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Quarantine, Home, Rules for Taiwan.


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Just thought a give a little update on how a civilized country, and a country that follows its CONSTITUTION, Taiwan, conducts "Home Quarantine" for : (1)  Individuals with COVID-19 ; (2) Persons recently entering Taiwan. Please take careful note. A civilized country, or a government that does not have an hidden agenda,  quarantines those with THE DISEASE or those WHO ARE SUSPECTED on having the disease.

For your information, due to our just recent travel from a country, the US, that has a high incident of COVID-19 we are under a mandatory 14-day quarantine.

By the way, Taiwan has one of the lowest death rates of COVID-19 among those countries that has the disease. The government of Taiwan, once the disease was found coming from Communist China immediately cut off  air travel from , and to, Wuhan, China and took other precautionary measures without curtailing the freedoms of the people; including the FREEDOM TO ASSEMBLE. Church services are continuing as normal. Taiwan is a freedom loving country that respects the Constitutional right to assemble in church, or other peaceful assemblies, of its citizens.

Also, the following document is one of four documents we have had to study, sign and follow due to recently entering Taiwan. The populace is not required to practice home quarantine.



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I see nothing in the words of your post that I disagree with. The unprecedented actions taken by our supposed leadership are nothing short of tyrannical.  There are forces at work in this recent outbreak that will only be revealed in the pages of history. Never in the course of history have whole countries been effectively locked down on a scale such as this, or any other scale for that matter. Just look at the words and phrases that have been brought out into the light of day that you never even heard mentioned in normal speech before; pandemic, social distancing, shelter in place, maintain six feet between people, no assemblies of more than six people, mandatory closure of churches and businesses, wear a mask, wash your hands, sneeze into your elbow, do not visit a medical facility unless it is life threatening, customers can only travel one way in shopping isles, stay home, self isolation after travel, New Normal, and I am sure there are some I have not listed.

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Without locking down the country and allowing businesses and schools to remain open, healthy people allowed to freely go about their daily lives (only the sick or travelers arriving from abroad or those who came into contact with the infected are quarantined), this is the result as of today:

6 straight days without a new case, 31 days without a domestically transmitted case. Of the 440 total confirmed cases, 375 have recovered, 7 deaths, the rest are still in hospital. This from a country less than 100 miles from China and a population of over 23 million. 



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