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How does one fast?


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Greetings and thanks for reading this,

i have no idea how one fasts as a Baptist Christian.

Is it like not eating nor drinking anything at all, as the Muslims do from dawn to dusk?

Or has it got nothing to do with food and drink and it's a spiritual thing?

Thank you for your kind replies and time.

Stay awesome,



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There are many types of fasting, and the Bible does not say how to fast, but gives us some examples.


The important thing is that when you fast, do it with real intentions of drawing closer to God and to show him your earnest cries.  

You can't fast, with out dedicating time, much time, to prayer.  As i fast, any times I get a hunger pain, I praise God for having him remind me it is time to pray again.  This can get tricky as the longer the fast, the less hunger pains you feel.  

I recently, through God's strength, finished a 5 day fast.  I often will also fast a mean or a week of not eating supper.  Ask God for clarity on how long.  I usually have a set time before I start.


When I fast, I abstain from food, but drink water and coffee and tea.  If I am doing an extended fast i will take medications (I never EVER FAST from my medication).

Remember, fasting does not have to be food either.  You can fast from an action (please don't make it bathing, for the sake of your family).  I've seen people fast from using a computer for a week, spending money for a time, etc etc.  

It all boils down to ASK GOD and PRAY!



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Thank you very much, The Morlock, for your kind reply, but i still don't get it much.

i think when you say 'fast' you mean stop doing something, and at the same time pray more and remember the Lord more often than usual.


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Could I suggest you to you, that rather than worrying about fasting and such like, you go right back to basics and  read through some passages like:

Rom 3:23
(23)  For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

Think about what that verse is actually saying, and ask if it applies to you as well.
For the ones that the first verse there applies to, they need to look at verses like:

Rom 6:23
(23)  For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
I would like you to note that as the verse is talking about opposites, the "death" spoken of is the same as the "Life" spoken of in one respect - it is eternal.

Where does that leave the one who the first verse applies to?

Is there a solution to that problem?

Joh 3:16-18
(16)  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
(17)  For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
(18)  He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.


So if God sent His son to offer eternal life to sinners through their belief in Him, what does that look like? How does a sinner "believe" properly? What does it take?
Rom 10:9-13

(9)  That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
(10)  For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
(11)  For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
(12)  For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.
(13)  For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Consider these passages, and maybe read through the book of John - but consider these passages, what they are saying and does any of that apply to you, and should you pay attention to what it is saying?

Can I let you in on a little secret? These passages absolutely apply to me.


This is far more important that any discussion you might have on fasting - but if you really want those answers - the simple explanation is to abstain from something so that you may concentrate on worshipping the Lord. It is often food, but doesn't have to be.

But the other verses I mentioned are by far the most important thing to study (and there are more to consider as well, but that is a basic starting point).


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Dear Dave,

Thanks a lot for your kind reply and attention.

Well, i was reading the Bible and there was a talk of fast / watch and pray and it occurred to my humble mind to ask and learn how to fast, i hope to find a way and be able to believe in God and the Lord full heartedly.

Thank you

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Dear W,

I am reading and listening to the Holy Bible every day, it hasn't been long, but i have been constant.

My problem is i cannot link the dots and doubts and questions keep me wondering.

People saw his miracles in person while he was on Earth and they failed to believe in him, think how more difficult it is for me to believe.


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Dear W,

i have been reading the article, but i have got one huge problem, i don't want to believe in God because of being afraid of Hell and the seas of fire, i'd rather believe in God because i could love him for being God, so far, that article is more frightening than helping, i don't want to be afraid of God, who as is mentioned, is full of love and pity for us.

Such articles may intrigue some folks, but as i said, i am looking for true and honest belief in the Lord and love Him for who He is, not for fear and dread.

If you can help me get that kind of belief and love, i'm for ever indebted to you.

Have a great time

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Dear W,

By the way, is it not a sin to share somebody's artwork and production which was not made public with the world on YouTube?

If i am not mistaken Mr A. Scourby made those recordings of the Bible in order to make a living out of them and they cost something about $58 on Amazon:



Also on his own website:


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20 hours ago, Totoosart said:

Dear W,

i have been reading the article, but i have got one huge problem, i don't want to believe in God because of being afraid of Hell and the seas of fire, i'd rather believe in God because i could love him for being God, so far, that article is more frightening than helping, i don't want to be afraid of God, who as is mentioned, is full of love and pity for us.

Whether you or I believe something does not make it truth, truth is only found in the Word of God. That's why the more that I read the Bible the more I realize that I have to change and that I was wrong. You say you don't want to be afraid of God, yet the Bible states to Fear God. You say "I don't want"... This is not about what you or I want, it is about believing in the Bible as God's Word. Your post is all about you...it should more about what God has done for you.

(I realize we are not talking about fasting anymore)

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Dear Matt,

‘I totally agree with you, it is about me, yes, and I cannot believe in God nor the Lord, no matter how hard I try.

i have been reading and listening, and asking and discussing the good faith and my issues, but so far, only problems add and lead to more complications, I have begged and still beg the Holy Spirit, the Lord, and the Host of Heavens to guide me, but the more I search, the less my chances of honest true hearty belief.

thank you for your kind time

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Dear Invicta,

Thank you, i am continuously searching, listening to Audio recordings and reading the Bible and listening to sermons online. There are also lectures on the Bible and theology on iTunes U that i have been following and continue to listen to and return to as often as i can.

It is not easy to ignore the discoveries made in the realm of Science and the fact that we, as human beings, look and act very much like every other animal would and then say: We are special!

So far, i have come to learn that the Earth would have been far better off without us human beings, destroying the Earth's environment and recently the space, too. 

i pity and feel sorry for all other creatures and for one, i wish i was never born.

Fingers crossed, all will be fine.

Thanks for your time and kindness


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