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We have a Roku player, and if memory serves me correctly, Pureflix is available on it...could be wrong though. 

I like the Roku, because you choose what you want to watch...when you want to watch it. In fact, a few weeks ago, I "watched" Pastor Scott Markle on the Sermon Audio channel. Well, I listened to him actually, but he was still on TV!  :coverlaugh:

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The only thing I know about Roku is that someone told me Kenneth Copeland has a free channel on there.

Oh yeah...I'm sure he probably does. There's all kinds of heresy channels available...folks like Copeland, TBN, Catholics, Mormons, SDAs, even Muslim channels. 

That's the thing though. You choose what channels you want to install on the player.

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Oh yeah...I'm sure he probably does. There's all kinds of heresy channels available...folks like Copeland, TBN, Catholics, Mormons, SDAs, even Muslim channels. 

That's the thing though. You choose what channels you want to install on the player.

That's interesting. I know nothing of Roku. I didn't know you install what channels you want and those you don't aren't already there like cable.

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Yeah...when you first start your Roku up, there are no channels on it. You have to look through the channel list and add what you want. Out of HUNDREDS of available channels, I probably only have about 20 channels...and I only occasionally watch 2 or 3 of those.

Some of the channels are subscription (like Pureflix), but the vast majority are free. 

Of course, you have to have an internet connection for it to work.

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I don't know 2bLJ...all I see in your opening post is a circle spinning around and around. I don't know if I'd want to pay $7.99 a month just to watch a spinning circle. :bleh:

In all honesty, thanks for providing the link. It's good to know that there's a company who wants to put out safe content!

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