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Are Mega Churches Non For Profit?

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I've experienced it also in two different churches. Read a book about it also very well read book. It talked of having to make each service exciting and emotional to a point of being high on your emotions. So when you leave church the feeling fades, so like another drug, you're waiting for next one to get  you to a high point also. But this time it doesn't. Now you question your faith, your beliefs in a non positive way until next meeting gets you high again, so you're ok for awhile now. See the pattern?

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From my experience, the main foci of the mega-church model is to manufacture extreme emotional experiences and to convince people to give as much of their money as possible.  This quickly turns into a cycle of "bigger, better, faster, more."  The main thing is emotion over biblical truth.


No different than the folks who orchestrate rock concerts.  It's about emotions, not glorifying God and feeding the soul.  It's about feeding the flesh.  

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I will put in a disclaimer for Christians in those churches. I've never been to a megachurch, but I grew up in evangelical churches, which is what most of those are. The believers there are not out to 'feed the flesh'. They do what they do because they honestly (if mistakenly) believe that it is a good way to reach the lost and glorify God. The majority of them are completely untaught in separation and personal holiness. Yes, I believe there are those present who may know better but don't care or whom God has begun to teach but they have hardened their hearts against whatever it is He was asking them to give up and therefore have stopped growing - and there may be a lot of them. There's a whole 'nother lot, though, that just don't know. That doesn't make what they do right, but - if we're going to ever try to teach any of them what is right, and we go with the attitude that 'you're doing this all to feed your flesh not glorify God' they will quite rightly react against what they perceive as misunderstanding of their position and prOBably not listen to what we have to say because 'we don't understand what they're trying to do.' There's my  :twocents: .

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