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I think the prOBlem here is in the definition. What John posted is the strongs definition, but, ekklēsia is a compound word. We always see the word church in the positive sense. That is to say that it is the assembly of believers. I think doing that flip flops the cause and effect.

The word ekklēsia is made up of two words:

The first part being ek meaning out of, from, by, away from

The second being kaleō meaning to call, to call aloud, utter in a loud voice, to invite

See the church is a calling out away from the world. It's what sets us apart. (Cause)

I think we gather together because we are the church, we are of the same mind, we are the body of Christ. (Effect) I don't think that us gathering together makes us the church but rather we are the church and that's why we gather together. If you believe this it puts the emphasis on being called out of this world every day and not just on Sunday. I feel like most members will agree with me on this and I hope it helps clear up some things concerning THE Church.


Also this does technically make all of the statements in the original post true. All of the people mentioned were "called out" from fornication with the world.

Exodus 33:16

2 Corinthians 6:17

Strong's is wrong and the English defined in the context of the AV Bible is correct plain and simple.  No need to run to the Greek you only make yourself work harder to understand when it is already simeple enough to understand.


I could care less about the Greek I don't speak Koine Greek and Neither do you.  And there is no one living today who knows for sure they do either.  You are better off sticking with English of the AV.

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this is just a simple questioning not a belittling nor is there anything else implied.


Why would you, as a Christian or as a believer in the KJV as authoritative, resort to using Secular Sophist Reasoning to explain what you mean when you can explain it using scriptures?

The simple answer is: Because it was a simple illustration. Much like any illustration you might use when talking with an unbeliever about things hard for them to understand.

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My husband words it this way:  "Local church" and "Universal body of believers".    It can be semantics, but if you're not careful, and you get into the idea of "universal church" too deeply, that's when you start getting away from the way God intended church.
If my husband meets someone who believes in the "universal church" he asks several questions:  1.  Who is the pastor/elder of the universal church?   2.  Who baptizes you into the universal church?  3.  How can you be disciplined out of the universal church/restored back?
This is also the belief that helps people to decide they do not want to be a part of a church and would rather have just home Bible studies, or join an online "church".
It's true that the church is a universal body, but actual practical "church" is local.  There is no accountability with the idea of a universal church.

1, Christ.

2. No one baptises us into any church. We are baptised into Christ.
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