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Hey truck drivers...

No Nicolaitans

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Whether you believe it or not, you don't own the road. I'm tired of having to slam my brakes on because you see 10 feet of empty space in front of me; in which, you can pull out. You're lucky I'm a Christian and not single...I'd plow into you just to teach you a lesson...I'm tired of it.

And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.

You might wanna do that in relation to others instead of others applying it to you.

Sorry folks, but my flesh has reared its ugly head. :laugh:

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I have the other way - I have a 1985 FJ62 Toyota Landcruiser, which is a relatively big old lump of a thing, which doesn't have any of the modern anti-lock brakes etc.

It is basically a small truck, but the thing is, it has the second worst brakes of anything I have ever driven (the worst was an older version). Little old disks in the front and drums on the back - they are power assisted, but nothing like modern assist.

As a result, in traffic I leave a big gap in front of me, which people who don't think assume is for them to squeeze into before they ram on their brakes to stop when the traffic slows in front of them. 

Then I have to slam on my brakes and push as hard as I can on the pedal, whilst pulling on the steering wheel for leverage, and the old thing eventually pulls up just before I imprint my bull bar onto the rear of their car.

They have no idea that they are taking their lives in their hands, but at least their intelligence won't be missed.........:laugh:


Oh yeah - I know I am slow off the mark and so I don't pull out in front of people. :15_1_63:

Edited by DaveW
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Give way to those with the tonnage!  I try to be courteous but not suffer fools either.  Those clowns who pass me three times while my cruise is set will never get me to yield the left lane to them.  At 6,300 pounds of Texas steel, them little four wheelers best leave me alone.


Several years ago we were accosted by a nut driving a rig.  He tried several times to run us off the road even though there was nobody around us.  I think at some point he wanted to pass me but with no traffic about, he should have just gone 'round.  Anyway, we took down his information and reported him to the Highway Patrol and later his company.  Never heard from the Troopers but his company took him to the wood shed. 

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My route to (and from) work takes me through an interstate exit...and you know what's on interstate exits...we have a truck stop and four convenience stores/gas stations (all big enough to handle trucks).

It's almost a given that one is going to pull out in traffic every time...but they seem to always target me. :laugh:

I'm a bit understanding of it during the hours when there's more traffic coming through, but at night...when I'm the only car coming through...and it can plainly be seen that there's no car behind me? Happens all the time. Is it really going to mess their log book up to wait a few seconds to let me pass by first? 

I respect truck drivers for the job they do, but I don't respect how they do the job at times.

Easiest way to fix it is for me to take a different route...it's a little further in mileage, but at least I won't be bamboozled by the truckers...who apparently have all conspired together...

Breaker 1/9, Breaker 1/9, come back. khhk.

Go ahead. khhk.

Hey. khhk. Just for future reference, if you're ever leaving the truck stop or one of the gas stations on exit 5, make sure to pull out in front of that guy driving a tan 1998 Ford Escort ZX2. khhk. You'll know him at night, because he's the only guy coming through. khhk. And his right headlight is dimmer than the left headlight. khhk.

10-4! khhk.


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Well at least you don't have most of he trucks on your roads built to drive on the opposite side to you.  There have been many cases of drivers being side swiped by European trucks who cannot see a car overtaking them, because they are not in view of their mirrors.  One of our deacons was side swiped by a polish lorry.  The police are issuing fresnel  lens sheets to put on the lower window.  

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