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Emphasizing Words


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In another thread the subject of emphasis certain WORDS was brought up.
I didn't WANT to detail that thread, so I thought I would mention it in a new thread.

You know how sometimes people "use" their fingers to do the quote signs as they speak, for the purpose of noting a word in their sentence?
Well, every now and them my kids and I "will" take sentence in our conversation and do just that, but out of place.
Like "taking" the word and and emphasizing it where it actually adds nothing.

We end UP rolling around laughing and for the next 15 minutes every sentence "has" a wrongly emphasized word - sometimes even two OR more.

Anyone else do this or I am I just certifiably strange?


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Not strange Dave, sounds like you have fun doing it.  My son (38 YO) would make fun of me for the sport of it...he likes to rib me about living in the 'hillbilly' part of the country here in S.E. Ohio. That too, is all in fun because I raised him here and he loves these low hills and abundant rivers and streams.


Anyway keep doing WHAT you're doing with the kids "and" have fun doing it?

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