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My Post Was Locked?

The Glory Land

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Please don't whine when a moderator locks a topic.   :icon_smile:   Life is not fair...


Foul language was not the reason, and is never the only reason a topic is locked. It was locked because of the personal direction it was going.  Debating and disagreement is healthy - iron sharpeneth iron and all that - but when it becomes personalized and continues going in that way it's time to put a stop to it.


(and please know, the whine comment was meant humorously - the not fair comment reminding me of a child who is whining...  :frog: )

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This kind of query should be done by PM to the mods.
It is a bit disrespectful to it publicly.


I don't think I understand your post, DaveW, but you are probably right.


As for "The Glory Land"-- don't take it personally, most of us have had posts locked, and most of us deserved too.  It was getting a little out of hand.

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The Glory Land...you've only had one thread locked! Stick around, you may even decide to lock your threads when you've heard enough. You know you can lock your threads, don't you?

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Standing Firm in Christ,

You are a good man, and I did agree with you, but you must rember in the beginning the membership was not yet formed and they did things different. Everyone to his own to survive.

Not Today, if there is the support, than it is o.k to receive. If a man don't work he does not eat.

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Standing Firm in Christ,

You are a good man, and I did agree with you, but you must rember in the beginning the membership was not yet formed and they did things different. Everyone to his own to survive.

Not Today, if there is the support, than it is o.k to receive. If a man don't work he does not eat.

The Bible is my final authority.  I see no command other than pastors are to work.

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The Glory Land

We have discussed this topic at length before, and it turned into the same thing.  We all have a good discussion until SFIC derails it with view, and hijacks the thread.  It was locked because of the derailment, which quickly went downhill into unedifying comments that really had nothing to do with the topic at hand. 


If you start a thread, then generally you should take ownership of it, and actually participate in that thread, and try to keep things on track.  


Just my 2 cents....


In Christ

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