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A general prayer is asked for as outlined above, but I don't think the term "unspoken prayer" is a Biblical term.
The prOBlem is that I don't think it us spoken against specifically either.

It is my opinion that this a matter of opinion and no definitive "ruling" can be made.
As I outlined above though, I personally don't like the phrase.

I have known instances where it is not expedient to make public the issues needing prayer but to say to people " This person is in a situation where they need prayer - that's all that needs to be said right now."
This let's people know that it is sensitive information but is more likely to stop the "guesswork gossip".
But this tends to be a "prayer meeting phrase" and not a one on one request too, if that makes sense.

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Yes Dave, you are making sense; at least to me!


I don't know of any Scripture which directly says one way or the other on the subject, but in the case of someone asking for prayer it seems the principle from Scripture at least leans towards openness.


Now in a situation such as a prayer meeting or church service where the pastor or someone else is asking for prayer for another it could make sense they ask for general prayer, or as you say giving a brief, vague reasoning for the prayer (going through a difficult time; facing some tough decisions). That, to me, seems like a somewhat different situation than a person coming to a brother/sister in Christ and asking for prayer.


I agree, the term "unspoken prayer" just doesn't sound right. It's actually not unspoken since someone has OBviously spoken up to ask for prayer. It's more of a "covert prayer" request or "secret prayer" or "hidden prayer" request; but those all seem to be prOBlematic too!

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Paul was requesting general prayer along the lines of how we should be praying for our pastor, church and others continually whether there is a directly known need or not.


There were also times when Paul put forth specific prayer requests.

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It isnt a doctrine. It is a situational decision.

If it has a practice that is not biblical and is allowed to be done it become a "teaching" even though it may not be outright taught.


A false practice is know as a heresy.


Not one prayer request in the scriptures is done without words (unspoken).  More likely it is labeled an unshared prayer request.


Nut most prayers requests are shared in Scriptures.  We are told of lifting up prayers supplications and requests with thankfulness that the peace of Christ may keep our hearts and minds sure.  You cannot make prayers, supplications and requests without knowledge however the person can spake a prayer without audible words (see Hanah prayer) for God knows the heart.  But men never ask for unspoken request in the bible.


Any practice not supported by the Bible should not be done among the believers.  A little leaven will leaven the whole lump.


To accommodate such is PC so someones feelings don't get hurt or not embarrassed.  But remember God is not a respecter of persons and if we cannot ask openly for prayer then we are to silently pray ourselves not ask other to pray without knowledge.


Being a pastor for over 15 years I have found that those who ask for unspoken prayers usually are struggling in a sinful practice and are embarrassed or fearful to share it openly.   Both of which are not to be part of a Christians Mental make-up.  Confessing faults one to another does open up prayer with knowledge but it does not mean it should be confessed openly in a group but men with men and women with women that the body may minister properly.  


I have never asked for unspoken prayers when holding our prayer meetings for the fact that it is not Biblical. and I don't encourage it for pastors first starting out.  I f someone ask for one I let them ask but privately I go to them and ask them to share with me in confidence, that understanding may open prayers with knowledge and wisdom.  JOB 26:3 How hast thou counselled him that hath no wisdom? and how hast thou plentifully declared the thing as it is?  chance are they need counsel and open prayer.


I have a feeling that this practice started years ago to help eliminate GOSSIP, sinful and unrepented gossipers (sin) get ahold of info and take into places that prayer request should never had spoken.  One practice I ask the people is to be open and sre anything or prOBlem they have with the church so that we can pray openly.  Then I charge them that this is in confidence and it I hear of any repeating what goes on in our prayer time I will openly rebuke them in front of all.  The fear of being of suffering by being openly called out overrides a lot of potential gossip.   2Th 3:11 For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies. 1Tim 5:13 And withal they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house; and not only idle, but tattlers also and busybodies, speaking things which they ought not.  1Pet 4:15 But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or [as] a thief, or [as] an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men's matters. these are gossipers and troublers and many be in our midsts.  many a pastor is afraid to call people out openly for fear of loosing their congregation (i.e money).  But if you teach them these things and that you will do it you will see the church will judge their actions and check their hearts more and be careful of falling into these types of sinful behavior. this makes mature church members


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Sunday school, use of the term "trinity", Wednesday night services, piano playing during fellowship, and so many things in our churches today are taught, OBserved, defended, promoted and such yet they are never mentioned in Scripture.


Are we to jettison all these things? Denounce those involved with these? Separate from them?

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Sunday school, use of the term "trinity", Wednesday night services, piano playing during fellowship, and so many things in our churches today are taught, OBserved, defended, promoted and such yet they are never mentioned in Scripture.


Are we to jettison all these things? Denounce those involved with these? Separate from them?

This is why those of us who believe the AV/KJV is the word of God should use the terms of the scriptures.   Trinity is actually the Godhead.  or the phrase "these three are one" 1John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.


We would show ourselves more approved unto God if we would check to see if what we are promoting are clearly taught and if not explain what scriptures teach it.  without getting into it all over again.  the OBservation made in the other thread "our convictions"?  Where I truly stated that the Immersion was not clearly taught in the Bible, a practice we carry on.  If those who were arguing would be honest they would at least say it was so but their "conviction" was to overbearing to admit it. 


Well the point is if it isn't clear we must teach is as not being clear and then not judge others who may have a practice different than ours. How ever case in point unspoken prayers are never seen in the Bible at all.  It is best to avoid promoting it, but rather teach people how to be open, wise and responsible.  As I shared above.


for another example it that in the Gospel we are told the Jesus and the 12 sang a Hymn.  there was no music it was Acapella (SP?).  today we sing a hymn with music, some like the classical music style, other country music style, others pop style.  So who is right and who is wrong in the practice of singing hymns?  Well if your are fond of classical orchestration you will say the ones using pop are wrong and you are right and vise versa. 


I am sure glad that how we sing does not have a thing to do with our salvation.  so if it is not critical to ones salvation we should not judge or argue.

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We constantly see articles and posting questioning others salvation or their sincerity in following Christ based upon style of music, instruments used, frequency of services, Sunday school, bus ministry, hair, clothes, shaving habits, temptations they wrestle with, etc.

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We constantly see articles and posting questioning others salvation or their sincerity in following Christ based upon style of music, instruments used, frequency of services, Sunday school, bus ministry, hair, clothes, shaving habits, temptations they wrestle with, etc.

yes when their salvation is based only on the correct Gospel of God's grace which was the belief of the substitutionary death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our personal sins individually.

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