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Wesly Bell Ringers


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I hate to be seen as being negative, but I could not have attended or support this in any manner, they're of the United Methodist Church, & United Methodist Church supports Planned Parenthood, & thier abotrions.

United Methodist Church Continues Its Pro-Abortion Ways

I don't see how any child of God, that has Christ as Savior, could be a member of this church that drowns itself in sins, support murdering of babies, against God.

1 John 5:17 All unrighteousness is sin…
James 1:15 Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.

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It's interesting how different people react when they read a post.

When I read Trent's, my initial reaction was something along this line.

It's great to see a father actually doing something with their kids and enjoying doing so. It seems that's becoming increasingly rare these days, as parents (both father and mother) appear to be looking for anyone/anything that will babysit for them. Tomorrow is "Father's Day", yet how many men are more than simply biological parents of their children?

Then, I read Jerry's post. I believe that from the moment of conception, abortion is murder. No qualifiers, no exceptions, no excuses. Yet, I wouldn't have thought about the possibility of a "wholesome" concert for the young ones, in my extended family, would have been tied to the murder of babies. OTOH, abortion support is everywhere, today. If I were to dive into the background of the clothes I'm wearing, food I've purchased, news on TV I've watched, etc & etc. I've probably indirectly supported those who condone this murder.

Even within my own church membership, there are supporters of abortion. Witnessed, first hand, a woman storm out of a Sunday school class when the teacher mentioned, in passing, that he was opposed to abortion. Afterwards, heard several people choose sides in support of the woman. Does that mean that I should quit going to church because there are some pro choice members also attending? (Pastor has preached on the sancity of life.)

I'm not sure where I'm going with this post. On one hand, I have praises for a man who's actually being a father to his children. On the other hand, an issue about a particular activity has emerged (at least to me). One of my biological brothers is also a brother in Christ. I have no doubt about that. Yet, he's a member of a Methodist church.

Perhaps, I should close with this.


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I've never heard any bell ringers but I commend the dad for having time together with his children. There are fewer and fewer venues where a father can take his children without having to explain some form of immorality mixed in. Its too bad we're in this world and we can thank God we're not of it.
We can rejoice...

John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

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It's interesting how different people react when they read a post.

When I read Trent's, my initial reaction was something along this line.

It's great to see a father actually doing something with their kids and enjoying doing so. It seems that's becoming increasingly rare these days, as parents (both father and mother) appear to be looking for anyone/anything that will babysit for them. Tomorrow is "Father's Day", yet how many men are more than simply biological parents of their children?

Then, I read Jerry's post. I believe that from the moment of conception, abortion is murder. No qualifiers, no exceptions, no excuses. Yet, I wouldn't have thought about the possibility of a "wholesome" concert for the young ones, in my extended family, would have been tied to the murder of babies. OTOH, abortion support is everywhere, today. If I were to dive into the background of the clothes I'm wearing, food I've purchased, news on TV I've watched, etc & etc. I've probably indirectly supported those who condone this murder.

Even within my own church membership, there are supporters of abortion. Witnessed, first hand, a woman storm out of a Sunday school class when the teacher mentioned, in passing, that he was opposed to abortion. Afterwards, heard several people choose sides in support of the woman. Does that mean that I should quit going to church because there are some pro choice members also attending? (Pastor has preached on the sancity of life.)

I'm not sure where I'm going with this post. On one hand, I have praises for a man who's actually being a father to his children. On the other hand, an issue about a particular activity has emerged (at least to me). One of my biological brothers is also a brother in Christ. I have no doubt about that. Yet, he's a member of a Methodist church.

Perhaps, I should close with this.


You might be VERY surprised at the number of people that are won over to the Methodist churches, other false teaching churches too, by their bell ringers & or other programs. Yes, many are won to churches by programs, instead of catching them with the true Word.

The local Methodist church use to have a program, they still may have it, each school day after noon, they would pick up & keep school children for parents that did not get off work as school let out. They would give theses children treats along with teaching them about their church. That program caught them many church members, for the parents were impressed. Yet they obviously knew nothing about the Bible nor the teachings of this church, or like many, do not care.

I know from the reaction of some towards Mr. Cloud & the points he brings out, that exposing such things tend to upset some people, & some people do not want to hear it.

I try to stay informed as much as possible so that I do not recommend anything that is ungodly to anyone.
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Clear one thing up, its not I'm against bells, but I am against false churches, of which I refuse to support in any fashion. Even false churches will use some truths, & do many good works. In fact they may do more good works than a church that teaches truth, for they're trying to earn their salvation, stay saved, & earn their way into heaven

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Clear one thing up, its not I'm against bells, but I am against false churches, of which I refuse to support in any fashion. Even false churches will use some truths, & do many good works. In fact they may do more good works than a church that teaches truth, for they're trying to earn their salvation, stay saved, & earn their way into heaven

I've encountered those, including among some Methodists. That's what I was taught when I attended Methodist Sunday school as a child. Until I was born again and even for a time after that (until I finally learned the truth) I was influenced by the Methodist teaching that a person had to be "good" to go to heaven. Of course there is no sure standard for just what that means, so that leaves a person always wondering if they are "good enough", always trying to be "good", trying not to be "too bad", basically always looking over a shoulder to see if God is happy or mad with me because it was taught that's how God is.

So many should be living in God's grace but instead they are chasing that ever elusive state of being "good enough".
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An I suppose the Wesly bell ringers are named after their founder, Wesley.

1st time I heard of them was the local United Methodist Church had a large group of bell ringers. they had several special events with these bell ringers being the center of attraction. And it was a success, they did draw a few people out of true teaching churches into the false teaching Methodist church.

It seems they have to have something like that once in a while to boost their church, maybe they fear the Word of God alone will not.

I know there's many of my fellow brothers & sisters that do not like me to bring such stuff up, but I just have no respect for false teachers, & I do not want to wish them God speed. I do respect their right to worship as they wish, to teach as they please, but God's children needs to be warned about them, & be sure not to help them reach their goal.

Joh 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
Joh 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

God seeks those that will worship Him in truth.

Joh 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

And its God's truth that will make a person free.

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Wow, I did not know that my bringing my kids to a free concert would make for a discussion on abortion. I went with my kids, not to support the Methodist church (like I said, it was a free concert, and I did not put any money in the offering plates when they were passed around), but to spend time with them and also to allow my wife to get some rest before she went to her overnight job.

The concert was truly amazing. The players were lively, spirited, and full of energy. The high school aged kids (this was done by a high school group) did such a wonderful job that I was brought to tears by the music and how much they put of themselves in the music. One of the high school seniors in the group even arranged one of the songs that they played - truly amazing talent.

I was not shocked when Pastor Wendy (or whatever her name was) stood up to open the concert in prayer. Neither did I take my kids by the hands and lead them out of the church. I went for the music. I am a musician. I LOVE music. I want my kids to appreciate good music. I can play 13 instruments and am passing on the training of some of these instruments to my kids. We have played in our church a few times. I even stood up on the platform with my kids and their toy hand bells and played a Christmas song for an offeratory once.

My purpose in writting all of this is not to bash anyone on this board, nor the Methodist church for supporting abortions.

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I love music too, in the right places, & even being in the right places can teach proper things to children, as being in the wrong place can teach them improper things.

No bashing from me, I did not feel you were bashing, but I was letting you as well as others the truths about the Methodist & that the Wesly Bell Ringers are a part of them, along with what they stand for. When we attend such an event, we are supporting them with our presence. Those around us, that see us at such an event, will take it that we support the United Methodist Churches & their beliefs.

In my growing days as a young Christian I always appreciate Christians that thought enough of me to point our thing that I should not do, event I should not attend, or even point out wrong things I had done. Never though they were bashing me or anyone, I always thought they were trying to help me, trying to help me follow God closely. trying to help me from doing wrong, & helping me grow as a Christian.

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