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The claim is often made that topics that are rehashed again again is equivalent to beating a dead horse. Many throw the adage around quite often.

If the "horse" biblically and soundly refutes doctrine that is being presented, the "horse" clearly is not dead.

Just because you may disagree with a doctrine does not necessarily mean the "horse is dead." The Book of Hebrews assures us that God's Word is very much alive. Therefore, if the horse you are on is not supported by God's Word, then your horse is dead and stinking.

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The Lord's Word never returns void, so if an issue or topic comes up several times, the Scripture put forth will be used by the Holy Ghost.


One person (for instance) may hear about "once saved, always saved" and accept it right away. Another may disagree. Another may be prompted to study the matter out, Another may follow the thread, examining not only the Scripture put forth, but the attitude of the presenters. One person may change their mind on the subject, another may do so later. Some may have their view more solidly confirmed, another may learn aspects on the matter they had never heard or considered before.


Also, this is a forum and if any of us don't wish to participate in a particular thread because we are tired of the topic, we can simply not look at the thread and not be involved.

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The Lord's Word never returns void, so if an issue or topic comes up several times, the Scripture put forth will be used by the Holy Ghost.
One person (for instance) may hear about "once saved, always saved" and accept it right away. Another may disagree. Another may be prompted to study the matter out, Another may follow the thread, examining not only the Scripture put forth, but the attitude of the presenters. One person may change their mind on the subject, another may do so later. Some may have their view more solidly confirmed, another may learn aspects on the matter they had never heard or considered before.
Also, this is a forum and if any of us don't wish to participate in a particular thread because we are tired of the topic, we can simply not look at the thread and not be involved.

A well said, well reasoned post.
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