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Worldly People, Worldly Foundations, Originations, That Do Good Works

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Why is it worldly people in America beg for money from the public in order to set up a foundation so that they can do good for others? After I give to my Lord I do not have the money to support worldly people trying to do their good works. And if I have any extra money I feel I ought to be give it to my church & what good that is done with it, is done in only the name of Jesus, not some worldly person getting praised, or even worse, a false teacher of the Gospel.

And with each new year there seem to be several more of these worldly people that come up with some idea how to do good for others by begging the American people for money in order for them to do good works while receiving the credit..

And the thing is in most of these that are begging for your money, most of the money goes to pay wages while little of the actual money is use to help others, while at my church that is not so.

If I have any extra money to give out, I firmly want my Savior to get the glory for the good it may do. What about you?

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The government and other worldy organizations seek to replace the church. Families and churches used to care for their own and for those in need. It was Christian schools, orphanages, homeless shelters, soup kitchens and such which the need once turned to for help. Not only did they receive the physical and temporal help they needed, they were also presented the Gospel of Christ. Many were born again in Christ though such means.

Now the government and other worldly organizations compete to push families and the church aside as they promise hand-outs without the Gospel of Christ.

Sad to say, but most professing Christians today believe it's the governments job to help the poor and needy. They won't give to a Christian organization helping the needy in America, they won't volunteer to work in a Christian food pantry.

We could give to one of the local area agencies which "helps the needy" but why promote the efforts of the world? We choose to give assistance through our church and a Christian group in the area which not only helps those in need but also shares the Gospel of Christ and shows the love of Christ through their actions.

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I think part of it, too, is the fact that Christians have stopped doing the things they used to do in helping others. It's kind of a vicious circle - government proposes the idea of helping in this area or that, Christians at first say no but then say okay, government then does a bit more, Christians okay it....and so on.

I do think it's nice of people who start charities or things like helping Haiti, etc. It is the individual's right to do so...and the US government ought not to give tax dollars at all - because the fed government is not a charity. If a Christian has the money and believes God would have them give towards helping something (like the work being done in Haiti, etc.) there isn't really anything unscriptural about it - unless they quit giving to God in order to give to that.

There is a police organization here in Indiana that helps the children of police officers killed in the line of duty. My hubby will send them $5 or $10 once in a while, if we have the money (I realize that isn't a wad of dough, but when that's what you have, that's what you have :icon_smile: ). He never takes from what we give to the Lord nor from what we need to pay bills. But that is something that churches don't provide, and taxes don't pay for. *shrugs* If someone doesn't want to donate, that's fine. But, again, there's nothing in scripture that forbids it.

That said, I agree more than disagree...Christians need to be careful of where their money goes...

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The point I made was, I want my money, even the little that I have, even the extra dollar ever now & again, to be used in the name of Jesus, & bring glory only to Him.

Both the state police, & sheriffs of Arkansas, are always calling for money to support children, If they want to support children, let them give instead out of their pockets, & stop begging others to give in their names. These origination brings glory only to those that run these origination's, not to Jesus. And generally in such origination's our Savior is completely banned.

Our church supports a Baptist orphan home that takes no state or federal money, & when these children reach 18 & leave this home we try to give them an extra bit of a boost to help them that 1st year. So we are helping children, of all ages, plus all though their early years they're taught about our Savior without interference from the state or federal government, & doing so in the name of our Savior, with Him getting the glory, not some group of people or a worldly origination.

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A local factory I used to work for, has a policy of "no solicitation" among it's employees. Yet, the company solicits the employees for money for local causes, then takes the credit for it. No, I wouldn't advocate giving to politicians like sheriffs etc.But any time we give out of love and a cheerful heart, God is glorified. Our church has a food pantry and helps out in the community. We just finished doing the relay for life campaign.

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