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What Think Ye Of This?


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I just downloaded, Quiet Talks on Life After Death by Gordon, Samuel Dickey, from E-Sword downloads and read this portion.

This chapter seems to answer some questions I have had about heavenly things.  Whether the answers are correct or not I am not sure. :scratchchin:

What are your thoughts on this short chapter?


"Service According to Ability
Then there's another thing to be said with some emphasis, and yet said gently. It is said with emphasis because it seems never spoken of. It is said gently because it touches one of the sore spots in our common Christian life. And the touch may make somebody a bit sensitive, and possibly may hurt a bit. Yet the surgeon's knife that cuts is to prepare the way for healing and health.
The word is this, their occupation up there, and the privilege of personal service for the King, will be according to ability. But ability has a new meaning, not used down here much. It refers to the spirit traits one has grown down here.
Those who, in the stress of life have been true to the Lord Jesus here have grown certain traits of character. There has been a cultivation of the inner spirit life which in turn has given color and shape to the outer life. In following fully they have had difficult experiences on the earth. There have been oppositions and persecutions, sometimes of the subtler sort that cut deep.
There has grown a sensitiveness of spirit to the Master's presence and voice and way of doing things. So there has been grown unconsciously, largely, the traits needed in the Master's upper service. The vision has been cleared, the ear trained for his voice, the spirit keen to understand, the judgment disciplined, the mood made like His own, responsive to Him, and to those in similar touch with Him.
May I say, very gently, that it seems pathetic how many there are whose one thought seems to be to be sure they'll be saved? The thought of being serviceable to the Master after being saved seems to slip quite out. There's a natural concern over personal salvation, of course, till it's settled right.
But so many seem to think that having fixed up the matter of salvation, very much—I am putting it bluntly as you take out any insurance policy, they are free to go on their selfish worldly way, like the outer crowd. The motives of the world seem largely their motives. It's hard to find the difference.
Now, the point to stress is this: our life there, and our privilege of personal service for the King, will naturally be moulded on our Christian lives here. It will be reckoned a great honor, the outstanding honor, to do errands, carry out commissions, and be entrusted with bits of service.
And mark you keenly, all may serve up there, who will. There will be no favoritism shown. But of course, only those will be sent on some honored errand who can do it, who have grown the traits of character it calls for.
It seems quite clear that when our Lord Jesus does come again (whenever that may be), in the second phase of His coming back to the earth to heal its hurt, He will be accompanied, not by all who are saved through His blood, but by those who being saved, are also "chosen and faithful." That is, in their life on the earth, they have answered the call to personal salvation. They have been chosen for some bit of service, and they have been faithful to their Lord in doing what He asked.
Now, this will naturally be the simple law of service up in the home-land, and in the coming kingdom time. Those are entrusted with doing the king's errands, who have grown the traits needed. And those traits are grown in our earth life by the simple full following of our blessed Lord Jesus.
Yet, let it be carefully noted that every cup of happiness will be full up there. There will be different sorts of cups, varying sizes, and full recognition of the differences, yet each will be as full as it will hold. We shall be absorbed with our glorious King. There will be sweetest fellowship, and fullest accord. Yet some will be honored in service as others cannot be. And the right of this will be readily acknowledged by all.
But, it does look sometimes, as though there'd be a lot of people saved as though by the skin of their teeth, in JOB's words. They're in, but barely in; saved, but barely saved. Christ not only had to die to get them saved, but has to burn off a lot of stuff accumulated down here that can't get over the door sill up there.
This seems to be the simple picture etched out before our eyes in this old Book of God. There's much local coloring to add to it. But this answers the age-old question about our loved ones, in touch of heart with God, who have died."


God bless,


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Thanks for that Larry.  


I do have some points of which I am doubtful.


Surely, if it is hard to see a difference, then there is no difference.


May I say, very gently, that it seems pathetic how many there are whose one thought seems to be to be sure they'll be saved? The thought of being serviceable to the Master after being saved seems to slip quite out. There's a natural concern over personal salvation, of course, till it's settled right.
But so many seem to think that having fixed up the matter of salvation, very much—I am putting it bluntly as you take out any insurance policy, they are free to go on their selfish worldly way, like the outer crowd. The motives of the world seem largely their motives. It's hard to find the difference.





We often hear that at a such and such event, so many were saved. While we always praise God that people have responded to the gospel, we cannot know that they have been saved until we see a continued change of life.  


Some seed falls on stony ground and some among thorns.  I know, I was there once.


Mark 4:16  And these are they likewise which are sown on stony ground; who, when they have heard the word, immediately receive it with gladness;
17  And have no root in themselves, and so endure but for a time: afterward, when affliction or persecution ariseth for the word’s sake, immediately they are offended.
18  And these are they which are sown among thorns; such as hear the word,
19  And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful.
I once heard a preacher say that some "Get to heaven by the skin of their teeth."  I didn't know it came from JOB, but surley that is not what JOB meant?  Surley we are wonderfully saved?
It seems quite clear that when our Lord Jesus does come again (whenever that may be), in the second phase of His coming back to the earth to heal its hurt, He will be accompanied, not by all who are saved through His blood, but by those who being saved, are also "chosen and faithful." That is, in their life on the earth, they have answered the call to personal salvation. They have been chosen for some bit of service, and they have been faithful to their Lord in doing what He asked.



I don't think I can agree with that unless anyone can give a scripture. I believe that all his saints will return with Him.






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The whole idea of being saved yet "living like the devil" is unbiblical. I've heard a few preachers over the years make that dangerous claim that some folks get saved but they continue to live like the devil yet they will be in heaven with the believers.


Scripture teaches that if we are saved we are new creatures, the old has passed and the new come. Scripture teaches that our lives will bear witness to our salvation. Scripture says that if we are saved we will actually follow Christ. Scripture says we won't simply being calling Jesus "Lord, Lord" while ignoring His commands, but rather we will be calling Him "Lord" because we recognize Him as such and desire to OBey Him.


None of this means a truly saved person becomes perfect, never sins or continually produces a bumper crop of great fruit each week; but it does mean there will be evidence of salvation among those truly saved.


Unfortunately there are many folks who do have that "insurance policy" mentality with regards to God and heaven. They want that quick and easy "fix" so they can feel confident of going to heaven even while living for self while here. Many have decided to repeat a "sinners prayer" with the false idea that simply saying those words will get them into heaven. Others have agreed to be baptized believing that doing so grants them a free ticket to heaven. Yet others may take a somewhat different route, but all with selfish motives and unrepentant and unconverted hearts.


As mentioned above, with regards to the return of Christ with His saints, I recall nothing from Scripture that would indicate only a select few saints will be with Christ while the rest of the saints must remain in heaven because they are unworthy to accompany Christ.


In any event, there is a reason Scripture admonishes us to examine ourselves so we may KNOW whether or not we are a born again saint or yet a lost sinner.


One of the most common responses from those who claim they will be going to heaven even though their lives are ruled by the world, the flesh and the devil, is that "you don't know my heart". Yet if you point out the Scripture which says to examine themselves they bristle. They don't want to examine their own heart!


I have some in my family who think having been baptized will get them into heaven. Besides that, they think of themselves as "good people"; after all, they are better than others. So sad and they are so unwilling to hear biblical truth from me. I pray for them and for the Lord to send that someone to them which the Holy Ghost can use to bring them to Christ.

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The whole idea of being saved yet "living like the devil" is unbiblical. I've heard a few preachers over the years make that dangerous claim that some folks get saved but they continue to live like the devil yet they will be in heaven with the believers.


Scripture teaches that if we are saved we are new creatures, the old has passed and the new come. Scripture teaches that our lives will bear witness to our salvation. Scripture says that if we are saved we will actually follow Christ. Scripture says we won't simply being calling Jesus "Lord, Lord" while ignoring His commands, but rather we will be calling Him "Lord" because we recognize Him as such and desire to OBey Him.


None of this means a truly saved person becomes perfect, never sins or continually produces a bumper crop of great fruit each week; but it does mean there will be evidence of salvation among those truly saved.


Unfortunately there are many folks who do have that "insurance policy" mentality with regards to God and heaven. They want that quick and easy "fix" so they can feel confident of going to heaven even while living for self while here. Many have decided to repeat a "sinners prayer" with the false idea that simply saying those words will get them into heaven. Others have agreed to be baptized believing that doing so grants them a free ticket to heaven. Yet others may take a somewhat different route, but all with selfish motives and unrepentant and unconverted hearts.


As mentioned above, with regards to the return of Christ with His saints, I recall nothing from Scripture that would indicate only a select few saints will be with Christ while the rest of the saints must remain in heaven because they are unworthy to accompany Christ.


In any event, there is a reason Scripture admonishes us to examine ourselves so we may KNOW whether or not we are a born again saint or yet a lost sinner.


One of the most common responses from those who claim they will be going to heaven even though their lives are ruled by the world, the flesh and the devil, is that "you don't know my heart". Yet if you point out the Scripture which says to examine themselves they bristle. They don't want to examine their own heart!


I have some in my family who think having been baptized will get them into heaven. Besides that, they think of themselves as "good people"; after all, they are better than others. So sad and they are so unwilling to hear biblical truth from me. I pray for them and for the Lord to send that someone to them which the Holy Ghost can use to bring them to Christ.

John could you please list out the scriptures you are alluding too?


I know it may be asking a lot but there are some who have not read their Bible enough to find or know them.  and in the end it is not about " to hear biblical truth from me" but that they see the Biblical truth from the Word of God.


Now what I am about to say may not truly apply to you so please don't take this wrong.


If your family will not hear from you, you need to ask yourself why?  Judge yourself and ask God if there be ANY wicked way in you that keeps them from hearing you.  It could be something a silly as a honey verses vinegar attitude or an area in your life they consider hypocritical or overly judgmental of them.

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The whole idea of being saved yet "living like the devil" is unbiblical. I've heard a few preachers over the years make that dangerous claim that some folks get saved but they continue to live like the devil yet they will be in heaven with the believers.

Scripture teaches that if we are saved we are new creatures, the old has passed and the new come. Scripture teaches that our lives will bear witness to our salvation. Scripture says that if we are saved we will actually follow Christ. Scripture says we won't simply being calling Jesus "Lord, Lord" while ignoring His commands, but rather we will be calling Him "Lord" because we recognize Him as such and desire to OBey Him.

None of this means a truly saved person becomes perfect, never sins or continually produces a bumper crop of great fruit each week; but it does mean there will be evidence of salvation among those truly saved.

Unfortunately there are many folks who do have that "insurance policy" mentality with regards to God and heaven. They want that quick and easy "fix" so they can feel confident of going to heaven even while living for self while here. Many have decided to repeat a "sinners prayer" with the false idea that simply saying those words will get them into heaven. Others have agreed to be baptized believing that doing so grants them a free ticket to heaven. Yet others may take a somewhat different route, but all with selfish motives and unrepentant and unconverted hearts.

As mentioned above, with regards to the return of Christ with His saints, I recall nothing from Scripture that would indicate only a select few saints will be with Christ while the rest of the saints must remain in heaven because they are unworthy to accompany Christ.

In any event, there is a reason Scripture admonishes us to examine ourselves so we may KNOW whether or not we are a born again saint or yet a lost sinner.

One of the most common responses from those who claim they will be going to heaven even though their lives are ruled by the world, the flesh and the devil, is that "you don't know my heart". Yet if you point out the Scripture which says to examine themselves they bristle. They don't want to examine their own heart!

I have some in my family who think having been baptized will get them into heaven. Besides that, they think of themselves as "good people"; after all, they are better than others. So sad and they are so unwilling to hear biblical truth from me. I pray for them and for the Lord to send that someone to them which the Holy Ghost can use to bring them to Christ.

I recently taught on this.

Personally, as a young adult, the Devil had me convinced that God had no Will for my life.

I tried for several years, to go astray, but God wasn't having any of it.

Looking back, He was always herding me, to green meadows, and cool brooks. I just couldn't see it, when I was being sifted as wheat.

No, you don't go live like the Devil, too long, cuz God chastens you onto His path, or brings you home.
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