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Suggestions 4 SS Posters

Miss Daisy

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 Many years ago, I had a Canon A3 printer.  I also had a HP camera, only 2 mp and they said it was suitable to enlarge to A4.  My printer would print a four sheet and a  nine sheet poster.  You have to stick the sheets together but they had cutting marks. I took some photos some of my grandchildren and scenes and over printed them with bible texts using Corel Draw.  I printed them as a 4 sheet A3 posters which makes them A1 and the quality was reasonable for normal viewing distances for that size poster.  I think most printers will do some sort of poster printing and also banner printing if you look in the settings.



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I don't have any suggestions for cheap professional posters, as when I was looking for some, I couldn't find any cheap ones that were drawn in a style I liked. So my Sunday School walls are bare most of the time. However, last year, I gave my students large sheets of butcher paper and had them draw scenes from the Bible lesson from 'Daniel and the Lions Den', they turned out great! They also drew a favorite Bible scene and chose the 'Temptation of Jesus', which was a group effort. The kids were thrilled with it and enjoyed having it up on the wall until Christmas rolled around and I put it away.

I am thinking of doing something similar again, only with smaller and more durable poster paper. This time I'm going to have them individually choose either a favorite verse to write down/decorate or a favorite scene to draw. This might be something your Sunday School kids would be interested in doing. If you have access to an overhead projector, you could even find a scene of your own that could be projected onto the wall and the kids could trace over and paint it as a class project. (If you can't draw directly on the wall, you can cover the size you want with poster paper.)

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