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Some May Think I Am Against Pastors Here...

The Glory Land

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Some are, some not. Some have, some not.

Jeremiah 10:21 (KJV)
For the pastors are become brutish, and have not sought the LORD: therefore they shall not prosper, and all their flocks shall be scattered.

Jeremiah 12:10 (KJV)
Many pastors have destroyed my vineyard, they have trodden my portion under foot, they have made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness.

Nothing newunder the sun

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I have a bad attitude toward any pastor that will lie to those sheep that God has entrusted to his care.  I do have an attitude with any pastor that will handle the Word of God deceitfully, who will teach for doctrines the commandments of men.

God, Jesus, even the Apostles had attitudes toward those sorts.

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I am for pastors s here,they have the best job in the world. They are serving the king of kings.The Lord of Lords the most high. They have been chosen to lead the flock.

You know I understand what you trying to say here, but a pastor nor lay person should look at serving Christ as a JOB that makes one a hireling.


And it is every person who is of the Body of Christ to serve the King of Kings. 


The first way all serve him is by reading memorizing and studying the Bible.  Bible Study in not just for us pastors it is for everyone of the Body of Christ and this is where a lot are lagging.


The second then is to serve him in telling others what Christ has done, for only in the church age can they get saved through faith alone.


Third, don't go into the ministry of teaching others or leading a fellowship unless you have been called and you take the time to prove that Calling.


And fourth, Once the calling is proved then you can move forward and do great things for Jesus.  Up to this date our ministry has led 913 people to Jesus, over 800 of those I led personally.  And remember you will suffer because you become a special target of the devil.  hardship financially and spiritually will bombard you but in the end God always comes through.  don't let the ministry make you a hireling, once you fnd that happening get out of it.

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You know I understand what you trying to say here, but a pastor nor lay person should look at serving Christ as a JOB that makes one a hireling.

And it is every person who is of the Body of Christ to serve the King of Kings.

The first way all serve him is by reading memorizing and studying the Bible. Bible Study in not just for us pastors it is for everyone of the Body of Christ and this is where a lot are lagging.

The second then is to serve him in telling others what Christ has done, for only in the church age can they get saved through faith alone.

Third, don't go into the ministry of teaching others or leading a fellowship unless you have been called and you take the time to prove that Calling.

And fourth, Once the calling is proved then you can move forward and do great things for Jesus. Up to this date our ministry has led 913 people to Jesus, over 800 of those I led personally. And remember you will suffer because you become a special target of the devil. hardship financially and spiritually will bombard you but in the end God always comes through. don't let the ministry make you a hireling, once you fnd that happening get out of it.

5th its the best Job, in the world. :)
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It may not be a 'job', but it IS work. I suppose that's why so many consider it a job. Also, those who are able to do it full-time abd be paid, (yes I know we'll get arguments over that), aso tend to consider it a job, and in some ways, it is: There are expactation, hours to put in, goals to make and reach,parameters, or boundaires that contain us in the operation of the job, and we even have our Standard Operating Procedures, called the Bible.


Of course its much more than a job-its a joy, its pain, its pleasure, its heartbreaking, its fufilling. Its a calling!

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It may not be a 'job', but it IS work. I suppose that's why so many consider it a job. Also, those who are able to do it full-time abd be paid, (yes I know we'll get arguments over that), aso tend to consider it a job, and in some ways, it is: There are expactation, hours to put in, goals to make and reach,parameters, or boundaires that contain us in the operation of the job, and we even have our Standard Operating Procedures, called the Bible.

Of course its much more than a job-its a joy, its pain, its pleasure, its heartbreaking, its fufilling. Its a calling!

You guys will receive your payment and rewards in full in Heaven. There will some Privates, corporal's, Sargent's,Majors Lieutenant, Captians, and General up there. Earn your ranks today.
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You guys will receive your payment and rewards in full in Heaven. There will some Privates, corporal's, Sargent's,Majors Lieutenant, Captians, and General up there. Earn your ranks today.


"You guys"?  LOL.  It's okay to starve your family now, bless God, you can wait until Heaven to eat!   Hallelujah, pass the steak....hope the pastor enjoys his ramen noodles today...he better be thankful for them!

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"You guys"? LOL. It's okay to starve your family now, bless God, you can wait until Heaven to eat! Hallelujah, pass the steak....hope the pastor enjoys his ramen noodles today...he better be thankful for them!

I would, they are good, have you ever tried the chicken vegetables.
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