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The flood of waters (Gen.7:6)


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At the beginning of the Flood, there was a great earthquake, which became a catalyst for the chemical reaction in the bowels of the Earth. The products of this reaction are water and silicon hydride, and a large amount of heat is also released. At a pressure of several tens of thousands of atmospheres, the water is in a liquid state even at a temperature of one and a half thousand degrees. But as the water approaches from the depths to the Earth's surface, the pressure decreases and a moment comes when the hot liquid turns into gas, and an explosion occurs, as the volume of water increases 600 time.

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On 2017-4-19 at 6:02 AM, Konstantin said:

 When did it happen?


Gen 10:25  And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother’s name was Joktan.

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On ‎5‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 11:38 AM, Konstantin said:

At the beginning of the Flood, there was a great earthquake, which became a catalyst for the chemical reaction in the bowels of the Earth. The products of this reaction are water and silicon hydride, and a large amount of heat is also released. At a pressure of several tens of thousands of atmospheres, the water is in a liquid state even at a temperature of one and a half thousand degrees. But as the water approaches from the depths to the Earth's surface, the pressure decreases and a moment comes when the hot liquid turns into gas, and an explosion occurs, as the volume of water increases 600 time.

So, are you saying you believe this is the method God used to separate the earth into present day continents and islands?

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1 hour ago, 1Timothy115 said:

So, are you saying you believe this is the method God used to separate the earth into present day continents and islands?

Hi, 1Timothy115.

Notice, at first ‘all the fountains of the great deep’ (Gen.7:11) were broken up. Billions of tons of hot lava began to fly in the atmosphere because there were the explosions of water vapor. The upper part of the mid-Atlantic ridge was precisely this line of rupture. As we see in the map, this line repeats the contours of South America and Africa. Now let's find out why this line is so far removed from the coasts of Africa and from the shores of South America. When the pressure of hot magma, mixed with water vapor, split the dry land, which was called Earth on four smaller continents, hot magma, mixed with hot steam, flowed from these cracks. The density of the Earth's matter began to decrease rapidly, and the volume of the Earth was also increasing rapidly, the newly formed continents began to swim across the surface of the swelling Earth. The water vapor began to condense in the atmosphere, so ‘the windows of heaven were opened’ (Gen.7:11) and it began to rain. As the water on the Earth became more and more, explosions of hot water vapor began to occur not in the atmosphere, but under water. A lava flowed from the mid-Atlantic ridge even under water. The greatest activity of the chemical reaction within the Earth lasted one hundred and fifty days, so 'the waters prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty days' (Gen.7:24). As the chemical reaction faded, water began to escape from the face of the Earth into huge reservoirs beneath the surface of the earth formed as a result of water vapor explosions. The bottom of the oceans is the new surface of the Earth that appeared during the Flood. The thickness of the bottom of the oceans is, on average, 10 km, the thickness of the continents is tens of times greater.

This is what happened during the Flood.

15 hours ago, Invicta said:


Gen 10:25  And unto Eber were born two sons: the name of one was Peleg; for in his days was the earth divided; and his brother’s name was Joktan.

Hi, Invicta.

Immediately after the Flood, the activity of the processes inside the Earth was still quite high, so there was rising up or going down of individual parts of the Earth's surface. After the flood before the days of Peleg, there were stripes of land from one continent to another. In this way, people and animals settled on all continents. This time took about 350 years. Then, these strips of land between the continents went under the water in the days of Peleg.

Thus the Earth was divided (Gen.10:25).

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Aren't the "tectonic plates" at the "Mid Atlantic Ridge" slowly moving apart as we speak? http://www.the-science-site.com/mid-atlantic-ridge.html

Is it possible that the "earth was divided" is a reference to God separating mankind into different languages in the next chapter? Chapter 11?

1 And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.........

.....8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.

Edited by heartstrings
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5 hours ago, heartstrings said:

Aren't the "tectonic plates" at the "Mid Atlantic Ridge" slowly moving apart as we speak? http://www.the-science-site.com/mid-atlantic-ridge.html

Is it possible that the "earth was divided" is a reference to God separating mankind into different languages in the next chapter? Chapter 11?

1 And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.........

.....8 So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.

I would personally believe that is the case.

If you read chapter 10, it also describes how the people were divided "after their tongues, lands, nations, and countries"...but...that's BEFORE chapter 11; which says, the earth was of one language and speech...and they didn't want to be scattered over the earth.

So...either chapter 10 happened before chapter 11 (which would mean there's a mistake in God's word since they seemingly contradict when different languages, nations, and countries took place)


Chapter 10 is giving more details about who the division of the earth applied to [by languages (tongues)] that took place in chapter 11.


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3 hours ago, No Nicolaitans said:

I would personally believe that is the case.

If you read chapter 10, it also describes how the people were divided "after their tongues, lands, nations, and countries"...but...that's BEFORE chapter 11; which says, the earth was of one language and speech...and they didn't want to be scattered over the earth.

So...either chapter 10 happened before chapter 11 (which would mean there's a mistake in God's word since they seemingly contradict when different languages, nations, and countries took place)


Chapter 10 is giving more details about who the division of the earth applied to [by languages (tongues)] that took place in chapter 11.



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17 hours ago, No Nicolaitans said:

I would personally believe that is the case.

If you read chapter 10, it also describes how the people were divided "after their tongues, lands, nations, and countries"...but...that's BEFORE chapter 11; which says, the earth was of one language and speech...and they didn't want to be scattered over the earth.

So...either chapter 10 happened before chapter 11 (which would mean there's a mistake in God's word since they seemingly contradict when different languages, nations, and countries took place)


Chapter 10 is giving more details about who the division of the earth applied to [by languages (tongues)] that took place in chapter 11.


Hi, No Nicolaitans.

Verses Gen.10:25 and Gen.10:32 speak of two different divisions.

Verse Gen. 10:25 speaks of the division of ‘the earth’.

Verse Gen. 10:32 speaks of the division of the nations ‘in the earth’.

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I don't understand how this could have happened during the flood, since "Peleg" was born long after it.  Not only that, but the Bible says that God already "separated the waters from the waters" and all that back in Genesis 1 which was long before Peleg or the flood. Furthermore, If the continents of Africa and S. America were splitting apart during the lifetime of one man, you're looking at MAJOR earthquakes and "Peleg" would have had trouble standing on one leg, let alone two.

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30 minutes ago, heartstrings said:

I don't understand how this could have happened during the flood, since "Peleg" was born long after it.  Not only that, but the Bible says that God already "separated the waters from the waters" and all that back in Genesis 1 which was long before Peleg or the flood. Furthermore, If the continents of Africa and S. America were splitting apart during the lifetime of one man, you're looking at MAJOR earthquakes and "Peleg" would have had trouble standing on one leg, let alone two.

Hi, heartstrings.

All Earth was the dry continent ("the drie land" Gen.1:10) before "the waters of the Flood were vpon the earth" Gen.7:10. There were Seas on this "drie land". There were no oceans...

The radius of the Earth, which was before the flood was about one and a half times less than the radius of the Earth, which is now.

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29 minutes ago, Konstantin said:

Hi, heartstrings.

All Earth was the dry continent ("the drie land" Gen.1:10) before "the waters of the Flood were vpon the earth" Gen.7:10. There were Seas on this "drie land". There were no oceans...

The radius of the Earth, which was before the flood was about one and a half times less than the radius of the Earth, which is now.

Bro. how do you know this?


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2 hours ago, Konstantin said:

Hi, No Nicolaitans.

Verses Gen.10:25 and Gen.10:32 speak of two different divisions.

Verse Gen. 10:25 speaks of the division of ‘the earth’.

Verse Gen. 10:32 speaks of the division of the nations ‘in the earth’.

Okay. I won't argue the point.

To me, the overwhelming biblical evidence (as given in chapter 10) is speaking of particular people groups being divided into different tongues, countries, and nations. Therefore, I believe the reference to the earth being divided (as a whole) in the days of Peleg is a general reference to when the division of all people groups happened. References to particular people groups are talking about where they went in the earth when the earth (as a whole) was divided into separate people groups.

I personally believe that if the "earth" was one large land mass in the past, it was broken up during the flood.



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1 hour ago, heartstrings said:


Bro. how do you know this?


Knowing the parameters that the present heavens and earth have, and knowing what happened during the Flood, we can determine the parameters of the earth that it had before the flood. That is, we can determine the parameters of the world ‘that then was’ (2Pet.3:6). We need to know only one formula S = 4 [IMG] R2

There are places where the lines of discontinuity were unevenly distributed. Here's another good illustration:


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