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What Should Christians Watch/hear?

Guest Joshua Berndt

What should Christians watch/hear?  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Christians watch/listen to movies/T.V./radio with foul language and sex/nudity or crude dialogue?

    • No foul language, sex/nudity or crude dialogue
    • No foul language, or sex/nudity
    • No sex/nudity
    • I am wrong, so I watch anything and come up with excuses!

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My husband and I still goes to movie theaters there is a new one that just opened mins away from us, we are very discerning what we would go see and we have to over see some stuff if it happens to be in the movie. I like going to movie theaters still because the people that works at the concession stands and giving out tickets and ushers are there to work and put food on their tables , so once an awhile my husband and I look online read a carefully what is ok for us and if its passable we will go see it. The last movie we seen a few fridays ago is battleships there are a few crude things in it major violence and other things but if you blind a few times the movie will be over with. I thought i would not like it but since its really action packed it moved quickly with some humor.
However this is not about just theaters its about what a Christian should watch an hear, I believe most of the television today are traps of the Devil because there are so much TV channels out there it takes eternity to watch all the channels. I like the cooking shows, educational shows and some funny shows and old time shows but, I don't turn on the TV until my Bible reading time and duties around the house gets done.
I just don't like each time I call my mom she would asked me if I watched a certain show and i say no i am not into that show. I tried to watch Dancing with the stars this passed autumn I had to stop after a few showings because it got more wicked .
Anyhow we are into buying older shows DVD series, my husband recently got me the first three season's of the Cosby show. On the first season last disk they have a special called Looking back on the show that they aired in 2002.
Well, they explained that this family was not only black family but its Americas families, they said also that black children especially boys was saying they wanted to be a doctor because Dr Huxable or how you spell it and Bill Cosby is a doctor on a show. They also had others say they wanted a family like the Huxtables on the Cosby show. So that was a postive show, I wish they made shows like that still.

Now the only thing I watch prime time is What would you do on NBC or ABC I forgot which one at the moment , they set up camera and actors and see what people do in a senerio , they will show people's reaction and the people would explain why they did that and why its important, there are some non family friendly seneiros but it shows you how you should react to the situations.

So I voted again all things we need to be discerning about.

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One of the problems with shows and movies that are "good", is they typically leave God out, or on a few they give some slight acknowledgement of God, but that's typically very little and most often not biblically accurate.

These shows and movies promote the idea that man can do it on his own, man can be good on his own, man can have a wonderful life on his own. Typically the message is that getting an education, going into the right profession, holding to some moral code, being a "good person", is all it takes.

God, our eternal soul, the immediate need to tend to these, is left out. What's put forth is that it's all about today, all about this life, no eternity to consider. The few which touch upon eternity tend to promote false gospels (which are no gospel at all!) which give the impression that "doing good" earns one a ticket to heaven.

Too many people either consciously or unconsciously find themselves looking to TV and movie "herores" as their examples to follow. Should we be looking to John Wayne, Burt Reynolds, Brad Pitt, Andy Griffith, Adam Sandler, Sarah Jessica Parker, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Kate Beckensale or other actors and actresses as our role models or should we be looking to Jesus?

If a person models his life after the Fonz, who came to be a "good person" charactor, will that benefit their eternal soul?

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And look how cute little Opie turned out.

Fonz was a rebel.

Yes, and these "good" charactors are the ones both children and adults try to copy. I can't even count the number of Burt Reynolds, Fonz, and other "stars" I've seen people trying to copy over the years. I was never into disco music but I can still remember so many people trying to copy John Travolta from that disco movie he did in the 70s.

Unfortunately, even Christians fall for this. Some are still trying to copy those they see on TV or in the movies. Some are still trying to copy the actors they wanted to be like before they were saved.

When we are born again in Christ, we need to begin putting all those old, worldly things behind us and take on the likeness of Christ. I love my Dad and wanted to be more like him when I was younger, but after being born again in Christ and reading the Word, I know I need to be less like my Dad (he's unsaved) and more like my heavenly Father.
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When I was growing up even tho I adored stars I worshiped the Lord and God only, yes at times I did lust and idol some celebs but that is natural for teens in pop culture.
Little Opie grew up and now produces an NBC show called parenthood.

Actually, that's not "natural", God calls that sin. I know some young adults who had parents which didn't have TV in the house, didn't allow their children to attend movies or listen to worldly radio, and these young adults never went through a time of worshipping, idolizing or trying imitate "stars". They are free from so much baggage that most of the rest of us are carrying because we have indulged in so much worldliness over the years.
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When I was growing up even tho I adored stars I worshiped the Lord and God only, yes at times I did lust and idol some celebs but that is natural for teens in pop culture.
Little Opie grew up and now produces an NBC show called parenthood.

Little Opie did not grow up in to the type of person he portrayed, far from it, what he has done since them would have not went over in Mayberry, they would have run him out of town.
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Speaking of Opie, I have been watching a lot of him on Andy Griffith Show DVD's lately. Watched 38 episodes over last few days.

Sure wish TV was as clean now as it was then. It was not pure, mind you, but a lot purer than today by a long shot.

Yes, those TV & movie days of yesterday years is what led to what is now shown on TV & the movies.
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Yes, those TV & movie days of yesterday years is what led to what is now shown on TV & the movies.

That's true. The main problem being that God was primarily left out. Even when Chrsitianity was mentioned, it was typically a side matter and often distorted. While some of the older shows seemed to put forth a moral message, that moral message was separated from the source of true morality.

In the end, what was most often taught was that if a person set a good moral code for their lives, they could do well. No need for salvation through Jesus, no need to seek the God of Scripture.

I've noticed even in most of the shows and movies from back then which did make reference to the Bible or God, did so out of context and not in accord with Scripture.

There was also the problem that during those days the RCC held a great deal of control with regards to standards for TV and movies. This came about because the early days of movies were wicked, with much sex and nudity, until the RCC (along with Christian groups) used their clout to censor movies and have a measure of influence over TV. Once these religious counsels dropped from the scene, movies quickly began pushing more and more sex, nudity and wickedness. It didn't take TV long to start pushing things either.

It's terrible how much skin, sex talk and foul words are allowed on TV these days.
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It's terrible how much skin, sex talk and foul words are allowed on TV these days.

And this is where my brain begins to hurt. Even if you take God out of the equation, how can anyone of sound mind think that the addition and/or promotion of such things is good, and they must think it good else why do or promote it?

These same people are now a strong voice in our political system. Any wonder why we're are sinking?
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And this is where my brain begins to hurt. Even if you take God out of the equation, how can anyone of sound mind think that the addition and/or promotion of such things is good, and they must think it good else why do or promote it?

These same people are now a strong voice in our political system. Any wonder why we're are sinking?

Many of them love to promote wickedness because they know it upsets traditional Christians and conservatives. They also have the idea that people are going to do it anyway, so what's wrong with reflecting what they see as real life.

Not to mention, most of the producers and actors live in their own little world, protected by fame and money, so they really see no harm in these things.

Then there are all those who think they are doing some great service by promotting homosexuality, radical feminism, free sex, rebellion and other wickednesses. They see themselves as "raising awareness", "fighters of oppression", "defenders of civil rights for all", and that sort of nonsense.

For most of these, perception is all that matters, facts and and actual reality don't concern them.
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I don't believe its Christians dropped out, & stopped caring. Its Hollywood, they knows what sells, & they hold more power, very deep pocketbooks that influences those in charge, that the religious people in this country.

Gambling is showing up slowly all over our nation, the reason, deep pocketbooks that influence our lawmakers.

Americans loves to do bad to do some good. They claim the lottery in our state will do some good, money from it educating children.

How long will it be before more places in this nation legalize prostitution as they did in Nevada? Remember, the deep pocketbooks rule.

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