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Hoisting The Church Pennant


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Have you ever looked at the history of the Church Pennant flown above the National Ensign on U.S. Navy Ships? The picture is from the USS Constitution in preparation for Easter sunrise services April 20, 2014. Originally, the only authorized church pennant was for Christian worship, regardless of specific denomination. Later in 1975, the Secretary of the Navy approved a similar Jewish worship pennant.



Navy - Church Pennants (U.S.) "Since there is now a Muslim chaplain in the Navy and the crescent of Islam has been added to the cross and tablets on the COA of the Navy Chaplain Corps, we should expect to see a Muslim worship pennant added at some point in the future, presumably white with a blue crescent."


You may want to ask yourself why the only authorized church pennant was for Christianity IF there was such a lack of Christianity among our fore fathers and founders.




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Christianity always has been, and currently still is, the dominant religion in America. That said, secular Christianity always has, and currently still does, represent the largest percentage of Christians in America, with the percentage of true biblical Christians having always been a minority of the population as well as a minority of overall Christians.


The military has added pagan headstones and special places for pagans to gather in some places.


With the diminishing of Christian influence in America and the growing acceptance of other religions among many secular Christians, we will see a continuation of the downplaying of Christianity while Islam, paganism and other things are lifted up as signs of tolerance in general and "Christian tolerance" as espoused by secular Christianity.


Freedom of religion comes at a price and it's a price that grows costlier as time goes on.


Thanks be to God that He always keeps a remnant.

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And the odd thing is, that muslim pennant wil fly ABOVE the US flag during services.


I wonder when there will be a pagan pennant, with a pentagram on it? They do have pagan chaplains.

Just the other day, I saw where atheists were seeking to provide for the needs of their own; atheists who suffer from the peculiar stresses of military life. 

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Yep, and so are pedophiles (minor-attracted people).


"B4U-ACT is a unique collaborative effort between minor-attracted people and mental health professionals to promote communication and understanding between the two groups."


Just another human sexual preference...right?

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That's an unfortunate (and disgusting) fact. Many within the psychological field are already promoting adult/child sex as healthy, natural and beneficial to both parties. The pedophiles seek to corrupt the official stance of mental health groups in the same way the homosexual movement did in getting homosexuality removed from being viewed as a mental illness. Not only that, but the eventual acceptance of homosexuality as "healthy, natural and beneficial to both parties". The pedophiles are following the same path and they have help from within.

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