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The New Testament Believer’s Relationship with the World

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Pastor Markle,

Thank you very much for the above three-part study on the believers relationship with the world. The study is very concise, it  clearly states the facts that this present world is evil, preverse, condemned by God, is at emnity with God, full of lusts and other evils, fleshly philosophy and corrupt doctrines, and that, even though we must live in it, we must not be partakes of its evil deeds.

The above three-part sudy was a blessing and encouragment to my heart. As I was studying it the Lord put the following song, "This World is not my Home," on my heart. I do hope that the following song that I am attaching will compliment the lesson.

Sung by the Cleveland Baptist Church.


This is an excellent study and exposition of the world and our relationship with it. It is a study that needs to be heeded, practiced, and shows clearly how we need to take up our cross and follow Christ.

Brethren, Pastor Markle clearly shows that, "This world is not our home, we are just passing through."



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