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U.S and the Prophets


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Have been doing a study of the minor prophets the last week or so, and it strikes me that, though no other nation on earth ever enjoyed the favor of being the Chosen of God, America has been a prime example of what a nation of mostly Believers can accomplish. Which means it is also a prime example of what can happen to a nation that rejects God in favor of the world.

Though the prophets were speaking directly to Israel and Judah, their warnings to wicked, godless nations carries through the ages. Knowledge of God decreasing steadily by the generation? Rejection of God to worship the baalim? Attacks on and mockery of the righteous? Decadence and entertainment attained at the expense of the poor? Political prostitution, lying, and underhandedness with allies? Weak, impotent, and evil rulers? A corrupt legal system? The embracing of sexual deviation through cult behavior? A whole lot of "religion", but no piety or true repentance? A slow culling via infertility? Invasion and degradation at the hands of outsiders? It all sounds too familiar.

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Though not the first, nor possibly the last, America certainly shows similarities to Israel: greatly blessed of God at the start, in some cases virtually handed the land by God as He destroyed many of the inhabitants shortly before their arrival here; a desire to follow the Lord in what we did, and then, over time, slowly moving away as each man did according to his own heart. Now we are about where Israel was when the warnings began of coming judgment-though we are in a time of grace, yet judgment will come in God's time. 

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Though not the first, nor possibly the last, America certainly shows similarities to Israel: greatly blessed of God at the start, in some cases virtually handed the land by God as He destroyed many of the inhabitants shortly before their arrival here; a desire to follow the Lord in what we did, and then, over time, slowly moving away as each man did according to his own heart. Now we are about where Israel was when the warnings began of coming judgment-though we are in a time of grace, yet judgment will come in God's time. 

I think most people outside America wouldn't see it like that.  It seems more like bands of brigands committing genocide.

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