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Donald Trump: “I Will Appoint Supreme Court Judges Who Will be Pro-Life”


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Donald Trump: “I Will Appoint Supreme Court Judges Who Will be Pro-Life”

When it comes to abortion, for pro-life voters there is no more important issue in the presidential election than who will control the appointment process for one or more Supreme Court judges who will determine the fate of abortion for decades. And on that point, Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, told Bill O’Reilly he would name pro-life judges to the highest court.

Asked what he would do to protect the “sanctity of human life,” Trump said it starts with the Supreme Court.

“I will protect it and the biggest way to protect it is through the Supreme Court and putting people in the court — and actually the biggest way to protect is electing me as president,” he said.

Trump went on to say that he favored overturning Roe v. Wade and that, “I will appoint Supreme Court judges who will be pro-life.” His comments, along with hiring a pro-life advocate as his domestic policy director, will go along way to assuring pro-life voters they can consider him in November.

If Trump is the nominee, he would present a stark contrast on abortion to pro-abortion Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Trump has specifically promised he would sign a bill as president to de-fund Planned Parenthood. In an interview with David Brody of CBN, Trump made that promise:

David Brody: “As a President Trump, if a bill came to your desk that would defund Planned Parenthood you would support that, you would sign that?”

Donald Trump: “Yes, because as long as they do the abortion I am not for funding Planned Parenthood… As long as they’re involved with abortion, as far as I’m concerned forget it, I wouldn’t fund them regardless. I would defund Planned Parenthood because of their view and the fact of their work on abortion…. I am for defunding Planned Parenthood as long as they are involved with abortion.”




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Anything that comes from the lips of that man is suspect. This is the same man that a few days ago said that everything he said he was going to do were "suggestions." This man, who just months ago was in the pro-abort camp and whose sister (you know, the one whom he said would make a great SCOTUS justice) is pro-abort, is a liar. 

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Well let's pray that he governs in a way that honors God and pray for his salvation.  People have been witnessing to him, I hope he has ears to hear with.

As you say he's been saying things lately that are more to our liking, contradicting his earlier statements.  Hopefully, he's learning and not deceiving.  Ronald Reagan was pro-abortion before he actually was educated on the matter and thought about it.  My own experience was similar and worse.


I could tell that he had recently watched John Ford's, "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon" with John Wayne.  Wayne kept telling his junior officer to stop apologizing because it is a sign of weakness.  Trump said the same thing on the stump a few days after the show aired on tv.

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Actually, no - what he's saying now is less to our liking...he's saying that everything he's said to this point has been suggestions. He's backing off of things that drew supposed conservatives to him. And using Reagan as a comparison is actually not accurate simply because Reagan GREW into his changes. And it took years. Trump simply started saying he believed things when he announced to be POTUS. He plays people. And he's played an awful lot of suckers during the last few months.

Trump is a narcissist of a worse order than BO. He's completely deceptive to the core of his being. 

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