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Didn't Know This

Cliff Hanger

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No, there should not be black churches, Hispanic churches, Asian churches, white churches, etc., but the reality is they do exist. Realizing many of these churches are secular in nature rather than actual followers of Christ, that's understandable. However, for those churches which are made up of believers and they purposefully choose to disassociate with other believers based only upon their race or ethnicity, that's a heart problem Scripture calls sin.

It was common for early Baptist churches in America to refuse to have a flag in the church due to their strong beliefs of keeping government out of the church. For similar reasons, the Pledge of Allegiance was originally rejected by not only Baptists but many other Christians in America as well.

Being that churches are, or should be independent I leave it to each church to decide whether they wish to have one or more flags in their church. If, as in some churches, the flag becomes an idol, sound men of God should address the issue and the flag should be removed.

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I should probably explain:

Are semaphore flags pagan?

They are a form of distance communication, and as such are a tool - not pagan in any way. No more than a telephone......

I stand corrected, thanks

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