive and a map, that’s a potentially habitable planet for every 26 people in the world. (Indeed, 4 such planets could be within 30 light years of the sun, the closest within 20 light years.) The key word here is potentially."

If our dear friends who quote evolutionary articles, evolutionary proponents, and evolutionary thoughts on Online Baptist, would hear me out I have a humble request to make.  I have found out in my studies of scientific literature that the quoting of evolutionists, as Carl Sagan, are acceptable but the quoting of the Bible is not. So, please forgive me if I quote the Bible.

Timothy 6: 20 & 21 “O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called. Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.”

The blending of true science with science fiction is, in my limited frame of mind, is 'vain babblings' and 'science falsely so called.'


Edited by Alan
doubled word formattiing
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55 minutes ago, Alan said:

I find Science fascinating.

I also find that individuals, like Carl Sagan mentioned quoted in the article as a 'reliable' source not very scientific.

As with a lot of science nowadays, I see a blending of scientific reality mixed with Science Fiction.

Besides the quote by Carl Sagan, I found this quote interesting in the blending of 'true' science with science fiction. "With warp drive and a map, that’s a potentially habitable planet for every 26 people in the world. (Indeed, 4 such planets could be within 30 light years of the sun, the closest within 20 light years.) The key word here is potentially."

If our dear friends who quote evolutionary articles, evolutionary proponents, and evolutionary thoughts on Online Baptist, would hear me out I have a humble request to make.  I have found out in my studies of scientific literature that the quoting of evolutionists, as Carl Sagan, are acceptable but the quoting of the Bible is not. So, please forgive me if I quote the Bible.

Timothy 6: 20 & 21 “O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called. Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen.”

The blending of true science with science fiction is, in my limited frame of mind, is 'vain babblings' and 'science falsely so called.'


Of course, my comment was not to be taken literally. Just making a point through sarcasm.

If there are possibly millions of other inhabitable planets, i.e. planets with life, then we have a problem, Houston, with the Bible.

In actuality, they haven't found one yet. They think maybe there are, I believe the number is twelve, similar planets to ours but even that is guesswork since all they can really see are little black specks passing in front of a star which they assume must be orbiting planets.

As far as I'm concerned It's just more fairytale fantasyland for grownups who need an occasional escape from reality or to earn a paycheck at an University or government funded research center.

The "stars" were placed in the firmanent for us to keep track of times and seasons and if there are life sustaining planets they're reserved for the future dwellings of God's family in eternity.

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