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A Question For The "global Warming" Crowd...


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God created the earth, & brought about the flood. The rapid change in climate after the flood caused the ice age which slowly receded. Variations in climate are known in history - even in the 19th century when frost fairs were held on the River Thames in London. 


You are in danger of being deceived about this, & ignoring the climate change which IS affecting our planet.

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God created the earth, & brought about the flood. The rapid change in climate after the flood caused the ice age which slowly receded. Variations in climate are known in history - even in the 19th century when frost fairs were held on the River Thames in London. 


You are in danger of being deceived about this, & ignoring the climate change which IS affecting our planet.

No doubt our climate is changing, but it has been changing constantly since the flood.  It is no new thing and unless you are like me and tend to think too much about things you can't do anything about, I wouldn't worry about it.  It's God's business . .; . . unless one thinks we are more powerful than I think we are.


God bless,


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God created the earth, & brought about the flood. The rapid change in climate after the flood caused the ice age which slowly receded. Variations in climate are known in history - even in the 19th century when frost fairs were held on the River Thames in London. 


You are in danger of being deceived about this, & ignoring the climate change which IS affecting our planet.

My point is....I don't  think puny modern man is capable of changing weather or weather patterns any more than cavemen could end an "ice age".  Or, looking at it this way, the earth supposedly warmed, the vast glaciers melted, and sea levels rose without man's help when there were no megalopolises, factories, automOBiles, aerosol cans, Monsanto or big herds of cows.,

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God created the earth, & brought about the flood. The rapid change in climate after the flood caused the ice age which slowly receded. Variations in climate are known in history - even in the 19th century when frost fairs were held on the River Thames in London. 


You are in danger of being deceived about this, & ignoring the climate change which IS affecting our planet.


Maybe it's the Earth getting itself ready for the destruction.

That could be possible.

Maybe God will use a 'self destruction' mode at the proper time.


Mankind doesn't have to be the instigator of the destruction, but maybe man will 'help it along'?


Nothing un-scriptural about that, and besides, with all the 'secrets' of some of the governments on our planet,

we have 'no idea' what kinds of experiments they have messed up, which has added to the fulfillment of helping the

'plan' go forward to the earth's destruction.

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It is well established that fluorocarbons contributed to the measured depletion of the ozone layer, and that the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has risen from about 300 to 400 parts/million.


In the 70s, a mini-ice age was predicted from statistical info over centuries, but I have a book by the then editor of "New Scientist" that discussed the approaching glOBal cooling, & suggested that the increasing "greenhouse gases" would offset the cooling. I even have a cutting from a science paper saying that the Russians were building nuclear powered ice-breakers to keep their northern waters open during the expected cooling.


It's easy to say that OBviously scientific predictions are wrong; that significant climate changes have taken place without man's interference; and therefore the present concern over glOBal climate change is ill-founded. Neverheless, glOBal climate change is being OBserved, & we need to take it into consideration. Agriculture is effected, & fule supplies are limited.


We are stewards of our planet, & should not be plunderers. We cannot rely on the predictions of the imminent "rapture." Every prediction so far has been wrong.

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My point is....I don't  think puny modern man is capable of changing weather or weather patterns any more than cavemen could end an "ice age".  Or, looking at it this way, the earth supposedly warmed, the vast glaciers melted, and sea levels rose without man's help when there were no megalopolises, factories, automOBiles, aerosol cans, Monsanto or big herds of cows.,


You've made this point before Heartstings and I have to confess I just don't understand it. What you seem to be saying is that we know that current climate change trends can't have been influenced by man's behaviour because climate change has happened naturally in the past. The only way I can see this argument making any sense is if either of the following propositions are true:

1. Anthropogenic glOBal warming proponents are arguing that natural climate change does not and never has happened, therefore what we see today must be caused by man.

2. It's logically impossible for the climate to be influenced both by nature and by man. Therefore so long as we can see evidence of natural climate change, we know that man can't be having any effect.

As for 1, I haven't seen any glOBal warming proponents saying this. As for 2, that seems a bit like saying that because we know forest fires happen naturally, it is impossible for any person to have ever gone into a wood with a box of matches and started a fire.

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