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When Your Worship Leader Can Drink You Under The Table


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Two people embark upon a competition of drinking to see who can drink the most (thereby deciding who is the most manly.....)
They both drink until one of them can no longer stand, whereupon the loser fall down on the ground - and figuratively ends up under the table instead of sitting at the table.

I wish to make it plain that I have never been on either side of this kind of event - even before I was saved I thought it was pretty stupid.

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Two people embark upon a competition of drinking to see who can drink the most (thereby deciding who is the most manly.....)
They both drink until one of them can no longer stand, whereupon the loser fall down on the ground - and figuratively ends up under the table instead of sitting at the table.

I wish to make it plain that I have never been on either side of this kind of event - even before I was saved I thought it was pretty stupid.

Even before I was saved I never understood the fascination or desire to drink until you were out of your mind, incapable of rational thought, prone to do very stupid things, get hurt and/or hurt others, ready to heave your innards out, and dealing with a massive hangover the next day.


On top of all that, paying out a lot of money to experience all that!


No, not something I've ever wanted to do.


I did try a few different kinds of alcohol when I was younger, just a drink, certainly not looking to get drunk, and I thank God I found nothing good about any of them. That was just more reason for me to not want anything to do with boozing. Which is another thing that really is bad, and that's those folks I know of who also don't like alcohol but rather than abstaining, as I chose to do, they guzzle the stuff down anyway just to fit it, join in, and sometimes just as an excuse to do things they want others to think they wouldn't do if they were sober. Sad.


As a Christian, whether one studies the matter out in Scripture and decides a Christian should never drink, or even if they believe it's not forbidden, it seems to me a Christian should never drink booze, and there are many good biblical reasons for this, and many other reasons as well, but they all point to what I see as a fact, that Christians should abstain from drinking any booze.

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